
Sunday, January 31, 2010

पुत्तर दे व्याह वेले गावण वाली घोड़ी

हरया नी मालण हरया नी भैणे
हरया ते भागी भरया
जित दिहाड़े मेरा हरया नी जमया
सोयिओ दिहाड़ा भागी भरया।
जमदा हरया पट्ट वलेटिया
कुछड़ देयो एना माईआं।
नाहता ते पोता हरया रेशम लपेटिया
कुछड़ दयो सक्कियाँ भैणां।
की कुझ मिल्या दाईआँ ते माईआँ?
की कुझ मिल्या सक्कियाँ भैणां ?
पंज रुपये एनां दाईआँ ते माईआँ
पट्ट दा तरेवर सक्कियाँ भैणां।
पुछदी पुछांदी मालण नगरी विच आई
शादी वाला घर केहड़ा ?
उचड़े तम्बू सब्ज़ कनातां
शादी वाला घर इहो
मेरी मालण बैठ दहलीजे
कर सेहरे दा मुल्ल।
इक लक्ख चंबा , दो लक्ख मरूआ
तिन्न लक्ख सेहरे दा मुल्ल।
ली मेरी मालण बन्न नी सेहरा
बन्न लाल जी दे मत्थे भागी भरया सेहरा *
* इह लोकगीत पुत्तर दे व्याह वेले गाया जांदा हैऐनू घोड़ी कहंदे हन

Friday, January 29, 2010

आ मिल यार ./ बुल्लेशाह

मिल यार सार लै मेरी
मेरी जान दुखन ने घेरी
अन्दर ख़्वाब विछोड़ा होया
खबर पैंदी तेरी
सुन बन विच लुट्टी साईयाँ
चोर संग ने घेरी
मुल्ला काज़ी राह बतावन
दें धर्म दे फेरे
इह तां थक जग दे झीवर
लावन जाल चुफेरे
करम शरां दे धर्म बतावां
संगल पावन पैंरी
जात मज़हब इह इश्क पुछदा
इश्क शरा दा वैरी
नदियों पार मुल्क सज्जन दा
लोभ लहर ने घेरी

greater person: great purpose

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary
project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends
limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you
find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces,
faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a
greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Balarama Appears as Lord Nityananda

Balarama Appears as Lord Nityananda
Lord Nityananda, who is Balarama Himself, the first direct manifestation or expansion of Krsna, is the original spiritual master. He helps Lord Krsna in His pastimes, and He is a servant of the Lord. Lord Caitanya is the same Lord Krsna, and Lord Nityananda is Lord Balarama. Lord Nityananda fulfills all of Lord Caitanya's desires. The source of the sentiment of servitude is indeed Lord Balarama, and the plenary expansions who follow Him are all influenced by that ecstasy.

Sri Rama, or Balarama, is the protector of the devotees of the Lord. Baladeva acts as the spiritual master of all devotees, and by His causeless mercy the fallen souls are delivered. Balarama comes with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and both of Them are so merciful that in this age of Kali one may very easily take shelter of Their lotus feet. They come especially to deliver the fallen souls of this age. Their weapon is sankirtana, hari-nama. Thus one should accept the sword of knowledge from Krsna and be strong with the mercy of Balarama.

Paraphrased from text and purports of HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

"Narottama dasa Thakura says that Balarama and the son of Maharaja Nanda have advented Themselves as Gaura-Nitai. To propagate this fundamental principle, we are establishing a Krsna-Balarama temple to broadcast to the world that worship of Gaura-Nitai is the same as worship of Krsna-Balarama.

Although it is very difficult to enter into the Radha-Krsna pastimes, most of the devotees of Vrndavana are attracted to the Radha-Krsna lila. However, since Nitai-Gauracandra are direct incarnations of Balarama and Krsna, we can be directly in touch with Lord Balarama and Lord Krsna through Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu. Those who are highly elevated in Krsna consciousness can enter into the pastimes of Radha-Krsna through the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is said: sri-krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahe anya. Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a combination of Radha and Krsna.

Balarama means guru-tattva. Balarama represents guru. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. If we want to understand Caitanya Mahaprabhu, if we want to understand Krsna, then we must take shelter of Balarama. Nayam atma bala-hinena labhyah. This bala-hinena labhyah, this Vedic injunction, means "Without the mercy of Balarama you cannot understand, you cannot realize your spiritual identification. So that Balarama comes as Nityananda Prabhu. Balarama haila nitai. Therefore we must take shelter of Balarama."

