We had a lot of requests in the past where people wanted to see the results of horoscope matching (kundli Milan) in Hindi. I am happy to announce that now horoscope matching is available in Hindi language as well. You can perform your horoscope matching (कुण्डली मिलान) in Hindi here.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
horoscope matching (कुण्डली मिलान) in Hindi
Jay Mohyal Happy Holi
Again Happy Holi!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
पुनीत छिब्बर ( शिकागो )
Puneet Chhibber If God was to be found by bathing and cleaning, then frogs and fishes would have found him long back If God was to be found by roaming in jungles, then cows and other animals would have found him long back Bulle, God will be found only by those who are true and good at heart....Babba Bulleh Shah(1680 – 1757)
मोहयालों द्वारा फेसबुक पर पर होली की शुभकामनाएँ
Sudhir Mehta Pichkari ki Dhar,Gulal ki bauchar,Apno ka pyar,Yahi hai yaaron holi ka tyohar।Happy Holi!!!
Vijay Datta Raheja Pyar ke rang se bharo pichkari, sneh ke rang do duniya sari, ye rang na jane koi jaat na koi boli, aapko mubarak ho aapno ki holi..Hope you are all ready for the big day.
शिव,विष और दुनिया को सन्देश
होली मुबारक : पूनम दत्ता और प्रशांत बक्शी

*I May not put colours on your face in this colourful festival but I am praying to God to add more colours in your life May the auspicious festival of colours brighten every corner of your world with gleaming moments of Happiness Wish you and your family a wonderful holi & Happier Times ahead. With regards to all your esteemed Family Members
Prashant Bakshi
Mobile: 9310117077
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
पुष्प बाली : हिंदुस्तान टाइम्स में सम्मान समाचार
City cop gets bravery award (As per article in Hindustan Times) He has been awarded this distinguished bravery award for risking his life to save an 18-year-old girl from drowning in the pond of Sri Devi Talab Mandir in Jalandhar in 2007 It was a matter of pride for Assistant Sub Inspector, Punjab Police, Pushap Bali, to be the only person from Punjab to receive the bravery award during the 53rd All India Police Duty Meet held at Gujarat recently.The Governor of the state, Dr Kamla Beniwal, and DGP S.H.S. Khandwala awarded Bali with `Prime Minister's Police Medal for Life Saving'.He has been awarded with this distinguished bravery award for risking his life to save an 18- year-old girl from drowning in the pond of Sri Devi Talab Mandir in Jalandhar in 2007.Bali, who is posted as in- charge, police and security of Devi Talab Mandir, on September 28, 2007, was on medical rest and was sitting outside his room near the CCTV camera installed inside the tem- ple complex. He observed on the CCTV monitor that Mukta Jain, a girl of Qazi Mohalla, was drowning in the temple pond and people were watching helplessly.Talking to Hindustan Times, Bali said that after seeing the girl drowning, he ran to the spot and jumped into the 15 feet- deep pond to save Mukta, who in turn caught Bali tightly and pulled him down with her.After freeing himself from the clutches of Mukta, the police officer came up to the surface of the pond and asked securi- ty man Dilbar Singh to untie his turban. After catching hold of the turban, Bali tied it to Mukta's arm and brought her to the surface, the cop revealed.Earlier, Bali had saved a minor girl of an advocate from the pos- session of a robber in 2005.He has already achieved President's Police Medal for Gallantry on the occasion of Republic Day-2005 and was awarded Chidren's Day Bravery Award too by the Indian Red Cross Society, Punjab, on the occasion of Children's Day in 2003. |
Yogesh Mehta
Delhi. 110034
ਕ੍ਰਿਸਟਲ ਬਾਲ ਦਾ ਪ੍ਰਯੋਗ क्रिस्टल बाल दा प्रयोग : वास्तु

