
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pisces Horoscope for 2011(Meen)

Yearly Horoscope 2011 for Pisces Moon Sign

Characteristic of Pisces

You are benevolent, kind, sensitive and sympathetic. The problems and pains of others make you sad. You are interested in creative and innovative tasks and you also like to participate in social activities. Try to improve your leadership qualities because you have abilities to become a good leader.

Avoid being too traditional and learn to welcome modern views and thoughts. You should mould your behavior according to the situation. Try to bring the quality of patience in your behavior. Do not be egoistic and try to control your anger.

2011 Pisces Horoscope - Money and Finance

Pisces Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first trimester of 2011 will be moderate for economic prospects. You may have to struggle and put a lot of efforts in the starting of 2011 to strengthen your financial condition. But unfortunately, your endeavors may not generate the results you expect, due to which you may get disappointed. Your authority may get reduced during the middle of the trimester.

Your luck is not in your favor but you can achieve success through your knowledge and experience. Continuity in the efforts could help you to change your bad time into positive. You will easily perform tasks of lending or borrowing of money.

Pisces Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You will be able to improve your economic condition in the second trimester of 2011. Be careful from your enemies otherwise they may create problems for you. Do your work creatively to earn good income under unfavorable circumstances. Your luck will be supportive during this period.

You will work enthusiastically and passionately. Your positive attitude towards work will help you gain profit. Do not get involved into disputes on the professional front; it may ruin your relationships. Your high morale will help you in removing obstacles from your work.

Pisces Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You will start getting the benefits of the tasks performed earlier in this period. Partnership business will be beneficial for you. You may get involved in the projects related to foreign companies. Your workload and responsibilities may increase during this time.

Take your decisions wisely and quickly otherwise your plans may not yield results on time. Seniors may not help you in need. Your economic status may fluctuate at the end of this period. Your enemies would be dominant during this period, therefore, be careful.

Pisces Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Foreign projects will be profitable for you and will inspire you to put more efforts in your work. Women may become the reason of money loss during this period. You may face problems to get back your money which you lent earlier. You will continue to work but your confidence level may be low. Wait for the time to become favorable.

2011 Pisces Horoscope -Career and Profession

Pisces Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will achieve success in the first trimester of 2011 through your efforts. Your struggling capability will help you to get the desired results from your hard work. Your contacts may be bring you fresh benefits. Your confidence level would be low on the work front. Behave politely if you want to finish your pending work successfully.

You will earn profits from foreign projects. Ideological differences on the work front are likely but you should try to remove them. Your seniors and colleagues will cooperate with you in need.

Pisces Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You need to work hard in the second trimester of 2011. You may not be able to put much efforts in your work but with the help of your confidence and courage, you could gain profits. This period is favorable for investing money. Your ideas and views may not match with that of your seniors. During the middle of this trimester, you try to employ your creativity in your work. It will improve your creative skills.

Do not leave confidential and important tasks on your subordinates otherwise your work may get delayed. You will easily get the support of senior officials and colleagues, which could be beneficial for you. People who want to change their job will be successful during the period.

Pisces Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of the year, your income will take the form of savings. Apply modern business techniques to expand your business. Do not get involved into disputes at the work place. You may face obstacles during the middle of this period. You will be able to control your expenses.

Your administrative skills will fully develop only by the end of this quarter. You may use your time for managerial activities but your colleagues will not cooperate with you. It would be beneficial to start partnership business during this period.

Pisces Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your low morale may lead to delay in your professional activities. But, Yogas for getting a job in foreign countries are formed. Due to planetary combinations, you will be successful in accomplishing your goals through your intellectual abilities. Your subordinates will be loyal to their work but your seniors may not be happy with you.

The end of the quarter is not favorable to invest money in projects related to foreign companies. You should act wisely while investing money. You could try to increase your professional skills in this duration.

2011 Pisces Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Your health will be moderate in the first quarter of 2011. You may feel exhausted due to lack of relaxation in this duration. Your spouse may become stubborn and obstinate. You should take care of yourself to stay fit and healthy. You may be stressed due to heavy workload around the middle of the quarter.

The end of the quarter brings a risk of physical discomfort and accidents, so be careful. Also take care that disagreements with your father do not become serious. If you try to lessen your responsibilities a bit you will be able to maintain your health better.

