
Monday, May 31, 2010

"दत्त " मोहयालों के गोत्र ऋषि ' भरद्वाज '

श्रीमती प्रभा दत्ता ( शिक्षाविद,गुडगाँव ) श्रीमती नीता बाली के साथ

स्वर्गीय श्री एन डी दत्ता ( कार्यकारी संपादक-मोहयाल मित्र )

Bharadwaja (Devanagari: भरद्वाज / भारद्वाज) is one of the greatest Hindu sages (Maharshis), descendant of rishi Angirasa, whose accomplishments are detailed in the Puranas. He is one of the Saptarshis (Seven Great Sages Rishi) in the present Manvantara; with others being Atri, Vashishtha, Vishvamitra, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kashyapa.[1].

Bharadwaja rishi was father of Dronacharya and grand father of Ashwatthama. Bharadwaja Maharshi, a sage of the Vedic period, is renowned for his thirst for knowledge. He attained extraordinary scholarship and the power of meditation.


Bharadwaj as Gotra means people who are the descendants of Rishi Bharadwaj. Rishi Bharadwaj was the son of sage Brihaspati. Sage Brihaspati was the son of Rishi Angiras. These 3 rishis are called the traya rishi of the Bharadwaj earlier days Sages were only Brahmins excepting Sage Vishwamitra. Also all the warrior brahmins became Kshatriyas later. Later all the business minded Kshatriyas became vaishyas. Hence there are people of all the three communities having a common Gotra especially Bhardwaj Gotra. Guru Dronacharya was the son of sage Bharadwaj. All the descendants of Bharadwaj Gotra display warrior skills because sage Bharadwaj married a Kshatriya woman called Suseela. According to Anuloma marriage, the offsprings who are born to a brahmin father and a kshatriya woman take the characteristics of Kshatriya though technically being a Brahmin. Hence the brahmin descandants of Bharadwaj Gotra are referred to as Brahma-Kshatriyas (Warrior Brahmins). They are considered to have intelligence in Vedas and war [2][3]

The ashram of Bhardwaj rishi still stands on the banks of river Ganges in Allahbad, India.

Bharadwaja in Ramayana

Rama, Sita and Lakshaman meet sage Bharadwaja

In Ramayana, Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana went on exile for the words of his father. Rama along with them went through many forest regions starting from crossing yamuna river with help of Guha ,head clanman and a friend of Rama's father Dasaratha. As he travelled he visited many rishi's ashrams. Met many rishis and sages including Agasthiyar, Gauthama and Bharadwaja. Rama and others rested in Bharadwaj's ashram and accepted his offerings.


In India, Bharadwaja is an ancestor of Brahmin People belonging to the Bharadwaja gotra. Bharadwaja who is the great grand son of Lord Brahma is the root for his clan, Bharadwaja gotra.


  • Odisha: The saraswata Bramhins in Odisha are of Bharadwaja Gotra
  • Kashmir: among Saraswat Brahmins who migrated to Himalayas.
  • Himachal Pradesh: around 60% of Brahmins have Bharadwaja as their gotra.
  • Punjab: around 45% of Brahmins have Bharadwaja as their gotra.
  • Haryana: around 40%-45% of Brahmins have Bharadwaja as their gotra.
  • Rajasthan: around 35% of Rajasthani Brahmins have Bharadwaja as their gotra, Rigveda as vedanta and kuldevta as Shri Lakshmi Narsimha or Shri Narasimha.
  • Maharashtra
  • Among Iyers and Iyengars In TamilNadu and nambudiri In Kerala.
  • Aruvela Niyogi brahmans in Andhra Pradesh
  • Vaidiki velanadi brahmans in Andhra Pradesh
  • Madhwa and Smartha brahmins in Karnataka.
  • Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh: Bhumihar Brahmins have Bharadwaja as their Gotra.
  • Mauritius (Country)- Speaking language- Hindi, Bhojpuri, Magadhi


  1. ^ Inhabitants of the Worlds
    Mahanirvana Tantra, translated by Arthur Avalon, (Sir John Woodroffe), 1913, Introduction and Preface
  2. ^
  3. ^

"बाली " मोहयालों के गोत्र ऋषि ' पराशर '

सुपरिचित बाली मोहयाल

मोहयाल रत्न रायजादा बी डी बाली , प्रसिद्ध उद्योगपति , अध्यक्ष - जनरल मोहयाल सभा
श्रीमती नीता बाली

श्री पवन बाली ( जालंधर) एवं मोहयाल गौरव पुष्प बाली ( सदस्य कार्यकारिणी-जनरल मोहयाल सभा , अध्यक्ष-यूथ मोहयाल विंग,जालंधर )

अश्वनी बाली , सदस्य कार्यकारिणी -जनरल मोहयाल सभा , प्रेसिडेंट - मोहयाल सभा महरौली

is a Rigvedic Maharishi and author of many ancient Indian texts. Parāśara was the grandson of Vasishtha, the son of Shakti-muni, and the father of Vyasa. There are several texts which give reference to Parāśara as an author/speaker. Modern scholars believe that there were many individuals who used this name throughout time whereas others assert that the same Parāśara taught these various texts and the time of writing them varied. The actual sage himself never wrote the texts, he was known as a traveling teacher, and the various texts attributed to him are given in reference to Parāśara being the speaker to his student.[citation needed]



According to vedas which is the word of GOD The Supreme personality of Godhead Lord Krishna, Brahma created Vasishtha who with Arundhati had a son named Shakti-muni who sired Parāśara. With Satyavati, Parāśara fathered Vyasa. Vyasa sired Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura through his dead brother's wives. He sired Śuka through his wife, Jābāli's daughter Pinjalā (Vatikā)[1]. Thus Parashara was the great-grandfather of both the warring parties of the Mahābhārata, the Kauravas and the Pāndavas.