Lecture by Srila Prabhupada, 02-02-77, Bubaneswara

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

पी के दत्ता : प्रेरक व्यक्तित्व

पी के दत्ता विनम्र और ज़मीन से जुड़े मोहयाल हैं। सिस्टोपिक कंपनी के संचालक हैं । फिर भी अहं से कोसों दूर हैं। सक्रिय मोहयाल हैं। सुख-दुःख में सबके साथ रहने वाले इन्सान हैं। मेरा उनसे परिचय लगभग २० वर्षों से अधिक का है।
उनकी पत्नी श्रीमती प्रभा दत्ता शिक्षाविद हैं। वे मिलनसार और मधुरभाषी हैं। अहं उनसे कोसों दूर रहता है।
उनके पुत्र अभिषेक पर माता-पिता के संस्कारों का पूर्ण प्रभाव पड़ा है। सिस्टोपिक कम्पनी के संचालन में समर्पित हैं।
ऐसे मोहयालों पर गर्व होना स्वाभाविक है।

चित्र में :श्री पी के दत्ता जनरल मोहयाल सभा के प्रेजिडेंट रायजादा बी डी बाली के साथ*श्रीमती प्रभा दत्ता श्रीमती नीता बाली के साथ

माता हिंगलाज मंदिर : मोहयाल-कुलदेवी

The Hinglaj Goddess at Hinglajgarh

Hinglaj Mata is a Hindu temple in Hinglaj, on the Makran coast in the Lyari district of Balochistan in Pakistan. Legend has it that when goddess Sati, the consort of god Shiva burnt herself in response to her father's anger at her for not inviting Shiva to a ceremony, Shiva became furious and started to create disasters, problems, violence, and sufferings in the world. In order to calm his anger, god Vishnu took the body of Sati and began to cut it into 50 pieces where they all fell at different parts of the Earth. Hindus believe that the head of Sati fell in the area of Hinglaj Mata in Baluchistan, present-day Pakistan. Thus, this area is a very significant religion in the Hindu region and a revered pilgrimage site.

मोहयाल सभा अमृतसर ने गणतंत्र - दिवस मनाया

Today 26th January 2010, the residents of Shamsher Nagar area in Amritsar celebrated 61th Republic Day of India। Sh. Anil Dutta (senior vice president- Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar), Smt. Mamta Dutta (Councillor-Muncipal Corporation, Amritsar) were the chief guest of the occasion. Anil Dutta and Mamta Dutta hosted the tri-colour with the chanting of National Anthem. About 70 people of the area were present at the time of hosting of the National Flag. After the hosting, laddos were distributed amongst all present and tea served. Sh Anil Dutta thanked all present.

Monday, January 25, 2010

एड़ियाँ फटें तो Cracked heels

Cracked heels are a common problem in winters. Heel fissures, as they are medically referred to as, are usually more a sign of lack of attention to foot care than overexposure or lack of moisturisation.

'Regular application of foot care creams is an ideal solution, as creams today have the essential ingredients such as oil and water, which help keep feet hydrated,' says Shobha Sehgal, head, beauty vertical, VLCC.

Cracked feet can be easily avoided in winters if one starts caring for them September onwards. 'A simple routine to follow for skin is cleansing, toning and moisturising. Likewise, for feet the regime should be cleansing, exfoliation and moisturising,' says Charuvi Gupta, beauty expert, Lotus Herbals.

People who walk barefoot come across this problem of cracked heels often. Always wear slippers at home as dust particles on the floor also tend to make feet rough.

Divita Kanoria, beauty expert, Tathastu says, 'Soaking feet in warm water to which some oil has been added can rid you of any fungal infection, tiredness and oedema. This should be followed with gentle scrubbing to rid feet of dead cells. After wiping them dry, apply a deep moisturiser and keep feet covered with socks.'

One needs to be really cautious when the feet skin turns hard. Hair and beauty expert Blossom Kochhar says, 'Never try to reduce the hard skin on your own using a razor blade or a pair of scissors. It involves the risk of developing an infection.'

Home remedies

One should regularly apply mustard or coconut oil before bathing. Dip feet in a mix of lime juice, tepid water and shampoo. Apply olive oil afterwards.

Take equal quantity of rose water, glycerine and lemon juice. Mix well and apply on washed feet at night to experience soft, supple heels.

Mix gram powder, sugar, salt and a pinch of turmeric powder with cream. Use for exfoliation.

Wear cotton socks and drink lots of water to maintain moisture.

Add a few drops of tea tree oil, juniper berry oil or lavender oil to warm water to get rid of any fungal infection or oedema.

