Appeal toVoters, GMS Elections:Choudhari Anil Dutta
A sincere request and appeal to the voters for GMS elections, to be wise enough to vote Rzd Sh. B. D. Bali ji and his selected team of dedicated Mohyals, who wish to do better for the community and uplift the down trodden members of the biradari. General Mohyal Sabha has achieved a lot under the able and thoughtful leadership of Sh. B.D. Bali. I am actively associated with GMS for the last about 4-5 years, after a gap of about 25 years, Amritsar Mohyal Sabha was revived under the able guidance of the President GMS. I have seen a lot many developments by GMS towards the betterment of the biradari. Monthly Pension to Widows has been increased, student supports paid, destitute given monetary help or medical assistance to the needy and lots of other projects are under way now. These could not be achieved without active support of whole community. It is, therefore, requested to give your support and vote to the dedicated mohyals, for the progress and development of the community. Rzd BD Bali has selected a very dedicated team.
Please vote for them. Regards
Choudari Anil Dutta(Senior Vice President)
Mohyal Sabha,Amritsar
फरीदाबाद के मोहयाल जी एम एस के चुनावों में रायजादा बी डी बाली औरउनकी टीम का समर्थन करते हैं।
--सुमीत मेहता भीमवाल
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