
Monday, January 24, 2011



Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins :

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer
cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have
multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients
that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after
treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the
cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a
person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer
cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and
forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has
nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic,
but also to environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing
diet to eat more adequately and healthy, 4-5 times/day

and by including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing
cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells
in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can
cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7.. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars
and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often
reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of
chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from
chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either
compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb
to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to
mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy.
Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer
cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.


a. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made
with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute
would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small
amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in
color Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the
gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting
off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer
cells are being starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based
diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat,
like chicken. Meat also contains livestock
antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all
harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole
grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into
an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked
food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live
enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to
cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance
growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building
healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most
vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw
vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at
temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)..

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high
caffeine Green tea is a better alternative e and has cancer
fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or
filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap
water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of
digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the
intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By
refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes
to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the
body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system
(IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals,
EFAs etc.) to enable the body’s own killer cells to destroy
cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known
to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's
normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or
unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.
A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior
be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put
the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to
have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenatedenvironment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

1. No plastic containers in micro.
2. No water bottles in freezer.
3. No plastic wrap in microwave..
Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Castle Hospital , was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food. You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant r amen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Paper isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.
Please share this with your whole email list.........................
Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.
This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Materialistic Happiness is unreal

Today or tomorrow this worthless material body will leave me and I will lose all the material happiness connected with it. Because this material happiness is temporary, it should be understood to be only a mirage of the real happiness. O my mind, please abandon this false happiness and enjoy the real, eternal happiness.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mata rani ki shakti grahan karen

Acharya Pritam Devtirth
Mata rani ki shakti grahan karen.samast manokamnao ki prapti keren.jivan me sampoornata evam divyata ki prapti ke liye jagdamba ki shakti prapt karen.bhagyonnati evam saubhagya ki prapti ke liye Ma Durga,Ma Kamakhya ki shakti prapt karen.samast vighna badhao ki mukti ke liye Ma kali ki shakti prapt karen.samast rog evam sankat se mukti ke liye shakti jagran karen.jivan ko sukhmay banane ke liye mata rani ki divya urja prapt karen.Mata rani jagdamba ki divya kripa prapti ke liye brahmand janani ki shakti prapt karen.jivan me samast safalta prapt karne ke liye MataRani ki shakti grahan karen.Devine Power evolution mantra healing effect. Acharya Pritam Devtirh ,Jyotishacharya-vedacharya,double M.A.,Mantra upchar mantra prayog karta,yagya upchar yagya prayog-karta,mantra power evolution healing effect ke inventor.(+919313525490) (+919968220303) WORLD FAMILY OF MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE {SANATAN VAIDIK DHARM-SAMAGRA SADHANA SAMPOORNA SEVA VISHWA SAN Acharya Pritam Devtirth-grah upchar chikitsa,Devi bhagvat katha nishnat,kamroop kamakhya-sadhak,scholar of varanasi(Kashi)

A Proper Sequence Of Mantra-Jap-Sadhana
1- Om Gang Ganpataey Namah( 11-bar jap karey,chant in eleven times)
2- Om Namo narayanay ( " )
3- Om bhur bhuvah swah tatsa vitur varenyam bhargo devasaya dhimhi dhiyo yonah prachodayat( chant 11 times)
4- Om hring dung durgayai namah (chant 108 times)
5- Om hring shring mahalakchhmayai namah (chant 108 times )
6- Om hang hanumatay namah (chant 11 times)
7- Om namah shivay (chant 108 times ) , in sarey mantro ka jap subah sham karey,yah samagra sadhana sanantan vaidik hindu arya bharat dharma ka sankshipt sadhana hai,POWER OF LAKSHMI--{Om Shring}(this is the power of mother lakshmi,is mantra ka din bhar sumiran jap kartey rahey,) Vishesh-power-evolution-sadhana ke liye Acharya Pritam Devtirth g se sampark delhi-52(Mob-09313525490,09968220303)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

'मोहयाल मित्र ' में लेख भेजें / अशोक लव

'प्रेरक व्यक्तित्व' के अंतर्गत 'मोहयाल मित्र' के प्रत्येक अंक में किसी न किसी ऐसे मोहयाल व्यक्ति के विषय में लेख प्रकाशित किये जाएँगे जिन्होंने जीवन के किसी क्षेत्र में महत्वपूर्ण उपलब्धियाँ प्राप्त की हैं. जिनका व्यक्तित्व दूसरों के लिए प्रेरणा देने वाला हो. यदि आप ऐसे व्यक्तियों से सुपरिचित हैं तो उनके विषय में लेख भेजें. इस विषय में संपादक (हिंदी ) से फ़ोन 011-26560456 से (जी एम एस कार्यालय ) संपर्क कर सकते हैं. ० संपादक

Switch your Mobile Operator If Services Are Poor

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is slated to flag off the nationwide roll-out of mobile number portability on 19th January 2011 ,Thursday , a move that will allow users to switch operators without losing their phone numbers and will force telecom providers to improve the quality of their services.

"I think its a great step forward for the consumer, as it enhances choice and brings in more competition, because the more efficient you are as a service provider, the more likely that consumers will choose you," Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal said on Wednesday.

MNP services were first launched in Haryana in November last year. Nevertheless, companies like Idea Cellular and Vodafone started marketing their services to subscribers in other parts of the country that are looking at switching operators even before MNP services were rolled out.

Idea Cellular, which started the ''No idea? Get Idea'' campaign to woo the subscribers of rival telcos, has also set up a toll-free line to assist customers looking to switch operators.

More operators are expected to undertake similar activities to retain their subscribers, with competition likely to heat up following the nationwide roll-out of MNP services, with telcos poaching their rivals'' subscribers.

On tariffs, Sistema Shyam TeleServices (SSTL) President and Chief Executive Officer Vsevolod Rozanov, which offers services under the brand MTS, said, "I think tariffs will go down further especially if we speak about the post-paid customer base that is where we are likely to see the ARPU going down."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Data Processing Executives:Walk-in-interview

Data Processing Executives
Dwarka New Delhi

Telecallers walk-in- interview :20 to 25th Jan

at Dwarka
New Delhi

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

US Kids more on Pills


Gage Martindale, who is 8 years old, has been taking a blood-pressure drug since he was a toddler. "I want to be healthy, and I don't want things in my heart to go wrong," he says.

And, of course, his mom is always there to check Gage's blood pressure regularly with a home monitor, and to make sure the second-grader doesn't skip a dose of his once-a-day enalapril.

These days, the medicine cabinet is truly a family affair. More than a quarter of U.S. kids and teens are taking a medication on a chronic basis, according to Medco Health Solutions Inc., the biggest U.S. pharmacy-benefit manager with around 65 million members. Nearly 7% are on two or more such drugs, based on the company's database figures for 2009.

Doctors and parents warn that prescribing medications to children can be problematic. There is limited research available about many drugs' effects in kids. And health-care providers and families need to be vigilant to assess the medicines' impact, both intended and not. Although the effects of some medications, like cholesterol-lowering statins, have been extensively researched in adults, the consequences of using such drugs for the bulk of a patient's lifespan are little understood.

Many medications kids take on a regular basis are well known, including treatments for asthma and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Other Health Related Videos

* Listen: Kids are taking more drugs that are associated with adults

But children and teens are also taking a wide variety of other medications once considered only to be for adults, from statins to diabetes pills and sleep drugs, according to figures provided to The Wall Street Journal by IMS Health, a research firm. Prescriptions for antihypertensives in people age 19 and younger could hit 5.5 million this year if the trend though September continues, according to IMS. That would be up 17% from 2007, the earliest year available.

Researchers attribute the wide usage in part to doctors and parents becoming more aware of drugs as an option for kids. Unhealthy diets and lack of exercise among children, which lead to too much weight gain and obesity, also fuel the use of some treatments, such as those for hypertension. And some conditions are likely caught and treated earlier as screening and diagnosis efforts improve.