Take 100 gms coconut oil, 5 gms camphor and 20 gms paraffin wax. Melt all and store in a tin. Use on clean feet at night daily. Wash off in the morning
Hindustan Times



QU-301-B, Pitampura, Delhi-110034

Phone- 27344000, 27348000

Date- January, 24, 2010

Attendance- 75 (A Record Attendance ever in the Sabha.)

In Chair- Shri S.N.Chibber

Venue- Residence of Mr. P.L.Mehta / Mr. Yogesh Mehta, Q.U. 301-B, Pitam Pura, New Delhi.

The meeting started with the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra.

The house welcomed-

  1. Mrs. Anu Chibber, w/o Mr. Rajesh Chibber, Sector-21, Rohini.
  2. Ms. Snigdha Mehta, grand daughter of Shri G.L.Mehta (Chibber), of Chanderlok, Pitam Pura.
  3. Shri J.P.Datta, his wife Mrs. Sushma Datta of Akash Kunj, Sector-9, Rohini.
  4. Mr. Rajiv Chibber, and his wife, Mrs. Rakhi Chibber, of ED Block, Pitam Pura.
  5. Brg. V.K. Mehta, co-brother of Mr. P.L.Mehta,

Who were attending the meeting for the first time.

The house also welcomed Mrs and Mr. Rahul Mohan of sector-8, Rohini, who were attending the meeting after a long time.

Mr. P.K.Datta was to attend this meeting, but due to his personal reasons, he was unable to come. He sent his best wishes and flowers as a goodwill gesture.


  1. Smt Mehta Krishna Lau mother of Shri Ashok Lau editor of Mohyal Mitter hindi section and Raman Lau ,Kamal Kant Lau passed away on 20 th Dec 2009
  2. Shri O.P.Datta of Shalimar Bagh passed away on 12.Dec 2009.
  3. Shri Balraj Chibber passed away on 9th Jan 2010 at Ghaziabad.
  4. Shri. Jatinder Singh Mehta Lau of Malviya Nagar passed away on Jan 4th , 2010.

The house observed a two minute silence and prayed for peace of the departed souls.


  1. Marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S.K.Datta on January 15, 2010. They donated Rs. 250 to the sabha on account of the happy occasion.
  2. Birthday of Shri. J.L.Bali, Gurgaon. He donated Rs. 151 to the sabha.
  3. Birthday of Shri P.L.Mehta on January 27. He donated Rs. 250 to the sabha on this occasion.
  4. Birthday of Shri Yogesh Mehta on January 29. On this occasion, he donated Rs. 250 to the sabha.
  5. Birthday of Master Himkesh Datta on January 9. Mr. B.D.Datta donated Rs. 200 to the sabha on the occasion.
  6. Birthday of Master Pranav Mohan, s/o Mr. Neeraj Mohan, on December 8. On this occasion Shri Neeraj Mohan donated Rs 100 to the sabha.
Mrs. Veena Mehta and Mr G.L.Mehta donated Rs 100 on the birthday of their grand daughter, Ms. Snigdha Mehta, d/o Mrs. Seema Mehta and Mr. Anil Mehta,
  1. ,SPEEDY RECOVERY:-Smt. Kiran Mehta Mohan, who had undergone an eye surgery.
  2. Mr. Shriram Vaid, suffering from prolonged back pain.
  3. Shri O.P.Mohan, the president of the sabha, has not been keeping well.


  1. Smt. Santosh Vaid donated Rs. 500 to the sabha and Rs 1000/. to GMS on the death anniversary of her husband, Shri Ved Vyas Chibber Ji, which falls on December 31.


Secretary of the sabha, Shri Yogesh Mehta, appraised the members the following-

He told the members present that the Mohyal Sthapana Divas was celebrated on December 27, 2009 at Faridabad, in which Faridabad sabha helped GMS for holding the event. At least 15 members of the sabha attended the function.

The fourth grand match making mela 2009 was celebrated on December 13, 2009, in which large number of people took part.

The secretary also told the members that due to some technical problems, the phone lines of the Mohyal Ashram, Haridwar, have been damaged, following which the new contact numbers of the Ashram have been published in the Mohyal Mitter.

The secretary requested all the members present, to confirm with him their contact numbers and addresses, as the directory of the sabha would be getting re-published soon.

The members praised the efforts of the secretary to send out invitations and information regarding the mohyal meetings through SMSs, as it is convenient, saves paper and money. This method was introduced for the first time in the sabha and proved successful.


  1. Mr Rajiv Chibber, who was attending the meeting for the first time, was very keen to become a life member of the GMS, as well as the local sabha. He immediately gave a cheque of Rs 2,100 to become a life member of the GMS, and paid the annual subscription of the local sabha.
  2. Mrs. Surbhi Mehta, w/o Mr. Yogesh Mehta also gave cash Rs 2,100 to gain the life membership of GMS.