Parāśara Muni was raised by his grandfather, Vasishtha, because he lost his father at an early age. His father, Shakti-muni, was on a journey and came across an angry Rakshasa (demon) who had once been a king but was turned into a demon feeding on human flesh as a curse from Vishwamitra. The demon devoured Parāśara’s father. In the Visnu Purana, Parāśara speaks about his anger from this: [2]

"I had heard that my father had been devoured by a Rakshasa employed by Vishwamitra: violent anger seized me, and I commenced a sacrifice for the destruction of the Rakshasas: hundreds of them were reduced to ashes by the rite, when, as they were about to be entirely exterminated, my grandfather Vasishtha said to me: Enough, my child; let thy wrath be appeased: the Rakshasas are not culpable: thy father's death was the work of destiny. Anger is the passion of fools; it becometh not a wise man. By whom, it may be asked, is any one killed? Every man reaps the consequences of his own acts. Anger, my son, is the destruction of all that man obtains by arduous exertions, of fame, and of devout austerities; and prevents the attainment of heaven or of emancipation. The chief sages always shun wrath: be not subject to its influence, my child. Let no more of these unoffending spirits of darkness be consumed. Mercy is the might of the righteous.”

Sage Parashara, on one of his travels across the country, halted for the night in a little hamlet on the banks of the river Ganga. He was put up in the house of the village chief. When dawn broke, the chief asked his daughter, Satyavati, to ferry the sage to his next destination. When in the ferry, Parashara was offended by the stench of raw fish. According to legend, the Ganga has no fish within her waters. He asked Satyavati as to from where the foul stench was emanating. Satyavati was a fisherman's daughter, and pursued the same occupation. It was from her the stench emanated. Realising this, Parashara gave her the epithet "Matsyagandha", meaning "one with the smell of fish". Satyavati was thoroughly ashamed. Parashara felt sorry for his cruelty, and instantly granted her the boon, that the finest fragrance may emit from her person.

Parashara grew attached to Satyavati, and desired to perform coitus with her. But Satyavati was ashamed of doing so, as there were many people present on either sides of Ganga. So Parasara Muni, with his mystic power, created a dense sheet of mist around an island on Ganga and in due course, they had a son, by name Vyasa. But Parashara's wandering ascetic life did not suit Satyavati, and the couple separated. While parting, Parashara granted Satyavati another boon; that she may have her lost virginity back. Satyavati returned to her father after this, and in due course, married Shantanu.

Parāśara was known as the "limping sage". He had his leg wounded during the attack of his ashram. When a rishi dies he merges back into an element or an archeype, Sage Jaimini was trampled by wild elephants, Sage Gautama was eaten by Cannibals, etc. When Sage Parāśara was walking through a dense forest he and his students were attacked by wolves. He was unable to get away in his old age with a lame leg he left this world merging into the wolves [3].

The birth place of Parashar Muni is believed to be at Panhala fort in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra. A cave supposed to be of Parashar Muni is present at the fort.

[edit] Rigveda

In the Rigveda, Parāśara, son of Sakti-Muni (Parāśara Śāktya), is the seer of verses 1.65-73 which are all in praise of Agni (the sacred fire), and part of 9.97 (v.31-44) which is in praise of Soma. Below is 1.73.2

devo na yaḥ savitā satyamanmā kratvā nipāti vṛjanāni viṣvā
purupraṣasto amatirna satya ātmeva Sevo didhiṣāyyo bhūt

He who is like the divine Sun, who knows the truth (of things), preserves by his actions (his votaries) in all encounters; like nature, he is unchangeable and, like soul, is the source of all happiness: he is ever to be cherished.[4]

Texts attributed to Parāśara

  • Author of verses in the Rigveda: recorded as the author of RV 1.65-73 and part of RV 9.97.
  • Parāśara Smriti (also called Parāśara Dharma Samhita): a code of laws which is stated in the text to be for the present Kali Yuga.
  • Speaker of Visnu Purana considered by scholars as one of the earliest Puranas. [5]
  • Speaker of the Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra , also written as BPHS. It is considered a foundational text of astrology. The Sanskrit in which it is composed dates to the 7th or 8th centuries CE
  • Speaker of the Vrikshayurveda ("the science of life of trees"), one of the earliest texts on botany.[1]
    . This text was considered to be an ancient botany primer for students of Traditional IndianMedicine

See also


  1. ^ Skanda Purāṇa, Nāgara Khanda, ch. 147
  2. ^ Wilson, H. H. The Vishnu Purana: A System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition.
  3. ^ Munshi, K.M. "The Book of VedaVyaasa: The Master".
  4. ^ Rgveda 1.73.2 Translation by H.H.Wilson
  5. ^ Flood, Gavin. An Introduction to Hinduism.
  • Flood, Gavin (1996). An Introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-43878-0.
  • Ganguli, Kisari Mohan. "The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa" published between 1883 and 1896,
  • Monier-Williams, Sanskrit Dictionary (1899).
  • Munshi, K.M. "The Book of VedaVyaasa: The Master". Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1971.
  • Wilson, H. H. (2006). The Vishnu Purana: A System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition. Cambridge: Read Country Books. ISBN 1-84664-664-2

Monday, May 24, 2010

Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. -- Mark Twain (1835-1910)


Life has, indeed, many ills, but the mind that views every object in its most cheering aspect, and every doubtful dispensation as replete with latent good, bears within itself a powerful and perpetual antidote. -- Lydia H. Sigourney


When you ask for change, be willing to accept the change even if it is not delivered in the way you would expect. Please know that we only work for your highest good in all things. Once you ask, make sure to pay attention to the new people, situations or information brought into your life. Too often people make a blanket statement of needing change then move on with the same patterns ignoring what we bring or resenting the way the change is made. This is when you say we do not listen, but more likely it is that you are only looking for the options of change that fit within your realm of possibilities and limitations. Change is not possible in that line of thinking, be open and aware of all new things and the change you seek will manifest gracefully.