Gage, who isn't overweight, has been on hypertension drugs since he had surgery to fix a heart defect as a toddler, says his mother, Stefanie Martindale, a Conway, Ark., marketing-company manager.

Most medications that could be prescribed to children on a chronic basis haven't been tested specifically in kids, says Danny Benjamin, a Duke University pediatrics professor. And older drugs rarely get examined, since pharmaceutical firms have little incentive to test medicines once they are no longer under patent protection.

Still, a growing number of studies have been done under a Food and Drug Administration program that rewards drug companies for testing medications in children. In more than a third of these studies, there have been surprising side effects, or results that suggested a smaller or larger dose was needed than had been expected, Dr. Benjamin says. Those findings underscore that children's reactions to medicines can be very different than those of adults. Long-term effects of drugs in kids are almost never known, since pediatric studies, like those in adults, tend to be relatively short.

"We know we're making errors in dosing and safety," says Dr. Benjamin, who is leading a new National Institutes of Health initiative to study drugs in children. He suggests that parents should do as much research as they can to understand the evidence for the medicine, confirm the diagnosis, and identify side effects. Among the places to check: drug labels and other resources on the FDA's website, published research at, and clinical guidelines from groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics.

When a child psychiatrist diagnosed their then 8-year-old daughter with bipolar disorder four years ago, Ken and Joy Lewis, of Chapel Hill, N.C., sought a second opinion from another child psychiatrist.

They also worked with a psychologist. Dr. Lewis, who leads a company that does early-stage drug studies, reads all the available research on each medication suggested for the girl, now 12, who has taken antipsychotics and other psychiatric medications including Risperdal and Haldol.

"If your child has a chronic problem, then you have to invest the time as a parent," he says.

Parents and doctors also say nondrug alternatives should be explored where possible. Tom Wells, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences who sees patients at Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock, frequently pushes diet and exercise changes before drugs for hypertensive kids. "Obesity is really the biggest cause I see for high blood pressure in adolescents," he says. But only about 10% of families adhere to his diet and exercise recommendations, he says.

Beverly Pizzano, a psychologist who lives in Palm Harbor, Fla., spent years struggling with behavioral therapies for her son Steven, 10, who showed symptoms of ADHD at a young age. She worked with a counselor on a system of rewards for good behavior, and even had a research team watch him and suggest interventions. But she turned to medications after he struggled in kindergarten. "We tried everything before I would get to that," she says.

After a drug is prescribed, children must be closely monitored, doctors say. They may not recognize or communicate a possible side effect, or whether their symptoms are improving. They also don't always follow prescription instructions.

Robert Lemanske, a professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, says patients at his pediatric asthma clinic are checked regularly for side effects such as slowed rates of growth. He quizzes parents and young patients on details like where they keep their inhalers to make sure they're taking their prescribed medicine.

Nichole Ramsey, a preschool teacher whose 9-year-old son Antwone is a patient at the clinic, watches her son's basketball practices so she can head off any wheezing or other symptoms. She also makes sure she's around when he gets his regular Advair dose. If Antwone stays at a friend's house overnight, she asks the parents to watch that he takes steps like rinsing out his mouth to avoid a fungal infection that can be a side effect of the inhaled drug.

"You're still the best monitor of what's going on with them," she says of a parent's role.

Ms. Ramsey is particularly concerned about Advair, which has been tied to rare instances of asthma-related death, but says it works better than a previous drug he was using. Before he started the medications, Antwone was hospitalized several times for asthma attacks.

As children's bodies change and grow, they often need different drugs or doses, says Greg Kearns, chairman of medical research at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo.

Jennifer Flory, a homemaker in Baldwin City, Kan., says that after her daughter Cassandra, now 16, started taking a higher dose of the asthma drug Singulair a few years ago, she became more moody and sad. Ms. Flory didn't connect the change to the drug, but when she eventually mentioned it to a nurse practitioner at the girl's asthma clinic, the nurse suggested stopping Singulair, which currently has a precaution in its label about possible psychiatric side effects. Cassandra, who continued taking Advair, became far more cheerful and didn't have any increase in asthma symptoms, Ms. Flory says.

A spokesman for Merck & Co., which makes Singulair, said in a statement that the company is "confident in the efficacy and safety of Singulair," which is "an important treatment option for appropriate patients."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Deepak Dutta :CA In Australia

Below is the news paper report of It is about Deepak Dutta
(the most sort after CA in Australia) S/o Sh. N.K.Dutta(currently residing in
Australia) and nephew of Sh. Inderjit Dutta(Asstt. Sec. Mohyal Sabha Amritsar)
resident of Lookwell Bakery, Shakti Nagar, Amritsar. We at Mohyal Sabha
Amritsar, Congratulate him and his family and wish Deepak Best of Luck for
his further achievements.
(Ch. Anil Dutta)
(Elected Member, Managing committee, GMS-Delhi)
(Senior Vice President, Mohyal Sabha Amritsar)


HEAD-HUNTED by his current employer, 26-year-old Deepak Dutta is tipped to become one
of the country’s most sought-after accountants।And while he spends his days crunching numbers in the city, at night he enjoys nothing more than to kick back in front of the latest Bollywood movie. “I like all of them,” he said. “They are really good.” Mr Dutta is considered to be one of the industry’s rising stars after beating almost 1300 of his peers to top the state in this year’s chartered accountants’ exam. He was awarded a $1000 prize and high acclaim from his bosses at Superallies, a division of the accountancy and business services firm Lawler Partners.
The firm’s chairman Terry Lawler said the Dee Why resident had a long, successful career ahead of him.“Deepak is already one of the industry’s best and brightest and we’re delighted he’s on our team,” he said. Mr Dutta moved to Australia from New Delhi with his family in 2003, and immediately began studying at Brookvale TAFE. He continued his studies at Macquarie University before undertaking the chartered accountants program early this year.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Donate Generously for Mohyal Ashram Vrindavan

Mohyal Ashram Vrindavan is under construction. Please donate for Rooms,Langar Fund etc.Contact
General Mohyal Sabha ,A-9,Qutab Institutional Area,Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110067

निर्माणाधीन मोहयाल आश्रम वृन्दावन
के लिए धनराशि भेंट करें.

Friday, January 7, 2011

You Are What You Believe

YOU ARE WHAT YOU .... BELIEVE : Thing is, your beliefs make all the difference . They define you, drive you, inspire you.

BELIEVE ... BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE : Your beliefs can make you smart, hardworking, successful, talented or passionate.

BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE A LEADER TOMORROW : Hold steadfast to your beliefs and never let go ... Devote your life to what you believe in with every fibre of your being ... Because within you is the power to transform yourself into what you want to be .

BELIEVE IN THE AMBITIONS WITHIN : What separates a leader from the rest is ambition. Have the raging fire inside to get ahead at all cost. And grow, grow and grow until you are a towering presence.

BELIEVE IN THE DREAMS WITHIN : Every major achievement you see in the world was once someones dream. Believe in the power of dreams , but remember to work towards making them real.

BELIEVE IN THE ASPIRATIONS WITHIN : You are only as big as your aspirations. You can be anything you want to be if you want it bad enough . Go ahead , be all that you want to be.

BELIEVE IN THE IDEAS WITHIN : Develop your imaginative powers, and you will always be full of ideas. Think different, think better, think big . Because ideas are what takes the world forward.

BELIEVE IN INSPIRATION WITHIN : Who is one person who drives you to strive hard the most ? If you answered with your own name you are already on the road to success. Because the greatest of leaders find inspiration inside themselves.

BELIEVE IN THE BEAUTY WITHIN : Your mind is the immense beauty. Nourish it and expose it to new things , and keep it young and beautiful .

BELIEVE IN THE GENIUS WITHIN : Genius is a little inspiration mixed with a lot of perspiration . You already have all the inspiration you need . Put in hard work and make greatness yours.