Mr P.L.Mehta and Mr. Yogesh Mehta cut the cake and all the members present wished them on their birthdays and blessed them.

Shri Rahul Mohan requested that the next meeting should be held at his residence, which was agreed upon.

TAMBOLA: A game of tambola was played and enjoyed by all.

A variety of delicious snacks and tea was served, which was enjoyed by all.

The meeting was then adjourned with a vote of thanks to the host.

Yogesh Mehta (Lau)

Secretary, 9811338000

माया - अहं māyā

This māyā, that is to say, the ego, is like a cloud. The sun cannot be seen on account of a thin patch of cloud; when that disappears one sees the sun. If one’s ego vanishes, then one sees God.

अज्ञान का दूसरा नाम भय

अज्ञान का ही दूसरा नाम भय है !
ह्रदय में ज्ञान का उदय होते ही जीव अभय हो जाता है !
भय तब तक जीव को लगता है,
जब तक जीव में श्रद्धा, विश्वास, या आस्था परिपक्व नही होती है !
भय में जीव प्रभु से विमुख होता है !
जितना अधिक भय है, उतना ही जीव अविद्या में है !
प्रभु की प्रेम रूपी ज्योति आते ही, भय रूपी अन्धकार भाग जाता है !

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A TRUE STORY : What goes around comes around.

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One
day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry
for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and
ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved
the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's
sparse surroundings An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out
and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved. "I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life." "No, I can't accept payment for what I did," the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own
son came to the door of the family hovel. "Is that your son?" the nobleman asked. "Yes," the farmer replied proudly. "I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be
a man we both will be proud of." And that he did. Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from
St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin. Years afterward, the same
nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with
pneumonia. What saved his life this time? Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill. His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill. Someone once said: What goes around comes around.

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth.

Mohyals fought for the cause of Dharma from Punjab to Arabia

A unique ritual used to be observed by Hindu mourners during Muharram. On the night of Muharram, one of them masqueraded as a messenger, with bells on his body and a morchhal in hand. He would go running to each group of mourners, announcing in a sad voice, “Hussain kushta shud” (Persian for “Hussain has been killed”). In such a cultural atmosphere, who could imagine a Hindu-Muslim riot? Instead, a Hindu poet like Munshi Channoo Lal Lakhnavi ‘Dilgir’ was inspired to write marsiyas (the mourning ballads of Muharram). This atmosphere was later echoed by Munshi Prem Chand when he wrote his famous play Karbala, in which a group of Hindus fight in Karbala for the cause of Imam Hussain.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to us even in our globalised/fractured age, with communities clinging to their clothes and names like icons, for India herself played a crucial role in the Battle of Karbala, witnessed by the presence of the powerful community of ‘‘Hussaini’’ Brahmins or the Mohyals, even today a martial clan, often found in the ARMY/IAF.

In a recent book about the Mohyals, they say it is ‘‘the pride of national prides that they helped Imam Hussain in the cause of dharma’’. Says revered community leader Principal Vaid: ‘‘In every age and for every race, Mohyals fought for the cause of Dharma from Punjab to Arabia. They helped Imam Hussain in the battle of Karbala. Rahab Dutt was a highly esteemed figure in Arabia owing to his close relationship with the family of Prophet Mohammed. He fought on the side of Hazrat Imam Hussain in the Karbala war and his seven sons sacrificed their lives. Rahab chased away the murderers as they ran with the head of the Imam from Karbala to Damashq, carried by the hirelings of the tyrant Yazid. The Mohyals are the protectors of Ali’s descendants.’’ There is also record of Christians, such as Wahab-e-Qalbi, who sacrificed his life at Karbala, which highlights the multi-faith nature of the event.

The Karbala tragedy has been called the culmination of the promise made by Prophet Abraham, the common founding father of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, when he offered his son Ismail as a sacrifice to God. It is believed that as Prophet Abraham was only tested through his promise (Ismail did not die), the Imam fulfilled it by his matrydom — joining the three Abrahamic faiths in a common heritage. And through this history runs the Hindu red thread of honour.

अलजबरा : भारतीयों को श्रेय Give Indians proper credit for Algebra-Vir Gupta

Give Indians proper credit for Algebra-Vir Gupta
During his speech on June 4 in Cairo, Egypt, President Barack Obama gave credit to Muslims for invention of many things, including algebra. I would like to bring out the facts about the history of algebra.