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

This quarter may give you an unusually angry disposition. You will be very sensitive about your honor and if there is any incident which causes a loss of honor, you’ll be hurt emotionally. You may be under the influence of a fever around the middle of the quarter. You will also need to pay more attention to you life-partner’s health. The end of the quarter will bring you good health again.

Your younger siblings require special love and care. You must also take care to use vehicles carefully to avoid accidents. There is a chance that you may have a pessimistic outlook for brief periods of time.

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

The third quarter of year 2011 will see you in a happy mood and you will feel charged and ready. There could be some concern due to illness of children. The middle part of the quarter may find you in a tough mood and you may lose some of your natural kindness. People may perceive you as rude or tough during this period. Your relationship with your mother may be on the decline and may worry you. The end of the quarter may bring you fresh problems related to children.

Pisces Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Take care of your health in this duration. Do not be careless about your health. Your immunity to fight against diseases would be low in this duration due to which you may get affected by diseases easily.

Your relationship with your father may not be so strong during the middle of the qaruter and may cause unnecessary worrying. Pay attention to your health and well-being instead of running after money at the end of the year.

2011 Pisces Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Pisces Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Your love relationship may get affected because of your family in the starting of 2011. Your friend may give more importance to his work instead to your friendship. Your relationship with people of opposite gender may be unfavorable. Your partner may not take much interest in the relationship.

This middle of the quarter would not be favorable for your love relationship, but, situation will get changed in the end of this quarter. You will have sweet and affectionate relationship in this duration. You could go for outings with your friend. You could form new friends too.

Pisces Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Your love affairs may increase your expenses. Your positive attitude towards your love affairs and support of friends will help you to remove hurdles from your relationship. You may plan to go on the tour with your friend. In the middle of the quarter your partner could adopt a tough attitude with you.

You would become popular among people of opposite gender. You will have many friends in the end of this duration. Your friendship may turn into love affair in this duration.

Pisces Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You would not have spare time for your love relationship because of busy working schedule, but, this situation is for short duration. You may face resentment of your mother because of your affairs around the middle of the quarter. You should watch your words if you want to develop sweet relationship with her. It will help you to reduce misunderstandings. Your friend may become egoistic in this period. Situation may become tough for you at the end of this quarter.

Pisces Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your closeness with your partner may get reduced because of your busyness in other activities. Due to this, both of you will not be able to spend time with each other. But, your pending professional tasks will get accomplished in the middle of this quarter and you will be able to generate the time required to make amends.

You could behave with your friend a bit rudely around the middle of the quarter which can sour your relationship. You could also have a bad relationship with other friends.

2011 Pisces Horoscope - Family Life

Pisces Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first quarter will be beneficial for your family, but, this time may not be favorable for your married life. Your life partner may not behave nicely with you, therefore, try to endure and bring affection in your relationship. You may have ideological differences with your father. You will have good relationship with your friends in the middle of the quarter but situation will be the same in your married life. Do not get involved in the conflicts.

Pisces Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Conflicts may remain in your married life during this quarter. There could be some negative development in your family. You will come ahead to fulfil your responsibilities towards your family. You may purchase some land or house in this duration. Your bitter relationship with your mother would reduce happiness of the house.

You may meet an influential person of your family at the end of this quarter. Your relationship with your relatives, friends or neighbors may become weaker which could reduce the number of friends you have.

Pisces Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

First month of the third quarter will bring prosperity and happiness to your family. There are possibilities for the happy occasion in your family. In the end, you will have happy married life and all the problems will get finished. In this duration, relationship with your mother will improve, but could decline with your father. Conflicts may occur between family members due to money matters around the middle of the quarter. Assistance of your spouse will prove beneficial for you to increase financial benefits.

Pisces Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Peace and happiness of family may get affected during this period due your behavior. You and your spouse may have conflicts with each other in the first month of this quarter due to unequal rights of each partner. You may not give your quality time to your family due to busy work schedule. Conflicts between you and your father may increase but the your relationship with your child will strengthen. If you are waiting for a child your desire could be fulfilled this month. Last month of this year will bring happiness and prosperity in your house and will bless you with happy married life.

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