BELIEVE IN THE MAGIC WITHIN : You have a potential , the inner resources to achieve great things. However arduous a task may appear, summon the strength inside and you will never fail.

BELIEVE IN THE CURIOSITY WITHIN : Explore within and without, stay inquisitive. Be always a awe of the splendours of the world. And lead an interesting life , seeking novel experiences .

BELIEVE IN THE PASSION WITHIN : Passion is the magic ingredient for success. Are you passionate about a cause, a talent, a goal? You should be.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Keep your healh with Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating for Weight Loss

Most health experts recommend eating a balanced, healthy diet to maintain or to lose weight. But exactly what is a healthy diet?

The basic components of a healthy diet include the right amount of:

  • Protein (found in fish, meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and beans)
  • Fat (found in animal and dairy products, nuts, and oils)
  • Carbohydrates (found in fruits, vegetables, pasta, rice, grains, beans and other legumes, and sweets)
  • Vitamins (such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K)
  • Minerals (such as calcium, potassium, and iron)
  • Water

What Are Calories?

Of these six nutrients, only carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide calories. A calorie is a measurement, just like a teaspoon or an inch. Calories are the amount of energy released when your body breaks down food. The more calories a food has, the more energy it can provide to your body. When you eat more calories than you need, your body stores the extra calories as fat. Even low-carb and fat-free foods can have a lot of calories that can be stored as fat. Alcohol is not a nutrient, yet it also provides calories.

What Are Proteins?

Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building, maintenance, and repair of body tissue such as the skin, the internal organs, and muscle. They are also the major components of our immune system and hormones.

Proteins are made up of substances called amino acids -- 22 are considered vital for health. Of these, the adult body can make 14; the other eight (called essential amino acids) can only be obtained from what we eat.

Proteins are found in all types of food, but only fish, meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, and other foods from animal sources contain complete proteins, meaning they provide the eight essential amino acids.

Your daily diet must contain enough protein to replenish these amino acids. Thus, if you are vegetarian and do not eat food from animal sources, you need to eat a variety of plant proteins in combination to ensure that you get enough of the essential amino acids. Examples of foods that provide plant protein include soy, nuts, seeds, legumes, vegetables, and whole grains.

The new dietary reference values for protein for adults are 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. This translates to about 0.36 grams of protein per pound.

However, over the course of a day, the average American diet includes almost double the protein needed to help maintain a healthy body. Using the chart below, you can easily calculate how much protein your body needs.

Adult WeightSuggested Daily Grams of Protein

Is Any Fat Healthy?

A certain amount of fat in the diet is good and necessary to be healthy. Adults should get 20%-35% of their calories from fat. However, nutrition experts agree that most Americans should eat less fat than they currently do. Research shows that excessive intake of fat -- especially trans fat and saturated fat -- and cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease. Eating too much fat can cause excess body weight, since a gram of fat has about twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates (see below) and proteins. (There are 9 calories per gram of fat compared with 4 calories for protein and carbohydrates.)

Fat is made up of compounds called fatty acids or lipids. Depending on their chemical structure, these fatty acids are called monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, or trans fats. Trans fats and saturated fats are the unhealthiest fats to eat. Trans fats are formed when manufacturers turn liquid oils into solid fats, such as with shortening and hard margarine. Trans fats can also be found in many foods, including crackers (even healthy-sounding ones), cereals, baked goods, snack foods, salad dressings, fried foods, and many other processed foods.

Problems with too much dietary fat can also come when 10% or more of your daily calories come from saturated fats such as those found in meats, high-fat dairy products, and butter and foods cooked or made with hydrogenated fats. And consuming trans fats in any amount is also not recommended. These practices may lead to high blood cholesterol levels and heart disease.

What Are Carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates provide fuel for the body in the form of glucose. Glucose is a sugar that is the primary source of energy for all of the body's cells. Adults should get about 45%-65% of their calories from carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate sources include many foods that are nutrient-rich such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, as well as foods such as candy, pastries, cookies, and flavored beverages (soft drinks and fruit drinks), which provide insignificant amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.

What Are Vitamins?

Vitamins help with chemical reactions in the body. In general, vitamins must come from the diet; the body doesn't make them.

There are 13 vitamins essential to the body. They are divided into two categories: water-soluble (vitamin C and all the B vitamins) and fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E, and K). The fat-soluble vitamins are more easily stored by the body. Thus, you do not need large amounts of these vitamins since excess amounts can be toxic and cause a variety of problems.

Because the water-soluble vitamins aren't stored for long in the body, we must consume them daily. And, although taking large doses of these vitamins isn't necessarily dangerous, it may be wasteful as the body eliminates the excess water-soluble vitamins in the urine.

What Are Minerals?

Minerals, like vitamins, must come from the diet; the body doesn't make them. Many minerals are vital to the proper function of the body and must be taken in relatively large amounts (such as calcium, potassium, and iron.) Others, like trace minerals (zinc, selenium, and copper), are only needed in small amounts to maintain good health.

How Does Water Promote Health?

Although it has no food value, water is essential to our survival. It keeps the body adequately hydrated. Water is the most plentiful substance in the body, accounting for 55%-65% of body weight, but because the body can't store water, we must constantly replenish it.

What Makes Up a Healthy Diet?

A healthy diet should consist of:

  • 45% to 65% carbohydrates.
  • 10% to 35% protein.
  • 20% to 35% fat, with no more than 10% saturated fat and very little (or no) trans fat.

The Food Pyramid published by the USDA makes it easy to envision just how much of each food type you should eat.

Each section of the pyramid represents a food group; the size of the group corresponds to the number of recommended servings. The base of the pyramid represents the grain group. These are carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. You should eat six to 11 servings per day of these foods. The next tier of the pyramid includes vegetables and fruit. You should eat three to five servings per day of vegetables and two to four servings per day of fruit. These are good sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The next level is protein, like dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts. You should eat two to three servings per day of foods from the milk group and two to three servings per day of foods from the meat, egg, bean, and nut group. The top level of the pyramid is fats, oils, and sweets; these should be used sparingly.

The pyramid calls for eating a variety of foods to get all of the nutrients you need, and, at the same time, the right amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight. If you're watching your weight, eat the minimum number of recommended servings. If you need to gain weight, eat the maximum number of servings. And, keep in mind as to what constitutes a serving. Most serving sizes are smaller than you think. Be sure to read the food labels carefully to determine the accurate portion size.

Also, try to choose nonfat and lean foods as often as possible. For example, choose nonfat or 1% milk instead of 2% or whole milk; lean meat instead of fatty meat; and breads and cereals that are not processed with a lot of fat.

But you don't have to completely avoid all foods that have fat, cholesterol, or sodium. It's your average over a few days, not in a single food or even a single meal that's important. If you eat a high-fat food or meal, balance your intake by choosing low-fat foods the rest of the day or the next day. Read the food labels on everything you eat to help you "budget" your fat, cholesterol, and sodium over several days.

Way of life in a Moment

1. To be conscious of your breath (or not).

2. To eat according to your body's needs, rather than your mind's.

3. To listen to the sounds of nature surrounding you (or not).

4. To feel the energy body within your physical body (or not).

5. To be appreciative of your home, your health, the beauty surrounding you.

6. To feel God or not to feel God.

7. To choose your thoughts as you become aware of how they make you feel.

8. To tune in to your physical body and stretch or move to unblock energy (or not).

9. To close your eyes for a few seconds to breathe, feel, & listen. (except while driving!)

10. To open your heart to yourself right now (or not).

All this in a moment. And so much more. You see, your choices in this moment create your next moment, and the next.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pisces Horoscope for 2011(Meen)

Yearly Horoscope 2011 for Pisces Moon Sign

Characteristic of Pisces

You are benevolent, kind, sensitive and sympathetic. The problems and pains of others make you sad. You are interested in creative and innovative tasks and you also like to participate in social activities. Try to improve your leadership qualities because you have abilities to become a good leader.