रहो ज़मीं पे- विजय दत्ता रहेजा : फेसबुक में

Vijay Datta Raheja
रहो जमीं पे मगर आसमां का ख्वाब रखो तुम
अपनी सोच को हर वक्त लाजवाब रखो
खड़े न हो सको इतना न सर झुकाओ कभी तुम
अपने हाथ में किरदार की किताब रखो
उभर रहा जो सूरज तो धूप निकलेगी
उजालों में रहो मत धुंध का हिसाब रखो
मिले तो ऐसे कि कोई न भूल पाये तुम्हें
महक वफ़ा की रखो और बेहिसाब रखो।
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
आपात स्थिति में खून पाएँ : Get Blood in Emergency
All you have to do is just type "BLOOD and send SMS to 96000 97000" (in India)
So please pass this message
It certainly would save many lives.
Monday, February 22, 2010
mohyal sabha dehradun
Saturday, February 20, 2010
किसी के बारे में सोचकर धारणा बनाएँ : Think before judging someone.
Candidate A.
Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B.
He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C
He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife. Which of these candidates
would be our choice? Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down for the
These are the candidates
*Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
*Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
*Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
मोहयाल सभा कनाडा वार्षिक पिकनिक
18th July, 2010
desperately looking forward
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
रहिमन गली है सांकरी
- (Rahim )
रहिमन गली है सांकरी, दूजो ना ठहराहिं।
आपु अहै तो हरि नहीं, हरि तो आपुन नाहिं।।
A man of pleasant nature with the spirit of service,
with humility and obedience, can influence millions.
The law of "like attracts like" operates in the physical
and mental planes. A man of strong personality need
not send invitations to people, they are attracted to him,
just as bees come and perch as soon as flowers blossom.
(Swami Sivananda)
अच्छे स्वभाव वाला व्यक्ति, जिसमें सेवा की भावना, चरित्र की नम्रता और
आज्ञाकारिता का पुट हो, वह लाखों को प्रभावित कर सकता है। आप चाहे
मानसिक विचारभूमि की बात कहिए या स्थूल जगत् की, सभी जगह
एक उभयनिष्ठ नियम है कि समान स्वभाव और गुणशील पदार्थ एक-दूसरे
से प्रभावित हो जाते हैं। मजबूत व्यक्तित्व वाले इन्सान को आत्म-प्रदर्शन की
आवश्यकता नहीं रहती, बल्कि भंवरे जिस प्रकार फूल की और अपने-आप
दोड़े जाते हैं, समाज भी वैसे ही उसकी ओर आकर्षित होकर चला आता है।
One Father is the Satguru
This creation is eternal. They question “When did He create so many souls?”certainly this eternal drama continues. It is infinite. It never comes to an end.
Whether anyone live or die, you should have no attachment to anyone but the One Father.This drama is pre-destined. If someone dies, he will go and play another part, eternal part.No need to cry or be sad at all. This is the stage of the power of yoga.
When war, natural calamities come, people will leave like swarm of mosquitos.
To remove one’s remembrance of friends, relations and everyone else and to become stable in unlimited happiness is a great wonder. Yes. This too will happen at the end. The conscious of the body will then be broken.
Only the One Father is the Satguru who grants salvation to all. The Father teaches you.
Everything you see with the eyes is to turn into a graveyard.
You continue to become flowers.
Golden Age, everyone is without attachment.
The power of the mind means the power of elevated thoughts and to have clear line of intellect with the One.
Fearlessness and humility are the forms of gyani and yogi souls.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
अशोक लव सम्मानित / सुभाष दत्ता

१४ फरवरी को जनरल मोहयाल सभा के नई दिल्ली स्थित मुख्यालय में श्री अशोक लव को उनकी सामाजिक सेवाओं के लिए सम्मानित किया गया।
दिसंबर में फरीदाबाद में आयोजित ' मोहयाल - दिवस ' के अवसर पर यह सम्मान प्रदान किया जाना था। श्री अशोक लव माता जी के निधन के कारण समारोंह में उपस्थित न हो सके थे। मोहयाल सभा फरीदाबाद के अध्यक्ष श्री रमेश दत्ता ने उन्हें यह सम्मान जी एम एस कार्यालय में प्रदान करने का निश्चय किया।
जनरल मोहयाल सभा के अध्यक्ष मोहयाल-रत्न रायजादा बी डी बाली ने उन्हें स्मृति-चिह्न प्रदान किया। इस अवसर पर रायजादा बी डी बाली ने अशोक लव के मोहयाल समाज के लिए किए कार्यों की प्रशंसा की।
सबने तालियों के साथ उनका स्वागत किया और प्रसन्नता प्रकट की।
इस अवसर पर श्री अशोक लव की पत्नी श्रीमती नरेशबाला लव और सुपुत्री पारुल मेहता भी उपस्थित थीं।
सम्मान के अवसर की प्रसन्नता इस फ़ोटो में अंकित हो गई है।
फ़ोटो में ( बाएँ से )-बाएँ से श्री अशोक लव ,मेहता ओ पी मोहन ( सीनियर वाईस प्रेज़िडेंट ), अशोक लव ,रायजादा बी डी बाली, बक्शी एस के छिब्बर आई ए एस ( पूर्व उप-राज्यपाल), श्री डी वी मोहन प्रसन्न मुद्रा में ।