Omar Khayyam

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
...Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it."
--Omar Khayyam

भगवान की सच्ची प्रार्थना / अशोक मेहता

रूस के प्रसिद्ध साहित्यकार श्री तालस्ताय ने एक कहानी लिखी है| एक पादरी महोदय बहुत बड़े धर्म प्रचारक थे| स्थान स्थान पर जा कर ईसा महोदय का उपदेश देते थे| वह बाइबिल में लिखी प्रार्थनाएँ लोगों को सिखलाते थे| लोगों को बतलाते थे की ये प्रार्थनाएँ करने से तुम्हारा कल्याण होगा| अपने देश के अलावा वे दूसरे देशों में भी जाकर अपने धर्म का प्रचार करते थे| एक बार वे धर्म प्रचार के लिए समुद्री जहाज से कहीं जा रहे थे|

उन्हें सागर में एक छोटा सा द्वीप दिखाई दिया| उन्होंने जहाज के कप्तान को जहाज को उस द्वीप की ओर ले जाने को कहा| उन्होनें सोचा शायद वहां कोई व्यक्ति हो, चलो उसके पास चलें| उसे ईश्वर की प्रार्थना करने का मार्ग बताएं| यह सोचकर वे अपने सहयोगियों के साथ उस द्वीप में उतर गए| इधर उधर देखा परन्तु कोई दिखाई नहीं दिया| तभी द्वीप के दूसरी ओर से तीन बूढ़े आते दिखाई दिये| पादरी महोदय रुक गए| बूढ़े निकट आये तो पादरी ने देखा-उनकी दाढ़ियाँ सफ़ेद हैं,उनके सर के बल भी सफ़ेद हैं| वृक्षों की छाल से उन्होंने अपने तन को ढक रखा है| कोई भी वस्तु उनके पास में नहीं थी| पादरी ने उनसे पूछा- यहाँ कोई गाँव अथवा शहर नहीं है?

एक वृद्ध ने कहा- नहीं इस द्वीप में हम तीनो रहते हैं| चौथा कोई नहीं| यहाँ फल हैं वे खा लेते हैं| यहाँ पानी है वो पी लेते है|कभी कोई भुला भटका आ जाये तो उसे भी फल और पानी दे देते हैं|

पादरी ने कहा- यही करते हो? अरे अभागो, उस ईश्वर को याद करो जिसने तुम्हें उत्पन्न किया है|

दूसरे वृद्ध ने कहा-उसे तो हम हमेशा स्मरण करते ही हैं| उसे स्मरण करने के अतिरिक्त हमें और कोई काम है ही नहीं|

पादरी ने पूछा- किस प्रकार स्मरण करते हो?

तीसरे वृद्ध ने कहा- हम तीनो बैठ जाते हैं| ऊपर देखते हैं और हाथ उठा कर कहते हैं हम तीन हैं तुम भी तीन हो हमारी रक्षा करो!

पादरी ने कहा- यह क्या मूर्खों की सी प्रार्थना है? तुम लोग बूढ़े हो गए हो| सारा जीवन तुमने नष्ट कर दिया| बैठो मैं तुम्हें वास्तविक प्रार्थना सिखाता हूँ|

और पर्याप्त समय लगा कर पर्याप्त प्रयत्न करने के पश्चात उसने बाइबल में लिखी हुई प्रार्थना उन्हें सिखाई, उनसे सुनी,और जब तसल्ली हो गयी की वे ठीक तरह से सीख गए हैं, तो अपने जहाज में बैठ कर वापस चल दिये| खुले समुद्र में पहुंच गए| एक दिन व्यतीत हो गया| दूसरे दिन प्रातः जहाज पर खड़े एक व्यक्ति ने पीछे की ओर देख कर कहा- पादरी महोदय, दूर वह काला सा धब्बा क्या है?

पादरी ने पीछे की ओर देखा; बोला कुछ है तो सही जैसे कोई द्वीप हो, परन्तु उधर से तो हम आए हैं| उधर तो कोई द्वीप नहीं था| उन बूढों वाला द्वीप तो बहुत पीछे रह गया है|

तभी उस व्यक्ति ने कहा पादरी जी ! एक नहीं तीन धब्बे हैं और वे और बड़े होते जा रहे हैं, जैसे हमारे समीप आ रहे हों|

उस व्यक्ति ने कहा परन्तु पादरी जी हम तो परे जा रहे हैं, लगता है वो कई समुद्री पशु हैं जो हमारा बड़ी तेजी से कर पीछा कर रहे हैं|

कुछ ही देर में जहाज में सवार सभी व्यक्तिओं ने देखा कि वे पशु नहीं थे, वे वही तीनों वृद्ध व्यक्ति थे, जिनको एक दिन पूर्व उस छोटे से द्वीप में वे प्रार्थना सिखा कर आये थे| इस समय तीनों पानी पर दौड़े चले आ रहे थे| हाथ उठा कर आवाज देकर रुकने को कह रहे थे| पादरी ने चिल्ला कर कहा जहाज रोको|

जहाज रुका, परन्तु पादरी महोदय चकित थे कि ये लोग पानी पर कैसे दौड़ रहे हैं? डूबते क्यों नहीं?

उन तीनों बूढों ने जहाज में आ कर कहा पादरी महोदय ! हम अनपढ़ व्यक्ति हैं| आप जो प्रार्थना हमें सिखा कर आये थे, वो प्रार्थना हम भूल गए| उसके कुछ शब्द ठीक प्रकार से स्मरण नहीं आरहे हैं| कृपा कर उन्हें हमको फिर से सिखाइए|

पादरी ने आश्चर्य से उनकी ओर देखा और बोले और तुमलोग पानी पर दौड़े किस प्रकार?

