Vote and support credible leadership of Mohyal Ratna Rzd BD Bali ji and his team
--From PK Dutta
*Shri PK Dutta with Rzd BD Bali
Dear Elders/Brothers and sisters
The revival of Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar, after a gap of about 25 years, was the foresight of Rzd, Sh. B. D. Bali ji. It is my privilege to serve the Mohyal Sabha Amritsar, first as secretary youth affairs and now as senior vice president.
it is a matter of gratification that with the blessings of the Almighty Sh. B. D. Bali ji and his dedicated teams over the times, have achieved many milestones for our community. Many precious institutions have been built which will keep out community alive for generations.
It is under the able leadership of Rzd. B. D. Bali ji, GMS is on a pedestal of credibility and is also financially stable. All this have made GMS to take up projects for the welfare of the weaker/needy sections of the biradari.
So, keeping in view, the present elections, it is very necessary that Rzd. B.D.Bali ji, comes back with a strong and dedicated new team for GMS managing committee. those who are competent enough to carry on, with more enthusiasm and zeal, and also consolidate the existing.
Keeping in view the leadership qualities and abilities of Sh. B.D. Bali ji, all the voters should actively participate to select the team of Sh. B.D.Bali ji, who have proven track record of community service with devotion and sincerity.
I, therefore, request all the voters to cast their precious votes in favour of Sh. B. D. Bali ji's team, so that they could play a pivotal role in the progress and development of the community.
Anil Dutta
(senior vice president)
Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar
+91-9878391830, 8146558833, 9780588582
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