बाएँ से - श्री जी एल दत्ता जोश, मेहता ओ पी मोहन ( सीनियर वाईस प्रेज़िडेंट ), श्री अशोक लव, रायजादा बी डी बाली, बक्शी एस के छिब्बर आई ए एस ( पूर्व उप-राज्यपाल)।

मेहता ओ पी मोहन ( सीनियर वाईस प्रेज़िडेंट ), श्री अशोक लव, रायजादा बी डी बाली, श्री रमेश दत्ता।

फोटोग्राफ :योगेश मेहता एवं पारुल मेहता
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sweeteners and Diabetes
From the American Diabetes Association |

If you have diabetes, that doesn't mean you can't eat sweets. People with diabetes can eat desserts, use sweeteners, and still keep their blood glucose (sugar) levels in their target range. These options are available for sweetening your foods:
- Sugar and other sweeteners with calories including honey, brown sugar, molasses, fructose, cane sugar, and confectioners sugar
- Reduced-calorie sweeteners including erythritol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol
- Low-calorie sweeteners such as ascelfume potassium, aspartame, saccharin and sucralose
In the past, people with diabetes were warned to completely avoid sugar. Experts thought that eating sugar would rapidly increase blood glucose, resulting in levels that were too high. Some people even thought that eating sugar caused diabetes, an idea that we now know isn't true.
Research has shown that the total amount of carbohydrate affects blood glucose levels the most. But, the type of carbohydrate (e.g. sugar vs. starch) can also affect blood glucose levels. Learn more about the types of carbohydrate and the glycemic index.
Now experts agree you can eat foods with sugar as long as you work them into your meal plan as you would any other carb-containing food. The same guidelines apply to other sweeteners with calories, including brown sugar, honey, and molasses.
Of course, most sweets and desserts don't provide the important vitamins and minerals found in more healthful foods, so you'll want to make sure you're still getting the nutrients you need. Many sweets, in addition to having carbs, are also high in fat and calories.
If you like sweets, but also want to lose weight, you can try these tips:
Satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh or dried fruit
Eat a small serving of your favorite dessert, instead of something ordinary
When you are eating out, split desserts with a friend or family member
Cut back on the amounts of sugar and fat in your recipe favorites
Try new recipes for lower-calorie sweets
Choose lower-calorie, lower-fat versions of your favorite desserts
Use a low-calorie sweetener instead of sugar for your coffee or tea
How can I have sweets and still keep my blood glucose on target?
The key to keeping your blood glucose on target is to substitute small portions of sweets for other carb-containing foods in your meals and snacks. Carb-containing foods include bread, tortillas, rice, crackers, cereal, fruit, juice, milk, yogurt, potatoes, corn, and peas. For many people, having about 45 to 60 grams at meals is about right. Serving sizes make a difference. To include sweets in your meal, you can cut back on the other carb foods at the same meal.
For example, you'd like to have cookies with your lunch. Your lunch is a turkey sandwich with two slices of bread. Your first step is to identify the carb foods in your meal. Bread is a carb. You decide to swap two slices of bread for two slices of low-calorie bread and have the cookies — it's an even trade. Your total amount of carbohydrate remains the same for the meal.
What to Check in the Nutrition Facts
You can also use the Nutrition Facts Label on foods to guide you. The first thing to check is the serving size. The second is the total carbohydrate. The total carbohydrate tells you how much carbohydrate is in one serving of the food.
What else can I learn from food labels?
Foods labeled as sugar-free, no sugar added, reduced sugar, and dietetic still contain carbohydrate. To check the amount of sugars (listed as "Sugars" under "Total Carbohydrate") in the Nutrition Facts Label, keep in mind that it includes both added sugars and naturally occurring sugars, such as the natural sugar in raisins. It is more helpful to check the total carbohydrate because it gives a better picture of all the carbohydrate in a single food.
Reduced Calorie Sweeteners – Sugar Alcohols
Sugar alcohols are one type of reduced-calorie sweetener and are used in sugar-free candies, chewing gum, and desserts. They provide about half the calories of sugars and other carbohydrates. Isomalt, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol are examples of sugar alcohols. Even though they are called sugar alcohols, they do not contain alcohol. Sometimes sugar alcohols can cause diarrhea, especially in children. Many people think that foods with sugar alcohols are "free foods." This is not true!