The credit for the first use of algebra probably goes to the Babylonians, who solved some quadratic problems verbally, but recognized only positive roots. During the time of Plato, Greeks used geometry to solve algebraic problems. Later, Diophantus (about 350 A.D.) wrote some rules for multiplication and division and solved some simple problems in “Arithmetica.” His algebra was syncopated and rhetorical.

Indians have a long history of using mathematics.Fire altars were constructed using Pythagoras’ theorem long before Pythagoras. A decimal system for weights and measures was used in the Indus Valley (2500 B.C.). Numbers in multiples of 2, 7, 10, 100 and even one million are found in several books, including “Narad Vishnu Purana” (1000 B.C.), “Anuyog Dwara Sutra” (100 B.C.), “Lalitvistara” (100 A.D.) and several Mahayana Buddhist books. “Anuyog Dwara Sutra” also gives multiplication of square roots of square roots. Basic use of logarithm appears in “Satkhandagama” (150 A.D.).

The Bakhshali manuscript (200 A.D.) found near Peshawar in Pakistan includes fractions, square roots, quadratic equations, simultaneous equations, arithmetic and geometric progressions etc.
Aryabhatta (499 A.D.), a great Indian astronomer, wrote 118 verses in “Aryabhattiya” which cover several areas including arithmetic, algebra, plane and spherical trigonometry. It includes continued fractions, square roots, cube roots, quadratic equations, sum of power series and a table of sines.
He introduced the Kuttaka method (breaking down of original factors into smaller numbers). He gave the circumference of Earth as 4,967 yojanas (24,835 miles) and stated that Earth moves around the sun long before Copernicus.

Brahmgupta (628 A.D.), another eminent Indian astronomer, wrote “Brahm-saphuta-siddhanta,” containing 25 chapters in which he gave several rules for arithmetical operations involving zero. He solved several quadratic equations and gave both positive and negative roots. In his book, he also solves several indeterminate problems.

In addition, he worked on trigonometry and gave the area of cyclic quadrilaterals and the interpolation formula for computation of sines. In astronomy, he dealt with lunar eclipses, etc. He introduced some symbols in algebra, but it was mostly syncopated.

Other Indians who made significant contributions to arithmetic/algebra include Varahamihir (505 A.D.), Bhaskara I (680 A.D.), Mahavira (800 A.D.), Madhva (850 A.D.) and Bhaskara II (1114 A.D.). Mahavira wrote solutions to several arithmetic operations, including fractions, permutations and combinations, and areas of ellipses. The works of Bhaskara II, include beej ganita (algebraic root extraction), astronomy, the solution to Pell’s equation, solutions to indeterminate problems by the Chakrawaat method and Diophantine problems. He broached the fields of infinitesimal calculation and integration. He postulated the existence of gurutava (gravitational attraction).

Destruction of several universities by Muslim invaders around 724 A.D., 786 A.D. and 1200 A.D. brought an end to India’s dominance in the field of mathematics.

During the 8th century A.D., several Sanskrit works were translated into Arabic in Baghdad. (Baghdad means “gift of God” in Sanskrit.) During the 9th century A.D., Caliph al-Mamun established a “House of Wisdom” in Baghdad and invited scholars from many countries, including India, Persia, and Greece, etc., to translate mathematical and other works into Arabic. Persian scholar al-Khwarizmi wrote about half a dozen books on astronomy and mathematics.
His most famous work, “Hisab al-jabr wa’l muqabalah,” was written around 830 A.D. It consists of six chapters, each dealing with a different formula. Muslims give him credit for the invention of algebra. As per O’Connor and Robertson, researchers at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, al-Khwarizmi visited India and took with him several mathematical works to Baghdad. His book on algebra was based mostly on the works by Brahmgupta (628 A.D.). Most of his algebra can be described as rhetorical.

Muslim scholars never developed symbols, which were necessary for advancement. They also rejected negative roots of quadratic equations, although they had learned from Hindus, as per O’Connor and Robertson. However, they improved upon the Hindu number system and the positional notations. Other notable Muslim scholars include al-Karkhi (953 A.D.), Omar Khayyam (1050 A.D.), al-Tushi (1135 A.D.) and Jamshid al-Kashi (1380 A.D.). The work of al-Khwarizmi and other Muslim scholars reached Europe around 1200 A.D. and they mistakenly gave credit for the invention of zero and other numerals — and algebra — to Muslims.

On the whole, Muslims’ contribution to the advancement in algebra is very small.
The real credit should go to Indians. As far as Obama is concerned, he should present only the facts.