एक वृद्ध ने कहा यह तो साधारण सी बात है पादरी महोदय ! हम भगवान से बोले हमें पादरी महोदय के पास जाना है| नौका हमारे पास है नहीं| दौड हम लेंगे| तुम कृपा करो कि हम दौड़ते चले जाएँ, पानी में डूब ना जाएँ और हम चल पड़े|

पादरी ने हाथ जोड़ दिये उनके सामने और सर झुका कर धीरे से बोला महात्मा लोगों, कृपया आप वापस जाएँ| आप वही प्रार्थना करें जो पहले किया करते थे| ईश्वर आप लोगों के हृदय कि आवाज सुनता है, उसे शब्दों की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है|

यह एक काल्पनिक कहानी है| लेखक महोदय इस कथा से यह बतलाना चाहते हैं कि आनंद- सिंधु , करुणा का सागर भगवान हृदय के प्यार को देखता है| आप के हृदय में उसके लिए प्यार है तो वह मिलेगा अवश्य| मन-ही-मन भगवान् को अपने अत्यन्त समीप समझकर मूकभाषा में प्रार्थना करनी चाहिये। भगवान् सब भाषाएँ समझते हैं, सहज प्रार्थना के लिये किसी अमुक प्रकार के शब्दों की आवश्यकता नहीं है और यह दृढ़ विश्वास रखना चाहिये कि भगवान् मेरे हृदय की सच्ची निर्दोष प्रार्थना को अवश्यअवश्य पूर्ण करेंगे।

तुलसी अपने राम को, हीज भजो या खीज| भूमि पड़े उपजेंगे ही, उलटे सीधे बीज ||

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Keep away from small people who try to belittle your ambitions। Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
-- Mark Twain


*Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. Before you can move their tears, your own must flow. To convince them, you must yourself believe.The harder you chase something, the faster you go - and the less you're able to let life meet life. If you're having difficulty coming up with new ideas, then slow down ... Creativity exists in the present
moment. You can't find it anywhere else.
**एक दिन सागर ने नदी से पूछा ,"कब तक मिलाती रहोगी मुझमें मीठा पानी ?"नदी ने हँसकर कहा ," :जब तक तुझ में मिठास जाये ।"
यह है आत्मविश्वास !

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pisces (मीन) horoscope

Moon is in Gemini in your 4th house
It should turn out to be the prosperous period for you. You will receive many surprises, mostly pleasant. There will be happiness through spouse and your relatives. There will be success in disputes and litigations. You will buy a new house or a vehicle. You may get huge profits from your contracts and agreements. You will prevail over all your enemies. It is a favorable period as far as money matters are concerned.

Mars is in Cancer in your 5th house
Anxiety may develop due to ill health of family members. Travel may be fruitless and therefore should be avoided. You will indulge in unnecessary expenses so, be careful regarding that. You should be cautious while dealing with friends and colleagues. Your power of judgment and discrimination may weaken sometimes. There can be injury due to fire or the women. This period also indicated heart trouble, so you should be very careful about your health.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 10th house
You are an eternal optimist, and events of the year will further strengthen your optimistic instincts. You can do reasonably well if you time your investments intelligently based on the best periods hinted for your sign. All round cooperation and happiness can be the reward from your loved ones and associates, victory over opponents and pleasant functions such as marriage or romantic situations parties are also the likely outcomes. Family atmosphere will be quite satisfactory.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 12th house
But sufferings and letdowns are bound to come, and you will need to learn to take things positively and not to leave matters unfinished. You will need to be in the thick of things at your workplace. Sudden losses are also possible. You may gain from foreign sources. Health problems might disturb you. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Your enemies will try in each and every way to tarnish your image. Not a very sound period for you.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 10th house
You will come up with new ideas for dealing with your challenges. Dealings and transactions will work out smoothly and effortlessly for you, as you score one over your competitors. Income will come for you from more than one source. Your friends and family will just make your personal life so much richer and more fulfilling. Your relations with your clients? associates and other concerned persons will definitely improve as the period rolls on, You will buy some luxury items in this period. Overall, a rewarding period for you.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 7th house
The period will begin with hurdles in career due to pressures created by competition in your work area. You need to be more flexible in handling those situations. New projects and risks in career should be avoided. You should avoid controversy or seeking a change in job till such time. You need to keep your speech & communications positive & non offensive throughout to ensure you do not suffer any set backs due to your words, written or spoken. Your relationship with the opposite sex will not be cordial. Illness of life-partner is also on the cards. As far as possible, unwanted travels should be curtailed. You may have to face some unexpected sorrows and baseless allegations.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 10th house
This period would be an excellent stepping stone for growth vertically and a rise on your career. There are chances of getting benefits from the associates/partners. You may be inclined towards earning through unjust means. Your self-discipline, self-monitoring and control over your daily routine will be beneficial to you. Your relationship with seniors/ authorities will be very cordial and at the sometime your business circle will increase. Health related problems may disturb your peace of mind.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 4th house
Some restlessness is likely, mainly because of a deep feeling of wanderlust. You don't like to get backed into a corner, so this can cause some strain. Your mind will be inclined towards religious activities, and you might make journey to sacred places. The period will begin with a phase of volatility and pressure in career. Tuning with your own people and your relatives may get disturbed. Give proper attention to our day to day pursuits. You will not be able to fulfill your family?s expectations. This is not a perfect time for you to indulge in any type of business matters. This will be testing time for your mother.

Aquarius ( कुम्भ ) horoscope

Moon is in Gemini in your 5th house
This is the perfect time for you to take action on your plans. Stars are very complimentary for you to enjoy the conjugal bliss and married life. The spiritual world can open its gates before you, but it requires some preparation to make use of the opportunities. If you are expecting a kid then safe delivery is also on cards. You will get appreciation for your written work. This is time of acedamic excellence for studens and they will excel in education. A child birth is very much possible during this period specially a girl.

