
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sagittarius Horoscope for 2011(DHANU)

Characteristic of Sagittarius

You are straight forward, jolly, soft-spoken, liberal, generous, wise, kind, hopeful and progressive. You know how to judiciously use an auspicious opportunity. You enjoy your work and do it enthusiastically. You may be highly ambitious and may like to go on tours.

You may be a good policy-maker or a scholar but you should avoid praising yourself. You may be associated with hospitality sector.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope - Money and Finance

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The year 2011 will be excellent for economic prospects. The economic condition of this duration is associated with your efforts. Your expenses on managerial topics will increase but you will try to control your expenses on juniors. During this period of the quarter, you will achieve success in making administrative policies. During the middle of the quarter, ambitions of gaining profits may be high.

At the end of this period, your savings will also increase due to sound economic condition. Investment on foreign projects could be done successfully during this period.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

In this quarter, you may think about sale or purchase of professional assets. Try to finish the projects on time to increase your income. In this quarter, expansion of foreign projects could be done but be flexible while taking decisions.

During the middle of this period, you may use your financial benefits for increasing the comforts and conveniences on the work front. Your self-confidence will fetch you success more than your expectations. At the end of this period, income may be reduced due to delay in decision-making. Morale will be high during this period. It will also help you gain profits.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of 2011, your agreements with professional institutions may be completed. This period is also favorable for the agreements of partnership. Starting of big projects may face obstacles during this period. During the middle period, avoid investing money in risky areas, otherwise you may have to face loss of money. A long journey in the end of the quarter would be profitable. Your positive attitude towards work will fetch you auspicious fruits. Obstacles in intellectual activities are likely.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

By the end of the year, your economic condition may not be good. You may face unexpected loss in risky areas during this period. You may not get back the money lent by you. Yogas for buying vehicles are formed. New projects may be introduced into your business during the middle of the quarter. Besides this, efforts for improving financial condition may become more vigorous.

Give importance to efforts and hard work during this period. You may get the benefits from your old contacts. During this period, do not seek suggestions on money matters yourself. It would be good to assign this task to some other person. The time is favorable for borrowing money.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope -Career and Profession

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Strong Yogas are formed for excellent income from the starting quarter of 2011 itself. You will get full support of knowledge and experience of seniors on the work front. Avoid performing risky activities. During the middle period, you may be doubtful regarding your benefits. You will have to behave politely in order to get the support of your juniors.

Foreign journeys for professional purposes may get completed. At the end of the quarter, Yogas for transfer are formed. Apart from this, colleagues will have a positive attitude towards you. You will be able to pacify your enemies and opponents. It would not be beneficial to reveal your professional policies. You may earn profits through your own efforts rather than expecting cooperation from others.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Changes may take place on the professional front. Your reliable colleagues may quit during this period. The time is favorable for changing job. During the middle of the quarter, you may be confused while making decisions. Tasks of this period would require a thorough and careful analysis. You may take time to prove your abilities on the work front. During the middle of the quarter, you will earn honor and trust of seniors. At the end of the quarter, yogas for promotion are formed. Besides this, increment is also likely.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You may face obstacles in your work during this quarter of 2011. Your colleagues will not cooperate with you during this period. Difficulties may increase due to competitors. Planetary combinations for reduction in courage, vigor and enthusiasm are formed. Excellent yogas for income from foreign nations are formed. But, you may get disappointed for some time due to slow progress of household activities. During this period, avoid getting involved into unnecessary disputes on your workplace.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

During the last quarter, you will successfully complete your work with the help of your intelligence and wisdom. But, during this period, you may be dishonored on the work front due to the people of opposite sex. The time is not good for beginning partnership business. Your opponents will be strong during this period, due to which, income may get reduced suddenly. Profits will not be much despite making vigorous efforts. At the end of the quarter, these obstacles will disappear and you will start achieving success. Pending work may get finished during this period.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The first quarter of 2011 would be favorable for health prospects but mental happiness may get affected. Your anxiety will increase due to increased expenses. During the middle period, you may be under stress due to your financial condition. In this condition, you may become a bit callous. At the end of the quarter, your mother's health may get affected. You may take the help of yoga to stay away from stress and bring back the mental happiness.