Shree Vir Gupta is a nuclear/chemical engineer with a deep interest in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Vande Mataram

Sachin Khare

Saturday, January 23, 2010

महान योद्धा और ज्ञानी भीष्म पितामह : a great hero

Bhishma was a great Jnani, a man of wisdom, and also a man of great renunciation (maha tyagi). Sri Rama obeyed his father’s words only for fourteen years but Bhishma stuck to his father’s words for the rest of his entire life. By his great determination and strict observance of his vows, he got his name Bhishma. Such a great hero, he was wounded by Arjuna’s arrows and as a result, fell down on the battle field on the ninth day of the Kurukshetra war. According to his own grave determination, even at the critical period of the fag end of his life, he was lying on a bed of arrows. After the war when the Pandava brothers and Draupadi approached the grandsire Bhishma to pay their homage, he began explaining to them all aspects of Dharma (Righteousness) from his bed of arrows. After hearing him for a while, Draupadi burst into laughter. All the Pandava brothers were very much upset by her unaccountable levity and conceding it as an affront to the respectable Bhishma, they frowned upon her with angry looks. Understanding their distress, Bhishma calmed them down with his soft words and told them that Draupadi, being an exemplary woman in every respect, must be having a valid reason for her laughter. She replied, "Revered Grandsire! These lessons of Dharma which you should have taught to the evil minded and wicked Kauravas, you are now teaching to my noble and virtuous husbands. This appears to me both ironical and futile, hence, I could not refrain from laughing, although I knew it would seem impolite".
Bhishma then explained that he had been serving the Kauravas and living on their bounty. He said, "As a result of consuming the food received from such ignoble and vicious persons, my blood became polluted and all the pure thoughts in me were thereby suppressed. Now that Arjuna’s arrows have drained away all my impure blood from me, the Dharma that was deep inside me is gushing forth and is inducing me to communicate it to your husbands". From this episode, students must realise the crucial role food plays in determining one’s thoughts, words and actions.

Bhishma adored Krishna even when He was rushing towards him with His Sudarshana Chakra. His sense of Sharanagathi (Total surrender to Divinity) did not desert him at the point of death at the hands of the very person whom he revered as God. "Kill me or save me, I shall not falter in my loyalty", he said. The noble heroic warrior Bhishma waited for 56 days on the bed of arrows in the battle field so that he could give up his life in Uttarayana.

When you crave for the thought of the Lord and the company of the Godly, then you are in Uttarayana.

Bhishma too was in that mood. He prayed, "Asatho ma Sath gamaya" (from this transient world of decay, lead me to the everlasting world of bliss) "Thamaso ma Jyothir gamaya" (give me the effulgence of Thy Grace and illumine my soul with truth), "Mruthyorma Amritham gamaya" (save me from the torture of birth and death, destroy the cravings of the mind which produce the seeds of birth). That prayer and that yearning of Bhishma gave him the vision of Krishna when he passed away. That was the real Uttarayana for him.
Whatever the trouble, however great the travail, persist and win the same by means of Smarana, (remembrance). Remember Bhishma! Though prostrate on a bed of arrows he bore the pain patiently, awaiting the dawn of the auspicious moment; he never called out to God in his agony, asking Him to put an end to his sufferings. "I shall bear everything, whatever the pain, however long the agony. I shall be silent until the moment comes. Take me when it dawns" he said, for Bhishma was the chief among the sant bhaktas (saints and devotees).

Bhishma, who was Commander-in-Chief of the Kaurava forces in the Mahabharata war, was 126 years old at the time. He lived a pure celibate life, making a great sacrifice for the sake of his father.
Bhishma took a vow of life-long celibacy to enable his father to marry the woman whom he desired, whose father insisted that the son born to her should be the heir to the throne. Bhishma not only renounced his title to the throne but also took the vow of celibacy to ensure that he would leave no progeny to claim the right. After he fell in the battle he lay on a bed of arrows for 56 days for the auspicious moment of the northward motion of the sun to give up his life. He had such will power that he could bear any amount of personal suffering. He spent his last days imparting the highest wisdom to the Pandavas.

