
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Auqarius Horoscope for 2011(Kumbha)

Characteristic of Auqarius

You are amiable, generous, emotional and humanitarian. You like to work fundamentally and independently. Sometimes you may become pessimistic but you should try to overcome this limitation.

You believe in destiny and working selflessly. You can work skillfully in traditional fields. You should keep in mind the values of life while working. Apart from this, you should try to strengthen your religious faith.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope - Money and Finance

Auqarius Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

In the first quarter of 2011, yogas for moderate economic status are formed. During this period, if you continue to work hard and struggle then you could improve your economic condition. Enemies are inactive. The time is not favorable for taking decisions about big projects. These decisions may lead to delay and confusion.

During the middle of the quarter, you will be able to save the money earned from far off places. At the end of the quarter, your profits would be directly related to your efforts. You will get the benefits from journeys during this period. The success of concerts and campaigns will be uncertain during this period. The development of your managerial skills is likely.

Auqarius Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

During the second quarter, you could open new avenues of success through your efforts. Seeking the suggestion and opinion of friends and younger siblings may be beneficial on the professional front. Yogas which were affecting your prestige will be removed and profits from several areas will accrue.

During the middle of the quarter, obstacles on the work front may lead to irregularity in your income. Besides this, you will be self-confident during the end of the quarter. But, there may be lack of information and knowledge in your operational domain.

Auqarius Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Excellent Yogas for profits are formed during this quarter. You should make changes in administrative fields to increase these profits. The middle period of this quarter will reduce your courage. Apart from this, your leadership capability may get reduced during. Due to all these, the work on your projects may not be smooth.

At the end of the quarter, the you may have trouble making good plans but you will be self-confident. The time is not favorable for investments. Avoid borrowing or lending money during this period.

Auqarius Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter of 2011, do not misuse your rights to complete your work. Ups and downs in economic status are likely during this period. You may not be successful in all your efforts. Your morale may become low if you are do not get the desired benefits of your hard work.

During the middle of the quarter, your leadership qualities will improve. Auspicious Yogas for profits from partnership business are formed. By the end of the quarter you will be have an increase capability to struggle and will increase your income; new avenues of progress will open. The limitations of policies may trouble you time and again during this period.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope -Career and Profession

Auqarius Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

In the starting period of this quarter, you will try to complete your work in a disciplined and strict way. Morale will be high. You will not hesitate to take strict decisions. You may face problems due to your juniors. You will acquire special skills in creative works.

At the end of the quarter, your pending projects will be finished with the help of your seniors. Try to develop sweet relationships with your co-workers and be supportive to others. You should improve your administrative performance.

Auqarius Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

During the second quarter of 2011, you will achieve success in partnership business after facing some obstacles. Non-traditional fields may increase your income. Along with loss of money, your financial condition may also get affected due to hasty decisions. Your colleagues may try to get the credit of your work.

During the middle of the quarter, there may be some delay in getting the results of your hard work. Senior officials will appreciate your work. It would be good to take decisions judiciously. At the end of the quarter, your work will be completed with the support of your high morale. You will also get the benefits of projects finished earlier. Your knowledge and experience may be helpful in your progress during this period.

Auqarius Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

In 2011, your morale may come down due to obstacles in your work. You will be skilled in leadership activities due to your high energy and enthusiasm. But you should be careful from your enemies. You will find the way of success in opposite circumstances also. At the end of the quarter, you may take decision to change your job. Seniors will continue to cooperate with you. Your profits may be irregular. It would not be good to rely on colleagues for completing your tasks.

Auqarius Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During this quarter, you will be able to do your work skillfully if you do not lose your self-confidence. Working with extra efforts may lead to loss of money. You may not be able to gain much benefit from journeys. Your policies may be strict, but you should make them a bit more flexible.

Some juniors may deceive you during this quarter. Beware of theft incidents. Policy-making should be done after thorough analysis. During the last month of the year, circumstances will be in your favor, therefore keep on working hard. You will start getting benefits when the favorable period comes.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

During the first month of this quarter, the health will be of moderate level. Change in your behavior could make you stubborn and obstinate. You will stick to your point and will not give much importance to other's thoughts. This behavior is not good for your profession, family and friends as it may ruin relationships.