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You may become aggressive and excited during this period. Stress and dispute may creep in your family if you are not watching your words. Your mother's health may not be fine during this period also. At the end of the quarter, your health may come down. During the middle of the quarter, you will not be able to relax due to the tension of fulfilling your responsibilities. These circumstances may lead to the reduction in your proficiency.

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of 2011, ailments related to stomach may trouble you. It would be good to have a balanced diet during this period. During the middle of the quarter, you may be anxious about your father's health. Your health may not be fine during the end of the quarter. Due to increasing workload, you may not find time to take rest. You may not be able to have a sound sleep because of problems related to children.

Sagittarius Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Avoid being rude during the last quarter of 2011. Protect yourself from water-borne diseases. During the middle of the quarter, try to stay away from matters of disputes. By the end of the year, your health may become normal. Keep an eye on your children's diet during this period.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

During the first quarter of 2011, your love affairs would be of moderate level. During this period, your love affairs may lack affection and cooperation. Due to haughtiness in your behavior, problems may be aggravated. Misunderstandings may also creep in. During the middle period, your work may get completed with the help of your partner. Friendship may turn into love by the end of the quarter. Besides this, you may also plan an outing with your partner during this period. This period is favorable for spending time in luxurious activities.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

This quarter would be favorable for love prospects. During this period, along with increase in concerned expenses, you will have opportunities to understand each other. Your friendship may deepen due to exchange of thoughts. During the middle of the quarter, you will be successful in removing the feeling of distrust from your mind. You may proceed for turning your love relationship into marriage if you so desire.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

In this quarter of 2011, you will be fully dedicated to your love affairs. The time is favorable for making new friends and relationships. You will not get enough opportunities to spend time with your friends. You will spend most of the time of this period with the people of opposite sex. During the middle of the quarter, you will enjoy going on tours with your friends. The time is favorable for fulfilling your interests and hobbies. At the end of the quarter, do not rely on your friends for completing the tasks.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

The lack of sweetness in your behavior may affect your love relationship. Your relationship with friends will not be affectionate. The condition will become normal by the end of the year. During the middle of this period, your relationship with your partner will not be so amicable. The end of 2011 would be good for making new friends and relationships. Your income may increase with the cooperation of friends.

2011 Sagittarius Horoscope - Family Life

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Happiness of married life may get affected during this quarter. During the middle of the quarter, you may face difficulties in family life due lack of politeness in your partner’s behavior and aggressiveness in your behavior. At the end of the quarter, wish of the people waiting for a child may get fulfilled. Your life partner's behavior may not be polite during this period.

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

During the middle of 2011, married life may be stressful. You should take initiatives to improve the circumstances. For this, try to spare more time for your partner. Problems of married life will be reduced during the middle of the quarter. Your relationship may become sweet with the support of elders of family. Apart from this, both of you should try to be loyal to each other. By the end of the quarter, circumstances would become favorable up to a major extent.

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During this quarter, you will put your best efforts to make your married life happy. However, during the middle period, try to understand the feelings and thoughts of your life partner. It would help to fill the gap between you two. You will not be able to spare much time for your partner because of busy work schedule or foreign journeys. Some expenses on your family may go waste during this period. You will get full support of your parents.

Sagittarius Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

In the last quarter of 2011, taking the suggestion and opinion of your life partner for completing professional tasks may prove beneficial. Your life partner will cooperate with you even if you are busy elsewhere. During the middle of the quarter, this relationship may face some fluctuations. Your parents will not cooperate with you on time during this period. By the end of the year, your family troubles will be reduced. Avoid taking interest in the people of opposite sex, otherwise it may create unnecessary problems.

1 comment:

  1. Horoscope helps people in determining future events of the life so that you can easily prevent the bad impacts. The general horoscope 2013 comprises information about all the 12 zodiac signs.
