
Friday, May 21, 2010

Aquarius ( कुम्भ ) horoscope

Moon is in Gemini in your 5th house
This is the perfect time for you to take action on your plans. Stars are very complimentary for you to enjoy the conjugal bliss and married life. The spiritual world can open its gates before you, but it requires some preparation to make use of the opportunities. If you are expecting a kid then safe delivery is also on cards. You will get appreciation for your written work. This is time of acedamic excellence for studens and they will excel in education. A child birth is very much possible during this period specially a girl.

Mars is in Cancer in your 6th house
This is a fluorescent period for you so, try to have the benefit of it. You will get relieved of all your stress and troubles. Family and professional atmosphere will be very supportive to you. You should be a bit conscious while driving. Your enemies will not dare to face you as you will be full frame of mind to crush them. You will come out courageous and get professional distinction.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 11th house
Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. This is a good time to start new ventures. This transit indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Previous work, as well as newly starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled. You may get into new trade or get new contracts. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be expected. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period. You need to pay special attention to the relationship with your life-partner and some caution is required there.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 1th house
Your personal needs will be met the more you tune into your spiritual side, and your growth will be directly connected with your ability to accept your deep philosophical transformation. You could greatly benefit by finishing that degree or get that certificate you've been working on. This is a good time to follow that urge to express your deep inner changes in your personal growth. You can be very successful in expressing your higher principles, whether it is work related or community oriented. Your outlook will be optimistic and your enemies will be in touble during this period. Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice. You will gain from government and mistry and may work together with them for the success. There will be expansion in the trade or will get job promotions. Family happiness is assured for you.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 11th house
This period brings you success in all comings and goings. Some form of pleasant culmination in your professional life brings rewards and recognition. Happier period for recreation and romance. Your brother and sisters will flourish this year. There will be an increase in your income due to your own efforts. Family life shall be quite happy. An exciting job offer, reward, recognition, or promotion is very possible. You will buy gold items, and precious stones. In general, you will get on very well with friends/associates and people from different walks of life.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 8th house
The period opens with a difficult phase in career. A dip in activity & opportunity will be experienced, although there could be rise in irrelevant activity in career. New investments or risky deals should be avoided as there could be chances of losses. It will not be advisable to commence new project or make new investments. You should avoid getting aggressive with your superiors. It would be better to use your own skill and caliber other than thinking of taking help from others. Possiblity of theft or loss of money due to some other means is also there. Take proper care of yourself and your family members. You may also receive bad news regarding some one?s demise.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 11th house
During this period you will be courageous and rise to a high level. You will enjoy conjugal happiness during this time. Your contacts with influential people will definitely increase. Your opponents will lack conviction and courage to face you. Long distance travel is going to be beneficial. For love and romance this is going to be a boon. You will be heroic in strife and overcome your enemies. Minor ailment can be seen. Family relation will be quite satisfactory. Though relationship with your children may not be good.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 5th house
Hurdles in personal and professional front are seen. Try to handle the difficult situation in a calm and intelligent way because rashness is definitely not going to help you in this period. Travel is not beneficial so try to avoid it. You will not get full support from your family side. Progeny related problems will be observed during this period. Your enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm you. Better be bold and sticky to your fair decisions. Stomach ailments may be the cause of anxiety.

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