Avoid being too traditional and learn to welcome modern views and thoughts. You should mould your behavior according to the situation. Try to bring the quality of patience in your behavior. Do not be egoistic and try to control your anger.

2011 Pisces Horoscope - Money and Finance

Pisces Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first trimester of 2011 will be moderate for economic prospects. You may have to struggle and put a lot of efforts in the starting of 2011 to strengthen your financial condition. But unfortunately, your endeavors may not generate the results you expect, due to which you may get disappointed. Your authority may get reduced during the middle of the trimester.

Your luck is not in your favor but you can achieve success through your knowledge and experience. Continuity in the efforts could help you to change your bad time into positive. You will easily perform tasks of lending or borrowing of money.

Pisces Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You will be able to improve your economic condition in the second trimester of 2011. Be careful from your enemies otherwise they may create problems for you. Do your work creatively to earn good income under unfavorable circumstances. Your luck will be supportive during this period.

You will work enthusiastically and passionately. Your positive attitude towards work will help you gain profit. Do not get involved into disputes on the professional front; it may ruin your relationships. Your high morale will help you in removing obstacles from your work.

Pisces Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You will start getting the benefits of the tasks performed earlier in this period. Partnership business will be beneficial for you. You may get involved in the projects related to foreign companies. Your workload and responsibilities may increase during this time.

Take your decisions wisely and quickly otherwise your plans may not yield results on time. Seniors may not help you in need. Your economic status may fluctuate at the end of this period. Your enemies would be dominant during this period, therefore, be careful.

Pisces Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Foreign projects will be profitable for you and will inspire you to put more efforts in your work. Women may become the reason of money loss during this period. You may face problems to get back your money which you lent earlier. You will continue to work but your confidence level may be low. Wait for the time to become favorable.

2011 Pisces Horoscope -Career and Profession

Pisces Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will achieve success in the first trimester of 2011 through your efforts. Your struggling capability will help you to get the desired results from your hard work. Your contacts may be bring you fresh benefits. Your confidence level would be low on the work front. Behave politely if you want to finish your pending work successfully.

You will earn profits from foreign projects. Ideological differences on the work front are likely but you should try to remove them. Your seniors and colleagues will cooperate with you in need.

Pisces Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You need to work hard in the second trimester of 2011. You may not be able to put much efforts in your work but with the help of your confidence and courage, you could gain profits. This period is favorable for investing money. Your ideas and views may not match with that of your seniors. During the middle of this trimester, you try to employ your creativity in your work. It will improve your creative skills.

Do not leave confidential and important tasks on your subordinates otherwise your work may get delayed. You will easily get the support of senior officials and colleagues, which could be beneficial for you. People who want to change their job will be successful during the period.

Pisces Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of the year, your income will take the form of savings. Apply modern business techniques to expand your business. Do not get involved into disputes at the work place. You may face obstacles during the middle of this period. You will be able to control your expenses.

Your administrative skills will fully develop only by the end of this quarter. You may use your time for managerial activities but your colleagues will not cooperate with you. It would be beneficial to start partnership business during this period.

Pisces Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your low morale may lead to delay in your professional activities. But, Yogas for getting a job in foreign countries are formed. Due to planetary combinations, you will be successful in accomplishing your goals through your intellectual abilities. Your subordinates will be loyal to their work but your seniors may not be happy with you.

The end of the quarter is not favorable to invest money in projects related to foreign companies. You should act wisely while investing money. You could try to increase your professional skills in this duration.

2011 Pisces Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Your health will be moderate in the first quarter of 2011. You may feel exhausted due to lack of relaxation in this duration. Your spouse may become stubborn and obstinate. You should take care of yourself to stay fit and healthy. You may be stressed due to heavy workload around the middle of the quarter.

The end of the quarter brings a risk of physical discomfort and accidents, so be careful. Also take care that disagreements with your father do not become serious. If you try to lessen your responsibilities a bit you will be able to maintain your health better.

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

This quarter may give you an unusually angry disposition. You will be very sensitive about your honor and if there is any incident which causes a loss of honor, you’ll be hurt emotionally. You may be under the influence of a fever around the middle of the quarter. You will also need to pay more attention to you life-partner’s health. The end of the quarter will bring you good health again.

Your younger siblings require special love and care. You must also take care to use vehicles carefully to avoid accidents. There is a chance that you may have a pessimistic outlook for brief periods of time.

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

The third quarter of year 2011 will see you in a happy mood and you will feel charged and ready. There could be some concern due to illness of children. The middle part of the quarter may find you in a tough mood and you may lose some of your natural kindness. People may perceive you as rude or tough during this period. Your relationship with your mother may be on the decline and may worry you. The end of the quarter may bring you fresh problems related to children.

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Take care of your health in this duration. Do not be careless about your health. Your immunity to fight against diseases would be low in this duration due to which you may get affected by diseases easily.

Your relationship with your father may not be so strong during the middle of the qaruter and may cause unnecessary worrying. Pay attention to your health and well-being instead of running after money at the end of the year.

2011 Pisces Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Pisces Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Your love relationship may get affected because of your family in the starting of 2011. Your friend may give more importance to his work instead to your friendship. Your relationship with people of opposite gender may be unfavorable. Your partner may not take much interest in the relationship.

This middle of the quarter would not be favorable for your love relationship, but, situation will get changed in the end of this quarter. You will have sweet and affectionate relationship in this duration. You could go for outings with your friend. You could form new friends too.

Pisces Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Your love affairs may increase your expenses. Your positive attitude towards your love affairs and support of friends will help you to remove hurdles from your relationship. You may plan to go on the tour with your friend. In the middle of the quarter your partner could adopt a tough attitude with you.

You would become popular among people of opposite gender. You will have many friends in the end of this duration. Your friendship may turn into love affair in this duration.

Pisces Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You would not have spare time for your love relationship because of busy working schedule, but, this situation is for short duration. You may face resentment of your mother because of your affairs around the middle of the quarter. You should watch your words if you want to develop sweet relationship with her. It will help you to reduce misunderstandings. Your friend may become egoistic in this period. Situation may become tough for you at the end of this quarter.

Pisces Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your closeness with your partner may get reduced because of your busyness in other activities. Due to this, both of you will not be able to spend time with each other. But, your pending professional tasks will get accomplished in the middle of this quarter and you will be able to generate the time required to make amends.

You could behave with your friend a bit rudely around the middle of the quarter which can sour your relationship. You could also have a bad relationship with other friends.

2011 Pisces Horoscope - Family Life

Pisces Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first quarter will be beneficial for your family, but, this time may not be favorable for your married life. Your life partner may not behave nicely with you, therefore, try to endure and bring affection in your relationship. You may have ideological differences with your father. You will have good relationship with your friends in the middle of the quarter but situation will be the same in your married life. Do not get involved in the conflicts.

Pisces Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Conflicts may remain in your married life during this quarter. There could be some negative development in your family. You will come ahead to fulfil your responsibilities towards your family. You may purchase some land or house in this duration. Your bitter relationship with your mother would reduce happiness of the house.

You may meet an influential person of your family at the end of this quarter. Your relationship with your relatives, friends or neighbors may become weaker which could reduce the number of friends you have.

Pisces Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

First month of the third quarter will bring prosperity and happiness to your family. There are possibilities for the happy occasion in your family. In the end, you will have happy married life and all the problems will get finished. In this duration, relationship with your mother will improve, but could decline with your father. Conflicts may occur between family members due to money matters around the middle of the quarter. Assistance of your spouse will prove beneficial for you to increase financial benefits.

Pisces Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Peace and happiness of family may get affected during this period due your behavior. You and your spouse may have conflicts with each other in the first month of this quarter due to unequal rights of each partner. You may not give your quality time to your family due to busy work schedule. Conflicts between you and your father may increase but the your relationship with your child will strengthen. If you are waiting for a child your desire could be fulfilled this month. Last month of this year will bring happiness and prosperity in your house and will bless you with happy married life.