Mars is in Cancer in your 6th house
This is a fluorescent period for you so, try to have the benefit of it. You will get relieved of all your stress and troubles. Family and professional atmosphere will be very supportive to you. You should be a bit conscious while driving. Your enemies will not dare to face you as you will be full frame of mind to crush them. You will come out courageous and get professional distinction.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 11th house
Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. This is a good time to start new ventures. This transit indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled. You may get into new trade or get new contracts. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be expected. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period. You need to pay special attention to the relationship with your life-partner and some caution is required there.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 1th house
Your personal needs will be met the more you tune into your spiritual side, and your growth will be directly connected with your ability to accept your deep philosophical transformation. You could greatly benefit by finishing that degree or get that certificate you've been working on. This is a good time to follow that urge to express your deep inner changes in your personal growth. You can be very successful in expressing your higher principles, whether it is work related or community oriented. Your outlook will be optimistic and your enemies will be in touble during this period. Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice. You will gain from government and mistry and may work together with them for the success. There will be expansion in the trade or will get job promotions. Family happiness is assured for you.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 11th house
This period brings you success in all comings and goings. Some form of pleasant culmination in your professional life brings rewards and recognition. Happier period for recreation and romance. Your brother and sisters will flourish this year. There will be an increase in your income due to your own efforts. Family life shall be quite happy. An exciting job offer, reward, recognition, or promotion is very possible. You will buy gold items, and precious stones. In general, you will get on very well with friends/associates and people from different walks of life.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 8th house
The period opens with a difficult phase in career. A dip in activity & opportunity will be experienced, although there could be rise in irrelevant activity in career. New investments or risky deals should be avoided as there could be chances of losses. It will not be advisable to commence new project or make new investments. You should avoid getting aggressive with your superiors. It would be better to use your own skill and caliber other than thinking of taking help from others. Possiblity of theft or loss of money due to some other means is also there. Take proper care of yourself and your family members. You may also receive bad news regarding some one?s demise.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 11th house
During this period you will be courageous and rise to a high level. You will enjoy conjugal happiness during this time. Your contacts with influential people will definitely increase. Your opponents will lack conviction and courage to face you. Long distance travel is going to be beneficial. For love and romance this is going to be a boon. You will be heroic in strife and overcome your enemies. Minor ailment can be seen. Family relation will be quite satisfactory. Though relationship with your children may not be good.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 5th house
Hurdles in personal and professional front are seen. Try to handle the difficult situation in a calm and intelligent way because rashness is definitely not going to help you in this period. Travel is not beneficial so try to avoid it. You will not get full support from your family side. Progeny related problems will be observed during this period. Your enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm you. Better be bold and sticky to your fair decisions. Stomach ailments may be the cause of anxiety.

Libra( तुला ) horoscope

Libra( तुला )

Moon is in Gemini in your 9th house
Good harmony and understanding is indicated in family life. This is a good time to expand your knowledge, learn something from colleagues. Good relations with friends or foreigners will be fruitful. The will be gain of land. You will do charitable deeds. Your children will also be successful and bring happiness to you. A wonderful life is waiting ahead for you.

Mars is in Cancer in your 10th house
Success in examinations, or promotion, or increased recognition in occupation is assured. Increased corporation from the family is seen. Help from people who live in faraway places or foreign associates. You may get a new assignment which will be very beneficial to you. You will have tremendous confidence to handle any kind of adverse situation.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 3th house
Travels will prove interesting and may pave the way for exciting interactions with compatible persons.?You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give your best to both these vital aspects of life. Your cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits. Meeting with old friends is also indicated. You will get company of opposite sex. You will get some help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 5th house
You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. Changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting. People that you thought overlooked your good efforts will be your greatest and most supportive allies. An auspicious ceremony in the family is likely to take place. This period will also bring prosperity, happiness and success to your children.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 3th house
People look up to you and come to you for advice. Things will start getting sorted out. The whole of this period comes into a period of great potential and energy for you. Time brings you fortune, ability and courage. However there will be material gains and recognition from superiors nonetheless. So it is a good period for trying out new things, going to new places. You are likely to acquire a conveyance in this period. You will connect with more people and make the most out of those connections in both giving and taking. This period will also bring happiness and success to your siblings.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 12th house
This is not a very satisfactory period for you. You may get indulge into sudden losses financially. Loss of money due to litigation and disputes is also possible. Failure in attempts will make you feel frustrated. You will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. Family life will also create tensions. Don?t try to take risks in business matters as period is not very harmonious to you. Your enemies will try to tarnish your image. Loss of money will be quite evident.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 3th house
You will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. You can make great progress professionally. Business/trade prospects will be very good, a promotion should be anticipated if employed somewhere. You might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic fronts. There will be a good opportunity to come into contact with compatible persons in the course of your official duties/ travels. Your relationship with your brothers and sisters will be fine. Though there will be problems to your siblings.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 9th house
This is a good time for self-expression and the use of your creative abilities in various fields. Some auspicious ceremony may be celebrated in your family. The most unexpected changes could be expected in your work area and in professional activities which are outstanding for you. Positive changes in your personal and professional life will take place and you will undertake journeys in connection with your business which will be very rewarding and fruitful. Make the best use of this wonderful period. You will attend relegious functions and will come in contact with respected and religious people.

Leo ( सिंह ) and Virgo (कन्या) horoscope

Leo ( सिंह )

Moon is in Gemini in your 11th house
This is a period of financial stability for you. During this period you can work over your hopes and ambitions and give them a better shape. This is a favorable time for love and romance. You will develop new friendship which will be very rewarding and helpful. You will enjoy respect and honor from learned people and will be quite popular with the opposite sex. Long distance travel is also indicated.

