
Friday, January 7, 2011

You Are What You Believe

YOU ARE WHAT YOU .... BELIEVE : Thing is, your beliefs make all the difference . They define you, drive you, inspire you.

BELIEVE ... BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE : Your beliefs can make you smart, hardworking, successful, talented or passionate.

BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE A LEADER TOMORROW : Hold steadfast to your beliefs and never let go ... Devote your life to what you believe in with every fibre of your being ... Because within you is the power to transform yourself into what you want to be .

BELIEVE IN THE AMBITIONS WITHIN : What separates a leader from the rest is ambition. Have the raging fire inside to get ahead at all cost. And grow, grow and grow until you are a towering presence.

BELIEVE IN THE DREAMS WITHIN : Every major achievement you see in the world was once someones dream. Believe in the power of dreams , but remember to work towards making them real.

BELIEVE IN THE ASPIRATIONS WITHIN : You are only as big as your aspirations. You can be anything you want to be if you want it bad enough . Go ahead , be all that you want to be.

BELIEVE IN THE IDEAS WITHIN : Develop your imaginative powers, and you will always be full of ideas. Think different, think better, think big . Because ideas are what takes the world forward.

BELIEVE IN INSPIRATION WITHIN : Who is one person who drives you to strive hard the most ? If you answered with your own name you are already on the road to success. Because the greatest of leaders find inspiration inside themselves.

BELIEVE IN THE BEAUTY WITHIN : Your mind is the immense beauty. Nourish it and expose it to new things , and keep it young and beautiful .

BELIEVE IN THE GENIUS WITHIN : Genius is a little inspiration mixed with a lot of perspiration . You already have all the inspiration you need . Put in hard work and make greatness yours.

BELIEVE IN THE MAGIC WITHIN : You have a potential , the inner resources to achieve great things. However arduous a task may appear, summon the strength inside and you will never fail.

BELIEVE IN THE CURIOSITY WITHIN : Explore within and without, stay inquisitive. Be always a awe of the splendours of the world. And lead an interesting life , seeking novel experiences .

BELIEVE IN THE PASSION WITHIN : Passion is the magic ingredient for success. Are you passionate about a cause, a talent, a goal? You should be.

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