Auqarius Horoscope for 2011(Kumbha)

Characteristic of Auqarius

You are amiable, generous, emotional and humanitarian. You like to work fundamentally and independently. Sometimes you may become pessimistic but you should try to overcome this limitation.

You believe in destiny and working selflessly. You can work skillfully in traditional fields. You should keep in mind the values of life while working. Apart from this, you should try to strengthen your religious faith.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope - Money and Finance

Auqarius Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

In the first quarter of 2011, yogas for moderate economic status are formed. During this period, if you continue to work hard and struggle then you could improve your economic condition. Enemies are inactive. The time is not favorable for taking decisions about big projects. These decisions may lead to delay and confusion.

During the middle of the quarter, you will be able to save the money earned from far off places. At the end of the quarter, your profits would be directly related to your efforts. You will get the benefits from journeys during this period. The success of concerts and campaigns will be uncertain during this period. The development of your managerial skills is likely.

Auqarius Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

During the second quarter, you could open new avenues of success through your efforts. Seeking the suggestion and opinion of friends and younger siblings may be beneficial on the professional front. Yogas which were affecting your prestige will be removed and profits from several areas will accrue.

During the middle of the quarter, obstacles on the work front may lead to irregularity in your income. Besides this, you will be self-confident during the end of the quarter. But, there may be lack of information and knowledge in your operational domain.

Auqarius Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Excellent Yogas for profits are formed during this quarter. You should make changes in administrative fields to increase these profits. The middle period of this quarter will reduce your courage. Apart from this, your leadership capability may get reduced during. Due to all these, the work on your projects may not be smooth.

At the end of the quarter, the you may have trouble making good plans but you will be self-confident. The time is not favorable for investments. Avoid borrowing or lending money during this period.

Auqarius Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter of 2011, do not misuse your rights to complete your work. Ups and downs in economic status are likely during this period. You may not be successful in all your efforts. Your morale may become low if you are do not get the desired benefits of your hard work.

During the middle of the quarter, your leadership qualities will improve. Auspicious Yogas for profits from partnership business are formed. By the end of the quarter you will be have an increase capability to struggle and will increase your income; new avenues of progress will open. The limitations of policies may trouble you time and again during this period.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope -Career and Profession

Auqarius Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

In the starting period of this quarter, you will try to complete your work in a disciplined and strict way. Morale will be high. You will not hesitate to take strict decisions. You may face problems due to your juniors. You will acquire special skills in creative works.

At the end of the quarter, your pending projects will be finished with the help of your seniors. Try to develop sweet relationships with your co-workers and be supportive to others. You should improve your administrative performance.

Auqarius Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

During the second quarter of 2011, you will achieve success in partnership business after facing some obstacles. Non-traditional fields may increase your income. Along with loss of money, your financial condition may also get affected due to hasty decisions. Your colleagues may try to get the credit of your work.

During the middle of the quarter, there may be some delay in getting the results of your hard work. Senior officials will appreciate your work. It would be good to take decisions judiciously. At the end of the quarter, your work will be completed with the support of your high morale. You will also get the benefits of projects finished earlier. Your knowledge and experience may be helpful in your progress during this period.

Auqarius Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

In 2011, your morale may come down due to obstacles in your work. You will be skilled in leadership activities due to your high energy and enthusiasm. But you should be careful from your enemies. You will find the way of success in opposite circumstances also. At the end of the quarter, you may take decision to change your job. Seniors will continue to cooperate with you. Your profits may be irregular. It would not be good to rely on colleagues for completing your tasks.

Auqarius Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During this quarter, you will be able to do your work skillfully if you do not lose your self-confidence. Working with extra efforts may lead to loss of money. You may not be able to gain much benefit from journeys. Your policies may be strict, but you should make them a bit more flexible.

Some juniors may deceive you during this quarter. Beware of theft incidents. Policy-making should be done after thorough analysis. During the last month of the year, circumstances will be in your favor, therefore keep on working hard. You will start getting benefits when the favorable period comes.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

During the first month of this quarter, the health will be of moderate level. Change in your behavior could make you stubborn and obstinate. You will stick to your point and will not give much importance to other's thoughts. This behavior is not good for your profession, family and friends as it may ruin relationships.

In the middle of the quarter, money or other benefits may become the cause of your anxiety. You must take care of your children's health during this part of the quarter.

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Health of your child may take some more time to become normal. Your behavior may not be in your control during this period. Due to the Yogas formed, you may like to relax. Lack of happiness in married life may increase your mental stress.

You must keep a watch on your words to avoid more trouble. You heart could be under some undue stress. Take the help of yoga to prevent illnesses. Skin diseases could also affect you.

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Your behavior will become normal in this quarter and you will feel happy. But your mother's bad health could increase your difficulties. Declining relationship with your mother may also be a cause of concern. Try to adopt a cooperative and polite attitude. Due to the yogas formed during this period, water-borne diseases could easily affect you.

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter of 2011, you may feel mental stress due to the problems in married life. You will have a tough time trying to remove the contradictions from it. In the beginning of the quarter, you should be careful while using vehicles. You are prone to stomach ailments.

During the middle period, you may have throat infection, therefore avoid eating chilled substances. At the end of the quarter, your life partner may suffer from headache.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Auqarius Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

During the first quarter of this year, ups and downs in your married life are likely. The cooperation of your partner may increase your professional benefits during this period. You will be able to complete your work with the help of your partner. During the middle of the quarter, your love relationship may get ruined due to your friends.

Yogas for communication gap between you and your partner are formed. At the end of this period, your partner will take initiative to develop sweet relationships. New friendship is likely during this period.

Auqarius Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Excellent Yogas for new friendship and relationships are formed during this quarter. New love affairs may not be long-term and may hurt your feelings. During the middle period, your interest in the people of opposite sex will increase. The happiness of your family may get affected due to your love affairs.

During the end of the quarter, your relationship will again become sweet. You may become popular among the people of opposite sex. You may mingle with your friends and may go on tours with them.

Auqarius Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During this quarter of 2011, you may be approached for new friendships. You will be able to spare enough time for love affairs during this period. Planetary combinations for spending time in entertainment are formed. Friendship with a person from a distant place is likely.

This period could be favorable for new relationships and love. During the middle of the quarter, a love affair may turn into marriage. You may have to wait till the last month of the quarter for the agreement of your family for marriage. During this period, friendship may also take the form of love affairs.

Auqarius Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

The last quarter of 2011 could be painful for love affairs. Your relationship may get broken up during this period. During the middle period, you may get involved in deep friendship with a person of opposite gender on your workplace. But you may be deceived in these relationships, therefore proceed carefully.

In the last month of the quarter, circumstances would become favorable for love affairs. During this time, your relationship with friends will not be that good.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope - Family Life

Auqarius Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The year 2011 could affect the peace and happiness of your family. Obstacles may creep in the auspicious events being held in your family during this period. You will have to change your behavior for the happiness and prosperity of your family. During the middle period, you may buy a new vehicle for family. The time is not favorable for married life.

During the last part of the quarter, the circumstances may become favorable. You may think about adding to your comforts and conveniences. At the end of this period, your tasks may get finished with the support of friends. Arrival of guests is likely and it may increase your expenses.

Auqarius Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

The new friendship of this period may be painful for you. Do not expect the cooperation of friends during this period. During the middle of the quarter, you may develop friendship with influential personalities. Members of your family may get annoyed with you. Apart from this, this period will be favorable for married life. At the end of the quarter, happiness from maternal side may get reduced. You may have opportunities to meet with neighbors and relatives during this period.

Auqarius Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

The middle part of this year would be excellent for your family. Yogas for happiness of married life are formed during this period. But your thoughts may not match with that of your mother. Try to resolve these conflicts as soon as possible. Your wish to get a child may get fulfilled during this period. Besides this, you may have to face difficulties for your children. The end of this quarter is excellent for family life.