Mars is in Cancer in your 12th house
You should avoid complacency and easy-going attitudes, tone down the flashier side of your nature, and get back to old-fashioned hard-work in an attempt to succeed in life. Financially it will be a difficult period. You may have to confront theft, scandals and disputes during this period. You will find increased work-loads and heightened levels of responsibility at work. This is considered somewhat a bad period for health. You can face ear and eye troubles. Your life-partner can also have health issues. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 5th house
The people around you will realize your true worth and this will be gladdening to you and will be a strong motivating factor for you to keep giving your best consistently. This is the best period for you to travel. Just let go and enjoy the happiness that comes your way. At last you can relax and enjoy the?success and the results of the hard work you had been doing for a long time. This period will also bring you in the midst of famous people. Your desire of getting a kid will be fulfilled. Your creativity will be appreciated by others.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 7th house
Your deep awareness of keeping track of your health and taking better care of yourself and your own needs will help you harness some of your active energy, possibly participating in physical sports as a good outlet. The great energy you radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in your life. Your life-partner will contribute to your happiness and success. You may be called upon you to give more time and energy in a leadership position at work. You will be highly respected and will become more famous.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 5th house
Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at you, and your activities. It is high time that you are given credit for your efforts and other recognize you and look up to you. You will be able to carry out your responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your parents, sibling and relatives. You might receive a very good piece of news through communication.Keep up the tempo and believe in your abilities, the year will see you off in a completely new position. A long distance travel will be rewarding. During this period you will live an aristocratic life.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 2th house
The period will not be awfully beneficial to you. You might face problems related to money matters. Tuning with your own people and your relatives may get disturbed. Give proper attention to our day to day pursuits. This is not a perfect time for taking any risk regarding business matters as the chances of loss are very high during this period. Health ailment of your parents can disturb your peace of mind. You will not be able to fulfill your family?s expectations.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 5th house
This is not a good period for you. Your opponents will try to damage your reputation. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Sudden financial loss is on the cards. Take care of your health and food poisoning could be the cause of stomach ailments. A tendency of taking risks should be curbed as it is not a very harmonious period for you. Dispute on small issues with relatives and friends is on cards. Don't take major decisions otherwise you will be in trouble. Beside this, you might have to get indulge in thankless job.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 11th house
You will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. You can make great progress professionally. . Increased corporation from the family is seen. Help from people who live in faraway places or foreign associates. It could be an excellent period promising much success provided you are willing to work on it. New opportunities will come your way without your seeking them consciously. You will get much respect and honor in social circle. You will construct a new house and enjoy all sort of pleasures.

Virgo (कन्या)

Moon is in Gemini in your 10th house
Very successful and perspective period is waiting for you ahead. Creative approaches and opportunities for additional earning are on the cards. You will share a very good rapport with seniors and supervisors. A marked increase in your income is indicated. There will be expansion of trade and increase iof reputation. Overall this is a period of all round successs.

Mars is in Cancer in your 11th house
You will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. You can make great progress professionally. You might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic fronts. There will be a good opportunity to come into contact with compatible persons in the course of your official duties/ travels. You will be precious metals, gems and jewelry. Your children will require attention as they will be more vulnerable during this period.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 4th house
During this period there can be good gains from property transactions. Financial disputes can get decided in your favor. You will be able identify new sources of income. Long-awaited pay raises will materialize. Business journeys will be successful and productive. The most important feature of this period is that you can experience a positive increase in the level of respect that you enjoy - whatever be your station in life. You will be inclined to spend on luxuries and buy a new vehicle.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 6th house
This is not a very adequate period for you. Your opponents will try to damage your reputation. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Sudden financial loss is on the cards. A tendency of taking risks should be curbed as it is not a very harmonious period for you. Dispute on small issues with relatives and friends is on cards. Don't take major decisions otherwise you will be in trouble. Beside this, you might have to get indulge in thankless job. The period indicates menstrual trouble to ladies, dysentery and eye trouble.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 4th house
You will yield a lot of power, the likes of which you have probably not experienced before. On the personal front, your loved ones will rely on you for providing them and comforting them. You will earn a lot of fame and recognition. Your mental energy will be great. Most importantly, things between you and your spouse will be at their sweetest. Birth of a child is on the cards. Your subordinate shall extend their full support towards you. Overall this period will be very pleasant.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 1th house
This is not the best period to begin new long-term relationships/ friendships. There could be vital issues in professional or personnel life which can cause anxiety. It's always better to be optimistic than to be pessimistic .There is also a contraction in love and feelings mostly due to which the satisfaction level would be poor. The chance of happiness in love is low. Birth of an issue may bring happiness in your home. New relationships will have less than normal chances of taking off controversy and issues could come up. There may be diseases related to wind and cold. Good stability of mind is seen at the last phase of this period.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 4th house
Volatility & some lack of direction in career will prevail as the period starts. You should avoid new projects or major changes in career during this time. You will not be able to cope well with your friends and relatives. Unwanted situations may arise, which can create fighting, troubles into your life. Don't adopt undesirable means for quick monetary gains. Working/service conditions shall not be satisfactory. There could be danger of accident/mishap. Try to build up your confidence to cope with awkward situations which will come in this period. You may have cough problems, asthmatic complaints or rheumatic pains.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 10th house
You will be able to maintain good rapport with your superiors which is very beneficial to you on long run. Loss of position is indicated during this period. Your mind will be full of innovative and creative thoughts, but don't try to apply them without realizing the pros and cons of the situations. You should give more attention to your domestic life. Travel is on your cards and would be very rewarding. There are chances of ill health of your family members so take good care of them as well as yours.

