
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Capricorn Horoscope for 2011(Makar)

Characteristic of Capricorn

You are a hard working, disciplined and calm by nature. You like solitude and want to be secure. You are an alert person with a lot of tolerance power. You have the capability to face hurdles to achieve your goals.

You have a tough and uncompromising nature which could make you a successful administrator. Even after working for a long time, you don’t become exhausted. Try to develop the feeling of self-satisfaction and remove stubbornness from your behavior.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope - Money and Finance

Capricorn Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Beginning of 2011 will be beneficial for your financial position. Your economic status directly relates to your enthusiasm, passion and hard work. If you maintain these qualities then you will get positive results. Exploit your capabilities and experience to improve your economic status.

If you maintain passion, courage and zeal at work then you will easily get progress and success according to your endeavours. At the end of the quarter there are strong combinations for economic progress and you could use them to earn profits from risky ventures.

Capricorn Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You need to maintain your courage in this quarter to uphold your financial position. Your abilities and experience will support you to strengthen your economic status. You will be able to influence your enemies through your management qualities. You are confident, but, you need to increase your courage and struggling capabilities.

You must proceed with courage and a strong fighting spirit. Somebody else might benefit from your hard work at the end of the quarter and this could affect your financial position. Increased business expenses could be a cause of worry for you.

Capricorn Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

The middle part of 2011 could be marked by a shortfall of funds in expanding some project. There could be infrequent disturbances in your financial stability. It’s better that you delay business journeys a bit or there could be an increase in expenses. The end of the quarter requires a close watch over policies. You’ll need to continue working hard to sustain your position. Fortunately there are combinations for unexpected incomes. Keep your confidence and move steadily in the right direction.

Capricorn Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

You will be attentive towards your financial status in the end of 2011. You might not use resources properly at the work place in this duration. You might face various upheavals in your financial transactions.

Increase your confidence and put your efforts to meet your objectives. Your expenses may run over your budget. Your experience and knowledge will increase your income at the end of 2011 and your struggling capacity would be appreciated.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope -Career and Profession

Capricorn Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will want everything to standards of perfection in this quarter. Your good presenting skills will help you to achieve success in business. Increase your morale to remove obstacles from success. Your lack of courage and passion at the work place may create obstacles for your financial position and may stop you from grabbing opportunities.

Your seniors will support you at work. You could go for a long-distance journey for business around the middle of the quarter. You will need to step-up your efforts at the end of the quarter to meet your goals.

Capricorn Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You might not get full support from subordinates at work in this duration. You may not be able to make the full use of your intellectual capabilities which will delay decision making. Fortunately, you have courage and conviction which will reduce business obstacles. You will get benefits from short journeys in this quarter. Be a good leader of your team. It will be good to not to waste energy and time of the team. This time is favorable to change a job.

Try to not to be a slothful person in this quarter otherwise you may not be able to achieve benefits from auspicious combinations. Your seniors may take a strong position and ask you to work with discipline. You will achieve success in everything you do with dedication during this period.

Capricorn Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Your leadership qualities will help you achieve the desired success. There could be some problems if you’re in service. A transfer could occur. The middle of the quarter requires a close monitoring of the expenses. A wrong decision taken now may cause a loss to you. The end of the quarter is good for exploiting your contacts to gain a higher position, but you will not benefit from the experience of your seniors. You can get your work done through your intelligence and a sweet tongue.

Capricorn Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your lack of confidence may affect your profession and income, but, you will be able to get full support from your colleagues in the middle of the quarter. You may face some professional hurdles due to lack of expertise or knowledge of your domain. You can remove these obstacles through your efforts.

Your hard work will prove profitable for your career in the end of 2011. Possibilities to achieve promotion in job are also there.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Your health would be moderate in the starting of 2011. You might get skin related problems quickly in this duration. Running too much behind profits may cause a long-term health problem.

You might suffer from insomnia, thus, you should try to reduce your stress. Consider taking a holiday or a trip to rejuvenate yourself. If you reduce your work load then you feel better. You might face problems related to blood pressure in this duration.

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Combinations in this quarter suggest that you could be under some stress. Due to mental pressure you may not be able to take adequate rest, and the middle of the quarter may bring you some physical discomfort due to too many journeys. Make an effort to reduce your stress and don’t worry needlessly. A disappointment from the opposite sex could also make you neglect your health.