Auqarius Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter of 2011, you may have bitter relationships with your friends. Conflicts with relatives are also likely. Due to lack of happiness, married life will not be favorable. You will have to take initiatives to improve the circumstances. Children will be supportive but you will not believe them. Married life would become favorable by the end of the year only.

Capricorn Horoscope for 2011(Makar)

Characteristic of Capricorn

You are a hard working, disciplined and calm by nature. You like solitude and want to be secure. You are an alert person with a lot of tolerance power. You have the capability to face hurdles to achieve your goals.

You have a tough and uncompromising nature which could make you a successful administrator. Even after working for a long time, you don’t become exhausted. Try to develop the feeling of self-satisfaction and remove stubbornness from your behavior.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope - Money and Finance

Capricorn Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Beginning of 2011 will be beneficial for your financial position. Your economic status directly relates to your enthusiasm, passion and hard work. If you maintain these qualities then you will get positive results. Exploit your capabilities and experience to improve your economic status.

If you maintain passion, courage and zeal at work then you will easily get progress and success according to your endeavours. At the end of the quarter there are strong combinations for economic progress and you could use them to earn profits from risky ventures.

Capricorn Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You need to maintain your courage in this quarter to uphold your financial position. Your abilities and experience will support you to strengthen your economic status. You will be able to influence your enemies through your management qualities. You are confident, but, you need to increase your courage and struggling capabilities.

You must proceed with courage and a strong fighting spirit. Somebody else might benefit from your hard work at the end of the quarter and this could affect your financial position. Increased business expenses could be a cause of worry for you.

Capricorn Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

The middle part of 2011 could be marked by a shortfall of funds in expanding some project. There could be infrequent disturbances in your financial stability. It’s better that you delay business journeys a bit or there could be an increase in expenses. The end of the quarter requires a close watch over policies. You’ll need to continue working hard to sustain your position. Fortunately there are combinations for unexpected incomes. Keep your confidence and move steadily in the right direction.

Capricorn Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

You will be attentive towards your financial status in the end of 2011. You might not use resources properly at the work place in this duration. You might face various upheavals in your financial transactions.

Increase your confidence and put your efforts to meet your objectives. Your expenses may run over your budget. Your experience and knowledge will increase your income at the end of 2011 and your struggling capacity would be appreciated.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope -Career and Profession

Capricorn Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will want everything to standards of perfection in this quarter. Your good presenting skills will help you to achieve success in business. Increase your morale to remove obstacles from success. Your lack of courage and passion at the work place may create obstacles for your financial position and may stop you from grabbing opportunities.

Your seniors will support you at work. You could go for a long-distance journey for business around the middle of the quarter. You will need to step-up your efforts at the end of the quarter to meet your goals.

Capricorn Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You might not get full support from subordinates at work in this duration. You may not be able to make the full use of your intellectual capabilities which will delay decision making. Fortunately, you have courage and conviction which will reduce business obstacles. You will get benefits from short journeys in this quarter. Be a good leader of your team. It will be good to not to waste energy and time of the team. This time is favorable to change a job.

Try to not to be a slothful person in this quarter otherwise you may not be able to achieve benefits from auspicious combinations. Your seniors may take a strong position and ask you to work with discipline. You will achieve success in everything you do with dedication during this period.

Capricorn Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Your leadership qualities will help you achieve the desired success. There could be some problems if you’re in service. A transfer could occur. The middle of the quarter requires a close monitoring of the expenses. A wrong decision taken now may cause a loss to you. The end of the quarter is good for exploiting your contacts to gain a higher position, but you will not benefit from the experience of your seniors. You can get your work done through your intelligence and a sweet tongue.

Capricorn Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your lack of confidence may affect your profession and income, but, you will be able to get full support from your colleagues in the middle of the quarter. You may face some professional hurdles due to lack of expertise or knowledge of your domain. You can remove these obstacles through your efforts.

Your hard work will prove profitable for your career in the end of 2011. Possibilities to achieve promotion in job are also there.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Your health would be moderate in the starting of 2011. You might get skin related problems quickly in this duration. Running too much behind profits may cause a long-term health problem.

You might suffer from insomnia, thus, you should try to reduce your stress. Consider taking a holiday or a trip to rejuvenate yourself. If you reduce your work load then you feel better. You might face problems related to blood pressure in this duration.

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Combinations in this quarter suggest that you could be under some stress. Due to mental pressure you may not be able to take adequate rest, and the middle of the quarter may bring you some physical discomfort due to too many journeys. Make an effort to reduce your stress and don’t worry needlessly. A disappointment from the opposite sex could also make you neglect your health.

The combinations are good for professional pursuits. There may be an unusual pressure on your heart at the end of the quarter. You may be very obstinate during this period. Listen to your health advisor to maintain good health.

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You feel relieved of stress during this quarter. Your health will also improve but a health related problem with your father may cause some worry. The middle of the quarter may bring you complaints of headache due to excessive fretting.

Fat-rich foods may have a negative impact on your mother’s health. This is not a favorable combination so you should ask your mother to take care and also go for preventive therapy. This will help control the situation.

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your health will be normal in the last quarter of 2011. You may not have much politeness in your nature and worrying about increasing your income could cause some stress. The middle of the quarter may bring a short-term illness or health problem for your life partner. The period is also not good for your mother’s health and there are chances that she may be exposed to a threatening disease. The end of the quarter may bring you some relief on the business front and you will be able to take a sigh of relief. Your children’s unhappiness may cause some worrying.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Capricorn Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The beginning of 2011 may introduce some obstacles in your relationships. You may also begin a fresh friendship in this period. These could be long term relationships which will benefit you all through your life.

You will have heightened attraction and interaction with the people of opposite gender, and you may even have more than one love interests during this period. This could cause some emotional and moral conflicts. The end of the quarter may be marked by the culmination of a relationship into a permanent bond. This is a good period to forge new friendships and to take a vacation or a for a journey. The friends gained in this period will be intelligent and polite.

Capricorn Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Your ego and stubbornness may affect your relationships. Your partner will make efforts to keep the relationship as strong and as sweet as ever, but your bad behavior may reduce your prestige in your friend’s eyes.

You may not get the support of the opposite gender. You must try not to be insensitive if you wan to maintain your relationship. At the end of the quarter the situation may be against you. There could be arguments and tensions in your relationships which will become normal only by the end of the year. You will get opportunities to spend time with your friends.

Capricorn Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You will take initiatives in love relationship in the middle of 2011. Your opponents may create obstacles in your love relationship, thus, be careful. You will have auspicious combinations to achieve support and affection from others and all the problems will be resolved in the middle of the quarter.

Your expenses would increase due to your friends and the opposite sex. You may want to take corrective steps by the end of the quarter. Your problems in love life may increase. There might even be a separation if you are not careful. Your enemies may be influential, therefore, you should be careful in your love relationship.

Capricorn Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

The fourth quarter of 2011 would not be favorable for your love relationship. You and your partner may not have much trust on each other, which may reduce the happiness in your relationship. Even your relationship with your friends may not be as good as earlier. The end of the quarter will bring back some confidence and you will gain some of the popularity you had in the people of opposite gender.You may take some time to get back the sweet relationship with your friends.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope - Family Life

Capricorn Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first quarter of 2011 will bring you full support and cooperation from your life partner in your professional activities. On the flip side the first month of the quarter may be marred by a fall in your family’s happiness. The middle of the quarter may have an unstable marriage relationship but the situation will briefly become favorable by the end of the quarter. Disagreements and arguments in your family will reduce the peace and happiness of your household. You may plan to acquire new land or a buildilng during this period.

Capricorn Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

The second quarter of 2011 has good combinations for happiness and prosperity. There could be some increased family responsibilities. You may also go on a short journey with your family. Maintain a good relationship with your younger siblings. If you are waiting for a child then your desire may be fulfilled around the middle of the quarter. The families happiness may be increased by a good news. But you may worry a little because of your child’s changing nature. Apart from this there will be many opportunities to interact and spend time with your family.