Gemini ( मिथुन) and Cancer ( कर्क)

Gemini ( मिथुन)

Moon is in Gemini in your 1th house
You will not be able to grab the chances coming your way though you will have a lot of opportunities but all in ruin. You may face problems related to your health or your parents so get good care of them as well as yours. Long distance travel is on your cards but would not be very beneficial and should be avoided. This is a period of mixed results for you. There can be dispute with the public and your colleagues. You will be prone to diseases like cold and fever. There will be mental worry without any visible causes.

Mars is in Cancer in your 2th house
This is not a favorable time for financial gains. There can be a death in your family. Family disputes may also disturb your peace of mind. You may get in trouble because of your own harsh words or speech. There may be some bad news regarding business. Heavy losses are indicated. Health problem may disturb you.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 7th house
A highly productive year that will leave you feeling satisfied with what you have achieved.?During this period you will enjoy the life with full optimism and vivacity. There will be ample opportunity for travel, study, and progress in life. You will find that the opposite sex will help you in your sphere. You will get the respect that you richly deserve and your life will be more stable. Speculative activities will be gainful.?There may be acquisition of land or vehicle.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 9th house
This period is surely going to bring all the authority. A foreign connection will serve you well for a considerable duration, and they might just be the source of the extra unexpected income on the cards for you and power that you strive for. Keep up the tempo and believe in your abilities, the year will see you off in a completely new position. Family atmosphere will be very supporting. A long distance travel will be rewarding. You will take interest in religion and perform charitable deeds.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 7th house
The trend for you in this period is one of a tremendous creative and intellectual energy. You will feel very romantic and will take your work as an art and reach out for new ideas. Contacts and communication will bring more opportunities and this adds to the great potential for expansion. Actions of courage and your sheer genius will bring you money and spirituality in equal measure. Harmony in family life is assured. Minor health ailments could be there. Construction of house or purchase of vehicle is on the card. A very rewarding period for you.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 4th house
Some restlessness is likely, mainly because of a deep feeling of wanderlust. You don't like to get backed into a corner, so this can cause some strain. The period will begin with a phase of volatility and pressure in career. New project and risks should be avoided. You need to curb new investments and commitment. There are chances of gain but swings in work environment which will not be entirely comfortable. This period is not good as far as worldly comforts are concerned, religious and spiritual deeds can get you out of troubles. You may face sorrow through your relatives. Sudden accidents and losses are also possible.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 7th house
Though you will try a lot to maintain good relation with your partners or associates but all in ruin. Growth & new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges and difficulties. There could be controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are also possible. Health problems might disturb you. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 1th house
A phase of confusion in strategy & misunderstandings with business partners or associates is possible. Major expansion & long term plans should be put on hold. Focus should be on gains from existing sources, throughout the period. It is better to avoid travel as far as possible. Your enemies will put their best efforts to harm you. Even you should be careful about your friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of yourself as it may become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of chonic diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter off act you will be inclined towards unproductive pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with the characterless persons.

Cancer (कर्क)

Moon is in Gemini in your 12th house
You may get indulge into unwanted expenditure. Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. You are advised to be very calm and balanced in your approach towards different situations in life. Guesswork is not going to help you in any field so it should be avoided. There will be health problems related to eyes, phlegmatic complaints and spleen. You will create problems for yourself by uttering falsehood.

Mars is in Cancer in your 1th house
This is the time which will show you mixed results. Don?t overlook minor health related problems because it may turn into a big one. Some diseases that require special attention are ulcer, rheumatism, vomiting, head an eye troubles, pain in joints or injury due to falling of heavy metallic lump etc. Difficult situations may arise in your path but don?t lose your heart in the adversities as your self-confidence will work in your favor. Dispute with government and senior officials are on the card, so you are advised to be careful. This is not a favorable time for speculation or taking risks.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 6th house
You may suffer due to health complications. You will find it difficult to retain money as you will have tendency towards spending on luxuries and pleasures.? This is not a good period for indulging in rash speculative activities. Silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments can affect family?s peace and serenity. People jealous of you can cause problems, thus may get un-based accusations and create unhappiness in the family beware of them. You may have trouble from women so you need to be careful of them.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 8th house
You take care of yourself now and not let yourself be overburdened, and that way you can keep yourself going for long. There might be a few disappointments. Your courage and convictions are your strongest qualities, but it might hurt to get a little too pigheaded. Don't go for big investment because things may not turn up according to your expectations. You may not get proper support from your friends and associates. Family members attitude will be quite different. Health will be an issue and you will see diseased like nausea, fever attacks, ear infection and vomiting.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 6th house
Those very personal relations that you worked on, won?t work out well, and cause disturbance in your household and office. Take care of your health and try to refine you image. Sensual thoughts not only depress you but may even cause you some humiliation in this period. Harmonious relationship with the opposite sex may get disturbed. Health problems will create disturbances in your life. There are chances of getting indulge into unnecessary expenses. Overall, not a very pleasing period for you. You will feel yourself physically weak and dejected.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 3th house
There will be good luck and good stability of the mind which would help live a positive and easy life at home. Good level of gains could come from spouse. It's an excellent year for travel, higher education, communications, venturing into new enterprises; profession etc. synchronization in family life is secure. This period may bring disagreements and even enemity with hith and kins and relatives. You will get good results professionally. Overall the period will be good.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 6th house
There will be good chances of entering into profitable deals. If you have applied for loans, then you might get finances. Minor health ailment could also be possible. You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give your best to both these vital aspects of life. Your cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits. You will emerge as winner in competition and successful in interviews.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 12th house
This is not a very successful period for you. You may get indulge in unnecessary expenses but you need to put a hold on it. All kinds of speculations must be avoided. You will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. Don?t try to take risks in business matters as period is not very harmonious to you. Your enemies will try to tarnish your image. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Your enemies will try to tarnish your image. Your health may become a cause of anxiety. You may be inclined towards mantra and spiritual practice.