In the middle of the quarter, money or other benefits may become the cause of your anxiety. You must take care of your children's health during this part of the quarter.

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Health of your child may take some more time to become normal. Your behavior may not be in your control during this period. Due to the Yogas formed, you may like to relax. Lack of happiness in married life may increase your mental stress.

You must keep a watch on your words to avoid more trouble. You heart could be under some undue stress. Take the help of yoga to prevent illnesses. Skin diseases could also affect you.

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Your behavior will become normal in this quarter and you will feel happy. But your mother's bad health could increase your difficulties. Declining relationship with your mother may also be a cause of concern. Try to adopt a cooperative and polite attitude. Due to the yogas formed during this period, water-borne diseases could easily affect you.

Auqarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter of 2011, you may feel mental stress due to the problems in married life. You will have a tough time trying to remove the contradictions from it. In the beginning of the quarter, you should be careful while using vehicles. You are prone to stomach ailments.

During the middle period, you may have throat infection, therefore avoid eating chilled substances. At the end of the quarter, your life partner may suffer from headache.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Auqarius Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

During the first quarter of this year, ups and downs in your married life are likely. The cooperation of your partner may increase your professional benefits during this period. You will be able to complete your work with the help of your partner. During the middle of the quarter, your love relationship may get ruined due to your friends.

Yogas for communication gap between you and your partner are formed. At the end of this period, your partner will take initiative to develop sweet relationships. New friendship is likely during this period.

Auqarius Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Excellent Yogas for new friendship and relationships are formed during this quarter. New love affairs may not be long-term and may hurt your feelings. During the middle period, your interest in the people of opposite sex will increase. The happiness of your family may get affected due to your love affairs.

During the end of the quarter, your relationship will again become sweet. You may become popular among the people of opposite sex. You may mingle with your friends and may go on tours with them.

Auqarius Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During this quarter of 2011, you may be approached for new friendships. You will be able to spare enough time for love affairs during this period. Planetary combinations for spending time in entertainment are formed. Friendship with a person from a distant place is likely.

This period could be favorable for new relationships and love. During the middle of the quarter, a love affair may turn into marriage. You may have to wait till the last month of the quarter for the agreement of your family for marriage. During this period, friendship may also take the form of love affairs.

Auqarius Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

The last quarter of 2011 could be painful for love affairs. Your relationship may get broken up during this period. During the middle period, you may get involved in deep friendship with a person of opposite gender on your workplace. But you may be deceived in these relationships, therefore proceed carefully.

In the last month of the quarter, circumstances would become favorable for love affairs. During this time, your relationship with friends will not be that good.

2011 Auqarius Horoscope - Family Life

Auqarius Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The year 2011 could affect the peace and happiness of your family. Obstacles may creep in the auspicious events being held in your family during this period. You will have to change your behavior for the happiness and prosperity of your family. During the middle period, you may buy a new vehicle for family. The time is not favorable for married life.

During the last part of the quarter, the circumstances may become favorable. You may think about adding to your comforts and conveniences. At the end of this period, your tasks may get finished with the support of friends. Arrival of guests is likely and it may increase your expenses.

Auqarius Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

The new friendship of this period may be painful for you. Do not expect the cooperation of friends during this period. During the middle of the quarter, you may develop friendship with influential personalities. Members of your family may get annoyed with you. Apart from this, this period will be favorable for married life. At the end of the quarter, happiness from maternal side may get reduced. You may have opportunities to meet with neighbors and relatives during this period.

Auqarius Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

The middle part of this year would be excellent for your family. Yogas for happiness of married life are formed during this period. But your thoughts may not match with that of your mother. Try to resolve these conflicts as soon as possible. Your wish to get a child may get fulfilled during this period. Besides this, you may have to face difficulties for your children. The end of this quarter is excellent for family life.

Auqarius Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter of 2011, you may have bitter relationships with your friends. Conflicts with relatives are also likely. Due to lack of happiness, married life will not be favorable. You will have to take initiatives to improve the circumstances. Children will be supportive but you will not believe them. Married life would become favorable by the end of the year only.

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