The combinations are good for professional pursuits. There may be an unusual pressure on your heart at the end of the quarter. You may be very obstinate during this period. Listen to your health advisor to maintain good health.

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You feel relieved of stress during this quarter. Your health will also improve but a health related problem with your father may cause some worry. The middle of the quarter may bring you complaints of headache due to excessive fretting.

Fat-rich foods may have a negative impact on your mother’s health. This is not a favorable combination so you should ask your mother to take care and also go for preventive therapy. This will help control the situation.

Capricorn Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your health will be normal in the last quarter of 2011. You may not have much politeness in your nature and worrying about increasing your income could cause some stress. The middle of the quarter may bring a short-term illness or health problem for your life partner. The period is also not good for your mother’s health and there are chances that she may be exposed to a threatening disease. The end of the quarter may bring you some relief on the business front and you will be able to take a sigh of relief. Your children’s unhappiness may cause some worrying.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Capricorn Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The beginning of 2011 may introduce some obstacles in your relationships. You may also begin a fresh friendship in this period. These could be long term relationships which will benefit you all through your life.

You will have heightened attraction and interaction with the people of opposite gender, and you may even have more than one love interests during this period. This could cause some emotional and moral conflicts. The end of the quarter may be marked by the culmination of a relationship into a permanent bond. This is a good period to forge new friendships and to take a vacation or a for a journey. The friends gained in this period will be intelligent and polite.

Capricorn Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Your ego and stubbornness may affect your relationships. Your partner will make efforts to keep the relationship as strong and as sweet as ever, but your bad behavior may reduce your prestige in your friend’s eyes.

You may not get the support of the opposite gender. You must try not to be insensitive if you wan to maintain your relationship. At the end of the quarter the situation may be against you. There could be arguments and tensions in your relationships which will become normal only by the end of the year. You will get opportunities to spend time with your friends.

Capricorn Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You will take initiatives in love relationship in the middle of 2011. Your opponents may create obstacles in your love relationship, thus, be careful. You will have auspicious combinations to achieve support and affection from others and all the problems will be resolved in the middle of the quarter.

Your expenses would increase due to your friends and the opposite sex. You may want to take corrective steps by the end of the quarter. Your problems in love life may increase. There might even be a separation if you are not careful. Your enemies may be influential, therefore, you should be careful in your love relationship.

Capricorn Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

The fourth quarter of 2011 would not be favorable for your love relationship. You and your partner may not have much trust on each other, which may reduce the happiness in your relationship. Even your relationship with your friends may not be as good as earlier. The end of the quarter will bring back some confidence and you will gain some of the popularity you had in the people of opposite gender.You may take some time to get back the sweet relationship with your friends.

2011 Capricorn Horoscope - Family Life

Capricorn Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first quarter of 2011 will bring you full support and cooperation from your life partner in your professional activities. On the flip side the first month of the quarter may be marred by a fall in your family’s happiness. The middle of the quarter may have an unstable marriage relationship but the situation will briefly become favorable by the end of the quarter. Disagreements and arguments in your family will reduce the peace and happiness of your household. You may plan to acquire new land or a buildilng during this period.

Capricorn Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

The second quarter of 2011 has good combinations for happiness and prosperity. There could be some increased family responsibilities. You may also go on a short journey with your family. Maintain a good relationship with your younger siblings. If you are waiting for a child then your desire may be fulfilled around the middle of the quarter. The families happiness may be increased by a good news. But you may worry a little because of your child’s changing nature. Apart from this there will be many opportunities to interact and spend time with your family.

Capricorn Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

There might be a brief period of conflict in your married life during the middle of 2011. But the period should otherwise be good for your family. Disturbances in your household will go away early if you adopt a patient attitude. Your father’s tough attitude may cause some inconvenience to the family.

It is possible that you may not be able to win the trust of your children completely. This is not a nice situation. You will strengthen your relationship with your friends and relatives.

Capricorn Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your life partner may be more irritable and aggressive than usual during the last quarter of this year. Apart from this some important auspicious work of the family may be delayed. You will get an opportunity to come closer to your father, but you will not get the full support of your friends.

You will get the advice and the support of the elders in your family. This will help you to remove the conflicts from your married life. You may have to spend money on your younger siblings at the end of the year.

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