2010 Aries-Taurus horoscope - Mesha-Vrishabha horoscope

Aries ( मेष)

Moon is in Gemini in your 3th house
This will prove to be a fantastic period for you. You will be very confident with your thoughts and chance of getting promotion is highly recommended. There are chances of sudden travel which seems to be very fruitful. There will be happiness from siblings and from the opposite sex. This is also a good period for your borthers. Thought of changing place or profession should be avoided.

Mars is in Cancer in your 4th house
Be careful while dealing with friends, relatives or associates, as chances of disputes are very much there. This will not be a good time for business and there are chances of sudden loss financially. Expenditure on secret activities is possible. You may suffer due to mental stress and strain. Injuries and wounds are on the card during this period, so be careful especially while driving.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 9th house
This is a very good period coming after a period of difficulties and hardships and at last you can relax and enjoy the Success and the results of the hard work you had been doing for a long time. Your financial luck will be excellent provided you avoid dubious speculative activities. Travels can bring you into contact with compatible partners or new friends. You will befriend with political dignitaries or higher officials. You will see birth of a son during this period.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 11th house
Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at you, and your activities. It is high time that you are given credit for your efforts and other recognize you and look up to you. Needless to say, your personal relations will get a boost. Children will bring happiness to you. Journeys will be imminent and people will be eager to have a piece of you. This period will cause you to meditate and inquire about the truth the reality of human existence. There will be some costly and rare acquisition. Overall, this period will be highly rewarding.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 9th house
A visit to a holy place of your interest is on the charts. You will, however, have a romantic and charismatic attitude, and this will help you maintain cordial relations with the ones you know and establish contacts with the ones you don?t. There is certain amount of wish fulfillment which generally means gains in dealings or promotions in the hierarchy of the organization you work for. Acqusition of a new vehicle or buying new land is on the cards. Overall, the period is very good.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 6th house
The great energy you radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in your life. Your rivals will not dare to face you. Financially? it is a wonderful period for you. You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. Your service/job conditions will definitely improve. You will get all kind of support from your coworkers and subordinates. You may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding your health is required.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 9th house
This is a period of mixed results for you. You will put your best in professional field. Your fixity of purpose will remain intact and you will not abandon work once undertaken or lose determination. There is danger of developing egoistic temperament in your personality. This attitude of yours can lead you towards unpopularity. Try to be more flexible and gentle while dealing with people. You will support your brothers and sisters. There will be problems to your relatives.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 3th house
You should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. There will be dynamism & growth. You will share good rapport with your colleagues and seniors. Income sources are very fine for you and you will enjoy your family life. Spiritually, you will be very sound. If you are looking for promotion you will definitely going to get it. Your friend circle will also increase. Sudden travel will also bring good luck for you. You will donate for charitable deeds and will prosper during this period.

Taurus (वृषभ )

Moon is in Gemini in your 2th house
This is an excellent period for you and monetary gain is on the cards. There may be pleasant surprises and lot of get together with family and relatives. It is a favorable period for you so make the best use of this time. There will be gain from women and favors from superiors. As far as money matter is considered it is a fruitful period.

Mars is in Cancer in your 3th house
Physically as well as mentally you will be very courageous during this period. This is a good phase for your relatives especially your brothers will grow. Go for attempts in your career life as the success is assured. Gain of material things is also indicated. Your enemies will not be able to plunk before you. Your desired will be fulfilled during this period. You will come out as a winner.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 8th house
However, you should avoid stretching your luck too far.? There could be some cash crunch due to your locking money in various channels. Health problem may also disturb you. Especially you will be troubled by cough, phlegmatic problems, eye-sour and viral fever. Be careful while dealing with friends, relatives or associates. Travel may be fruitless and therefore should be avoided. Dispute over small issues is also on the cards. This is also a period which can create troubles or messy situations due to carelessness or negligence. Journeys should be avoided.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 10th house
Partnerships are good for you this year, in both the professional and personal sphere. However, the most important thing is that you might just have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that you were waiting for so long. You will be able to carry out your responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your parents, sibling and relatives. Communications and negotiations will click for you and bring in new opportunities. There will be frequent travels regarding business/job etc. You may purchase precious metals, gems and jewelry.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 8th house
On the darker side, this might well contribute to disputes and love loss with some loved ones. The important thing is not to involve oneself in others problems at this point of time. Your health and financial situation are at risk. You might get involved in a scandal and your reputation may suffer damage. There could be chances of getting money unexpectedly but needless to say expenses will be very high. This period characterizes with danger, so you need to be extra cautios. Travel will not be rewarding, so avoid it.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 5th house
Job matters will remain mostly below average and not entirely satisfactory. Work environment will remain disturbed and under pressure during this period. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally. You should avoid major activity during this period. If working as a professional, this year will experience hurdles and some challenges. There will be uncertainty and some confusion. You will lack full support from your own people. Possiblity of some legal action against you is also there. The health of your dear ones may create anxiety for you. There will be problem in the progeny during this period. You should keep a low profile during this time and avoid changes.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 8th house
New investments & risks should be totally avoided. There could be hurdles & hassles during this period. If working as a professional, the year will see progress, but only if you work hard and keep a long term & stoic attitude. There would not be no shortcut to success. You should work on keeping a stable and steady nature for better results. Work environment could be stressed and erratic as the year opens. You should avoid new progress or high activity during the period. Health problems may not permit you to keep your promises on the positive side of this period. Health needs a check and problems due to fever is most likely.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 2th house
If in a job, the year will begin very aggressively .There will be dynamism & growth. However work environment will remain stressed and there could be controversy & issues with superiors. In general this period is not very good as very close associates, friends and family members may appear distant. Not much change is expected or recommended. Your attitude and habit of using foul language may create tensions with your near and dear ones. Therefore, try to control your words.