डायबिटीज के नियंत्रण की कुंजी- अलसी / प्रस्तुति - सुधीर मेहता

डायबिटीज के नियंत्रण की कुंजी- अलसी
पिछले कुछ दशकों में भारत समेत पूरे विश्व में डायबिटीज टाइप-2 के रोगियों की संख्या बढ़ती ही जा रही है व अब तो यह किशोरों और बच्चों को भी अपना शिकार बना रही है। डायबिटीज एक महामारी का रुप ले चुकी है। आइये हम जानने की कोशिश करते हैं कि पिछले कुछ दशकों में हमारे खान-पान, जीवनचर्या या वातावरण में ऐसा क्या बदलाव आया है।शोधकर्ताओं के अनुसार जब से परिष्कृत यानी “रिफाइन्ड तेल” (जो बनते समय उच्च तापमान, हेग्जेन, कास्टिक सोडा, फोस्फोरिक एसिड, ब्लीचिंग क्ले आदि घातक रसायनों के संपर्क से गुजरता है), ट्रांसफेट युक्त पूर्ण या आंशिक हाइड्रोजिनेटेड वसा यानी वनस्पति घी (जिसका प्रयोग सभी पैकेट बंद खाद्य पदार्थों व बेकरी उत्पादनों में धड़ल्ले से किया जाता है), रासायनिक खाद, कीटनाशक, प्रिजर्वेटिव, रंग, रसायन आदि का प्रयोग बढ़ा है तभी से डायबिटीज के रोगियों की संख्या बढ़ी है। हलवाई और भोजनालय भी वनस्पति घी या रिफाइन्ड तेल का प्रयोग भरपूर प्रयोग करते हैं और व्यंजनों को तलने के लिए तेल को बार-बार गर्म करते हैं जिससे वह जहर से भी बदतर हो जाता है। शोधकर्ता इन्ही को डायबिटीज का प्रमुख कारण मानते हैं।