Capricorn Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

There might be a brief period of conflict in your married life during the middle of 2011. But the period should otherwise be good for your family. Disturbances in your household will go away early if you adopt a patient attitude. Your father’s tough attitude may cause some inconvenience to the family.

It is possible that you may not be able to win the trust of your children completely. This is not a nice situation. You will strengthen your relationship with your friends and relatives.

Capricorn Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your life partner may be more irritable and aggressive than usual during the last quarter of this year. Apart from this some important auspicious work of the family may be delayed. You will get an opportunity to come closer to your father, but you will not get the full support of your friends.

You will get the advice and the support of the elders in your family. This will help you to remove the conflicts from your married life. You may have to spend money on your younger siblings at the end of the year.

Sagittarius Horoscope for 2011(DHANU)

Characteristic of Sagittarius

You are straight forward, jolly, soft-spoken, liberal, generous, wise, kind, hopeful and progressive. You know how to judiciously use an auspicious opportunity. You enjoy your work and do it enthusiastically. You may be highly ambitious and may like to go on tours.

You may be a good policy-maker or a scholar but you should avoid praising yourself. You may be associated with hospitality sector.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope - Money and Finance

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The year 2011 will be excellent for economic prospects. The economic condition of this duration is associated with your efforts. Your expenses on managerial topics will increase but you will try to control your expenses on juniors. During this period of the quarter, you will achieve success in making administrative policies. During the middle of the quarter, ambitions of gaining profits may be high.

At the end of this period, your savings will also increase due to sound economic condition. Investment on foreign projects could be done successfully during this period.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

In this quarter, you may think about sale or purchase of professional assets. Try to finish the projects on time to increase your income. In this quarter, expansion of foreign projects could be done but be flexible while taking decisions.

During the middle of this period, you may use your financial benefits for increasing the comforts and conveniences on the work front. Your self-confidence will fetch you success more than your expectations. At the end of this period, income may be reduced due to delay in decision-making. Morale will be high during this period. It will also help you gain profits.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of 2011, your agreements with professional institutions may be completed. This period is also favorable for the agreements of partnership. Starting of big projects may face obstacles during this period. During the middle period, avoid investing money in risky areas, otherwise you may have to face loss of money. A long journey in the end of the quarter would be profitable. Your positive attitude towards work will fetch you auspicious fruits. Obstacles in intellectual activities are likely.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

By the end of the year, your economic condition may not be good. You may face unexpected loss in risky areas during this period. You may not get back the money lent by you. Yogas for buying vehicles are formed. New projects may be introduced into your business during the middle of the quarter. Besides this, efforts for improving financial condition may become more vigorous.

Give importance to efforts and hard work during this period. You may get the benefits from your old contacts. During this period, do not seek suggestions on money matters yourself. It would be good to assign this task to some other person. The time is favorable for borrowing money.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope -Career and Profession

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Strong Yogas are formed for excellent income from the starting quarter of 2011 itself. You will get full support of knowledge and experience of seniors on the work front. Avoid performing risky activities. During the middle period, you may be doubtful regarding your benefits. You will have to behave politely in order to get the support of your juniors.

Foreign journeys for professional purposes may get completed. At the end of the quarter, Yogas for transfer are formed. Apart from this, colleagues will have a positive attitude towards you. You will be able to pacify your enemies and opponents. It would not be beneficial to reveal your professional policies. You may earn profits through your own efforts rather than expecting cooperation from others.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Changes may take place on the professional front. Your reliable colleagues may quit during this period. The time is favorable for changing job. During the middle of the quarter, you may be confused while making decisions. Tasks of this period would require a thorough and careful analysis. You may take time to prove your abilities on the work front. During the middle of the quarter, you will earn honor and trust of seniors. At the end of the quarter, yogas for promotion are formed. Besides this, increment is also likely.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You may face obstacles in your work during this quarter of 2011. Your colleagues will not cooperate with you during this period. Difficulties may increase due to competitors. Planetary combinations for reduction in courage, vigor and enthusiasm are formed. Excellent yogas for income from foreign nations are formed. But, you may get disappointed for some time due to slow progress of household activities. During this period, avoid getting involved into unnecessary disputes on your workplace.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter, you will successfully complete your work with the help of your intelligence and wisdom. But, during this period, you may be dishonored on the work front due to the people of opposite sex. The time is not good for beginning partnership business. Your opponents will be strong during this period, due to which, income may get reduced suddenly. Profits will not be much despite making vigorous efforts. At the end of the quarter, these obstacles will disappear and you will start achieving success. Pending work may get finished during this period.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first quarter of 2011 would be favorable for health prospects but mental happiness may get affected. Your anxiety will increase due to increased expenses. During the middle period, you may be under stress due to your financial condition. In this condition, you may become a bit callous. At the end of the quarter, your mother's health may get affected. You may take the help of yoga to stay away from stress and bring back the mental happiness.

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You may become aggressive and excited during this period. Stress and dispute may creep in your family if you are not watching your words. Your mother's health may not be fine during this period also. At the end of the quarter, your health may come down. During the middle of the quarter, you will not be able to relax due to the tension of fulfilling your responsibilities. These circumstances may lead to the reduction in your proficiency.

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of 2011, ailments related to stomach may trouble you. It would be good to have a balanced diet during this period. During the middle of the quarter, you may be anxious about your father's health. Your health may not be fine during the end of the quarter. Due to increasing workload, you may not find time to take rest. You may not be able to have a sound sleep because of problems related to children.

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Avoid being rude during the last quarter of 2011. Protect yourself from water-borne diseases. During the middle of the quarter, try to stay away from matters of disputes. By the end of the year, your health may become normal. Keep an eye on your children's diet during this period.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

During the first quarter of 2011, your love affairs would be of moderate level. During this period, your love affairs may lack affection and cooperation. Due to haughtiness in your behavior, problems may be aggravated. Misunderstandings may also creep in. During the middle period, your work may get completed with the help of your partner. Friendship may turn into love by the end of the quarter. Besides this, you may also plan an outing with your partner during this period. This period is favorable for spending time in luxurious activities.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

This quarter would be favorable for love prospects. During this period, along with increase in concerned expenses, you will have opportunities to understand each other. Your friendship may deepen due to exchange of thoughts. During the middle of the quarter, you will be successful in removing the feeling of distrust from your mind. You may proceed for turning your love relationship into marriage if you so desire.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

In this quarter of 2011, you will be fully dedicated to your love affairs. The time is favorable for making new friends and relationships. You will not get enough opportunities to spend time with your friends. You will spend most of the time of this period with the people of opposite sex. During the middle of the quarter, you will enjoy going on tours with your friends. The time is favorable for fulfilling your interests and hobbies. At the end of the quarter, do not rely on your friends for completing the tasks.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

The lack of sweetness in your behavior may affect your love relationship. Your relationship with friends will not be affectionate. The condition will become normal by the end of the year. During the middle of this period, your relationship with your partner will not be so amicable. The end of 2011 would be good for making new friends and relationships. Your income may increase with the cooperation of friends.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope - Family Life

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Happiness of married life may get affected during this quarter. During the middle of the quarter, you may face difficulties in family life due lack of politeness in your partner’s behavior and aggressiveness in your behavior. At the end of the quarter, wish of the people waiting for a child may get fulfilled. Your life partner's behavior may not be polite during this period.

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

During the middle of 2011, married life may be stressful. You should take initiatives to improve the circumstances. For this, try to spare more time for your partner. Problems of married life will be reduced during the middle of the quarter. Your relationship may become sweet with the support of elders of family. Apart from this, both of you should try to be loyal to each other. By the end of the quarter, circumstances would become favorable up to a major extent.

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During this quarter, you will put your best efforts to make your married life happy. However, during the middle period, try to understand the feelings and thoughts of your life partner. It would help to fill the gap between you two. You will not be able to spare much time for your partner because of busy work schedule or foreign journeys. Some expenses on your family may go waste during this period. You will get full support of your parents.