Tips for Carb Counting and Sugar Alcohols
Sugar alcohols don't raise blood glucose as much as the same amount of other carbohydrates. To figure out the amount of other carbohydrate you should count for a food with sugar alcohols, follow these tips:
- Subtract half of the sugar alcohol grams from the total carbohydrate
- Count the remaining grams
For Example:
Serving Size: 1 bar
Total carbohydrate 15 grams — Sugar alcohol 6 grams
One bar counts as 12 grams carbohydrate (15 – 3 = 12)
Low Calorie Sweeteners
Don't throw away your low-calorie sweeteners just because sugar is safer than you thought. Low-calorie sweeteners are "free foods." They make food taste sweet, and have no calories and do not raise blood glucose levels. They do not count as a carbohydrate, a fat, or any other exchange. They can be added to your meal plan instead of substituted.
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of these low-calorie sweeteners. The American Diabetes Association accepts the FDA's conclusion that these sweeteners are safe and can be part of a healthy diet.
Saccharin (Sweet N Low, Sugar Twin)
Saccharin can be used in both hot and cold foods to make them sweeter. You may recall that some studies giving very large quantities of saccharine to rats raised concerns that saccharin could cause cancer, but many studies and years of use have shown saccharin to be safe in the quantities used by consumers.
Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal)
Aspartame is another low-calorie sweetener. Because high temperatures can decrease its sweetness, check the manufacturer's Web site or call their toll-free number for guidelines when using aspartame in recipes.
Acesulfame potassium (Sweet One, Swiss Sweet, Sunett)
Another low-calorie sweetener on the market is acesulfame potassium, also called acesulfame-K. This sweetener is heat stable and can be used in baking and cooking.
Sucralose (SPLENDA)
Sucralose is the newest low-calorie sweetener on the market. Sucralose is not affected by heat and retains its sweetness in hot beverages, baked goods, and processed foods.
If you like to cook, you know that sugar does more in hot foods, especially baked goods like cookies and cakes, than just add sweetness. It also affects the way the foods cook and the final texture. Substituting a low-calorie sweetener may affect the texture and taste. Many people use a combination of sugar and a low-calorie sweetener to reduce overall calories and sugar while still producing acceptable results.
All of these low-calorie sweeteners may help people who are overweight or have diabetes to reduce calories and stick to a healthy meal plan. In addition, these sweeteners are useful for reducing calories and carbohydrates when used instead of sugar in coffee, tea, cereal, and on fruit.
Are low-calorie sweeteners safe?
The low-calorie sweeteners in the United States all underwent extensive testing before they were approved. Results showed that low-calorie sweeteners are safe for everyone, including children and pregnant women. However, people with a rare condition called phenylketonuria (PKU) should limit their intake of aspartame, one type of low-calorie sweetener.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of reduced-calorie or low-calorie sweeteners?
Foods with low- or reduced-calorie sweeteners can have fewer calories than foods made with sugar and other caloric sweeteners. That can help if you're trying to lose weight or even prevent weight gain. However, some sugar-free foods or products that use low-calorie sweeteners actually have more calories than, and may have more fat than, the sugar sweetened versions.
When you're considering foods with low- or reduced-calorie sweeteners, always check the Nutrition Facts on the label. By comparing the calories in the sugar-free version to the regular version, you'll see whether you're really getting fewer calories. You'll also want to compare the fat content of the labels. Some people choose the regular version of a food and cut back on the serving size instead of buying the sugar-free version. Consider price as well. Sometimes sugar-free versions cost more.
Low-calorie sweeteners are useful for adding extra flavor or sweetness to your food, with few if any extra calories. You can experiment with your own recipes to include reduced- and low-calorie sweeteners.