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

In the last quarter of 2011, taking the suggestion and opinion of your life partner for completing professional tasks may prove beneficial. Your life partner will cooperate with you even if you are busy elsewhere. During the middle of the quarter, this relationship may face some fluctuations. Your parents will not cooperate with you on time during this period. By the end of the year, your family troubles will be reduced. Avoid taking interest in the people of opposite sex, otherwise it may create unnecessary problems.

Scorpio Horoscope for 2011(VRISHCHIK)

Characteristic of Scorpio

You are dutiful, sensitive, clever and confident. You are good at the secret arts. Use your intelligence and thoughts in creative activities and control your antagonistic behavior. You are not practical and behave too emotionally which is one of the negative points of your attitude, therefore, you should try to remove it.

You should try to become a self-dependent person. You are proficient in administration activities. You speak politely, patiently and accurately. Avoid getting involved into disputes. You don’t like to take interest in the cultural and traditional activities. Because of your liberal nature, you don’t like others’interference in your activities.

2011 Scorpio Horoscope - Money and Finance

Your intelligence may not support you in this duration due to which you may not take quick decisions for the financial projects. Your creative, artistic and administrative skills will increase in this period which will be beneficial for you. Foreign projects will make your schedule busy. It will be beneficial for you to maintain your courage in financial ventures.

Scorpio Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will be successful to maintain your financial position through your endeavours. Your morale may not be so high, but, if you will use your income and knowledge efficiently then you will earn benefits for the long term.

You might not be regular to achieve profit in the middle of quarter because of lack of consistency. If you maintain your passion and enthusiasm then you will be able to achieve the heights of success. This time is not be favorable for you to reduce your efforts. The last part of the quarter will be best time in this quarter.

Scorpio Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Your intelligence may not support you in this duration due to which you may not take quick decisions for the financial projects. Your creative, artistic and administrative skills will increase in this period which will be beneficial for you. Foreign projects will make your schedule busy. It will be beneficial for you to maintain your courage in financial ventures.

Scorpio Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You can start new foreign projects in the middle of 2011. You will use your skills and abilities to increase your profits. Your trust on your subordinates might be reduced. This time will be positive for you to gain knowledge of new methods of business. People at work will appreciate your confidence. Do not let any doubt in your heart about your prospects for success.

Scorpio Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

You might have a doubt about achieving success even after performing your tasks enthusiastically and passionately. You would take the initiative to adopt new techniques at work. You will also make use of newer tactics and adopt fresh suggestions after weighing them with your intelligence. Your positive attitude will reduce obstructions. Your financial status may be affected by the end of the quarter due to shaky confidence. You will show your zeal in working on your projects.

2011 Scorpio Horoscope -Career and Profession

Scorpio Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Try to not to take risk excessive risk in your professional life in the beginning of the year. Avoid uncertainty and irregularity. You would need to give special attention to your daily routine activities. Your responsibilities and work-load may increase in this duration. You may attempt to make up for lost savings around the middle of the year. You will be successful in changing your job and defeating your enemies, but, difficulties may occur in getting a promotion. However, you could wait to get better opportunity.

Scorpio Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

People who are awaiting change in their job or for transfer will get favorable results in this quarter. Better administrative skills and high confidence of your competitors may create problems for you at work. You should try to maintain your patience and use your intelligence at work if you are facing any challenging situation.

Problems in saving money will be removed during this period and there could be fresh sources of earnings which will increase your savings. If you are facing any problem because of your subordinates then they will get removed.

Scorpio Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You might not get much support from your seniors due to there could be new challenges at the work place, but, you should try to maintain your dedication and energy to reduce the obstacles. Your improved skills will impress your seniors by the end of this quarter. Your work will be appreciated by others because and you might get blessed with respect and promotion in this duration.

Scorpio Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

This period will be favorable for you to expand your business and start new projects. You will earn income from different sources at the work place, but, you might not take adequate benefit from your resources. You need to improve the management at your workplace. Do not behave be too harsh on people. If you are a disciplinarian then the speed of your work may be delayed. Try to control your expenses in the end of year.

2011 Scorpio Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Scorpio Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will be blessed with the good health in 2011, but, you may not be as kind as you used to be and may neglect other people’s interests to push your own. Try to get rid of this selfish trait as soon as possible. Household conflicts may increase your tensions in the middle of this quarter. You may travel a lot in this duration which will reduce your comfort. You could be rude and callous by the end of the quarter. You may not get adequate rest during this period.

Scorpio Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

The health of your child may be average during this quarter, so, take care of your child’s health. You may feel a bit worried on the account of your child’s but quick recovery should put your mind to rest. In the last of this quarter, your life partner may suffer from health related problems. As per the combinations in your horoscope, you could take some time to trust your life partner. Your health could also be affected.

Scorpio Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

This quarter would be average for your health. You won’t have to worry so much about family matters. If you behave sweetly with others around the middle of the month then it will increase prosperity in your life. Take extra care around the end of the quarter to avoid accidents. You will be able to understand your child better if you pay attention to his or her emotions. Try to avoid getting disappointment.

Scorpio Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Lack of confidence may make you doubtful by nature in this quarter. You may spend too much time thinking this quarter. You may have some marital stress in the middle of the quarter. Keep a check on your temper around the end of the quarter. Useless excitement may only get you involved in stressful situations. Your relationship with your children will continue to be the same as earlier.

2011 Scorpio Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Scorpio Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

This time would be favorable for your love relations in 2011, but, you should try to reduce your temper to keep your relationship strong. You might not have spare time for your friends. But, you could energize yourself if you will spend your time in hobbies and interests. Misconceptions may occur between you and your life partner due to lack of interaction around the middle of the quarter. In the end of this quarter there could be some misunderstandings at home due to some friends.

Scorpio Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You will not spend your time with your beloved one because of busy working schedule. Your opponents may also try to create conflicts between you and him. You will not trust your friends due to which you will make new friends and relations in this duration. You will take interest in the people of opposite gender in the end of this duration.

Scorpio Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

This duration will be favorable for your love affairs. You will try to understand your partner better. You may go for outings with your friend in the middle of this quarter. But, in the last part of this duration, you may get busy in your profession due to which you may not able to spend time with your partner. It may bring unhappiness in your love affairs instead of happiness. It may hurt your feelings.

Scorpio Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

You should try to maintain distance with people of opposite gender otherwise it may increase your mental tensions. Situation will become favorable for you in the middle of this quarter. But, if you will give importance to your earlier relation instead of the new one then it will be beneficial for you. You will be able to spend your time with your friends.

2011 Scorpio Horoscope - Family Life

Scorpio Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

2011 will give moderate results to your family. There might be lack of happiness and prosperity in home in the starting of this quarter. You will feel happy for your child and married life because of presence of affection and understanding, but, ambiance of home might turn into mistrust and suspects around the middle of the quarter. Thus, try to win trust of your spouse if you want to maintain happiness of your married life. Your relations with your mother might not be very sweet.

Scorpio Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Ideological differences may occur between you and other family members. But, you will have closeness with your spouse. You might not have much good relations with your relatives. People who are waiting to get a child may be blessed with a child in this duration. You will get assistance from your elder siblings in this quarter.

Scorpio Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Household conflicts will get resolved in the middle of 2011 and your family’s property may grow. You will try to buy a new home or land for your family. Behave sweetly to live happily with your spouse. You might get involved in the disputes with your elder brother in this period. Your children may not respect you and may behave rudely with you which may become one of the reason of concern.

Scorpio Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

2011 will end with mostly positive results for your family. Maintain positivity in your thoughts if you want to lessen obstacles in your married life. You and your life partner should have trust on each other and must be dedicated if you want to live happily. End of 2011 would be fruitful for your family and married life. If you have a wish to get a child then it will come true in this duration. There are possibility of a happy occasion in your family.