पिछले तीन-चार दशकों से हमारे भोजन में ओमेगा-3 वसा अम्ल की मात्रा बहुत ही कम हो गई है और इस कारण हमारे शरीर में ओमेगा-3 व ओमेगा-6 वसा अम्ल यानी हिंदी में कहें तो ॐ-3 और ॐ-6 वसा अम्लों का अनुपात 1:40 या 1:80 हो गया है जबकि यह 1:1 होना चाहिये। यह भी डायबिटीज का एक बड़ा कारण है। डायबिटीज के नियंत्रण हेतु आयुवर्धक, आरोग्यवर्धक व दैविक भोजन अलसी को “अमृत“ तुल्य माना गया है।
अलसी के तेल का अदभुत संरचना और “ॐ खंड“ की क्वांटम
अलसी के तेल में अल्फा-लिनोलेनिक एसिड (ए.एल.ए.) नामक ओमेगा-3 वसा अम्ल होता है। डा. बुडविज ने ए.एल.ए. और एल.ए. वसा अम्लों की अदभुत संरचना का गूढ़ अध्ययन किया था। ए.एल.ए. में 18 कार्बन के परमाणुओं की लड़ी या श्रृंखला होती है जिसके एक सिरे से , जिसे ओमेगा एण्ड कहते हैं, मिथाइल (CH3) ग्रुप जुड़ा रहता है और दूसरे से जिसे डेल्टा एण्ड कहते हैं, कार्बोक्सिल (COOH) ग्रुप जुड़ा रहता है। ए.एल.ए. में तीन द्वि बंध क्रमशः तीसरे, छठे और नवें कार्बन परमाणु के बाद होते हैं। चुंकि ए.एल.ए. में पहला द्वि बंध तीसरे और एल.ए. में पहला द्वि बंध छठे कार्बन के बाद होता है इसीलिए इनको क्रमशः ओमेगा-3 और ओमेगा-6 वसा अम्ल कहते हैं। ए.एल.ए. और एल.ए. हमारे शरीर में नहीं बनते, इसलिए इनको “आवश्यक वसा अम्ल” कहते हैं तथा इनको भोजन के माध्यम से लेना आवश्यक है। आवश्यक वसा अम्लों की कार्बन लड़ी में जहां द्वि-बंध बनता है और दो हाइड्रोजन अलग होते हैं, उस स्थान पर इलेक्ट्रोनों का बादलनुमा समुह, जिसे पाई-इलेक्ट्रोन भी कहते हैं, बन जाता हैं और इस जगह ए.एल.ए. की लड़ मुड़ जाती है। इलेक्ट्रोन के इस बादल में अपार विद्युत आवेश रहता है जो सूर्य ही नहीं बल्कि संपूर्ण ब्रह्मांड से आने वाले प्रकाश की किरणों के सबसे छोटे घटक फोटोन (जो असिमित, गतिशील, अनंत, जीवन शक्ति से भरपूर व ऊर्जावान हैं और अपना रंग, प्रकृति और आवृत्ति बदल सकते हैं) को आकर्षित करते हैं। ये फोटोन सूर्य से निकल कर, जो 9.3 अरब मील दूर हैं, असीम ऊर्जा लेकर, जीवन की आस लेकर, प्यार की बहार लेकर, खुशियों की सौगात लेकर आते हैं, अपनी लय, ताल व आवृत्ति बदल कर इलेक्ट्रोन, जो अपने कक्ष में निश्चत आवृत्ति पर सदैव गतिशील रहते हैं, की ओर आकर्षित होते हैं, साथ मिल कर नृत्य करते हैं और तब पूरा कक्ष समान आवृत्ति में दिव्य गुंजन करता है और असीम सौर ऊर्जा का प्रवाह होता है। यही है जीवन का अलसी फलसफा, प्रेम का उत्सव, यही है प्रकृति का संगीत। यही है फोटोन रूपी सूर्य और इलेक्ट्रोन रूपी चंद्र का परलौकिक गंधर्व विवाह, यही है शिव और पार्वती का तांण्डव नृत्य, यही है विष्णु और लक्ष्मी की रति क्रीड़ा, यही है कृष्ण और राधा का अंनत, असीम प्रेम। पाई-इलेक्ट्रोन कोशिकाओं में भरपूर ऑक्सीजन को भी आकर्षित करते हैं। ए.एल.ए कोशिकाओं की भित्तियों को लचीला बनाते हैं जिससे इन्सुलिन का बड़ा अणु आसानी से कोशिका में प्रवेश कर जाता है। ये पाई-इलेक्ट्रोन ऊर्जा का संग्रहण करते हैं और एक केपेसिटर की तरह काम करते हैं। यही जीवन शक्ति है जो हमारे पूरे शरीर विशेष तौर पर मस्तिष्क, आँखों, मांसपेशियों और स्नायु तंत्र की कोशिकाओं में भरपूर ऊर्जा भरती है।डायबिटीज के रोगी को ऐसे ऊर्जावान इलेक्ट्रोन युक्त अलसी के 30 एम.एल. तेल और 80-100 एम.एल. दही या पनीर को विद्युत चालित हाथ से पकड़ने वाली मथनी द्वारा अच्छी तरह फेंट कर फलों और मेवों से सजा कर नाश्ते में लेना चाहिये। इसे एक बार लंच में भी ले सकते हैं। जिस तरह ॐ में सारा ब्रह्मांड समाया हुआ है ठीक उसी प्रकार अलसी के तेल में संम्पूर्ण ब्रह्मांड की जीवन शक्ति समायी हुई है। इसीलिए अलसी और दही, पनीर के इस व्यंजन को हम “ॐ खंड” कहते हैं। अलसी का तेल शीतल विधि द्वारा निकाला हुआ फ्रीज में संरक्षित किया हुआ ही काम में लेना चाहिए। इसे गर्म नहीं करना चाहिये और हवा व प्रकाश से बचाना चाहिये ताकि यह खराब न हो। 42 डिग्री सेल्सियस पर यह खराब हो जाता है।
अलसी की फाइबर युक्त स्वास्थयप्रद रोटीः
अलसी ब्लड शुगर नियंत्रित रखती है व डायबिटीज से शरीर पर होने वाले दुष्प्रभावों को कम करती है। डायबिटीज के रोगी को कम शर्करा व ज्यादा फाइबर खाने की सलाह दी जाती है। अलसी व गैहूं के मिश्रित आटे में (जहां अलसी और गैहूं बराबर मात्रा में हो) 50 प्रतिशत कार्ब, 16 प्रतिशत प्रोटीन व 20 प्रतिशत फाइबर होते हैं यानी इसका ग्लायसीमिक इन्डेक्स गैहूं के आटे से काफी कम होता है। जबकी गैहूं के आटे में 72 प्रतिशत कार्ब, 12.5 प्रतिशत प्रोटीन व 12 प्रतिशत फाइबर होते हैं। डायबिटीज पीडित के लिए इस मिश्रित आटे की रोटी सर्वोत्तम मानी गई है।

डायबिटीज के रोगी को रिफाइंड कार्बोहाइड्रेट्स जैसे आलू, सफेद चावल, मेदा, चीनी और खुले हुए या पैकेट बंद सभी खाद्य पदार्थ, जंक फूड, फास्ट फूड, सोफ्ट ड्रिंक आदि का सेवन कतई नहीं करना चाहिये। रोज 4 से 6 बार परन्तु थोड़ा-थोड़ा भोजन करना चाहिये। सांयकालीन भोजन सोने के 4-5 घण्टे पहले ग्रहण करना चाहिये। प्याज, लहसुन, गोभी, टमाटर, पत्तागोभी, मेथी, भिण्डी, पालक, बैंगन, लौकी, ऑवला, गाजर, नीबू आदि हरी सब्जीयां भरपूर खानी चाहिये। फलों में जामुन, सेब, संतरा, अंगूर, पपीता, आम, केला आदि सभी फल खाने चाहिये। खाद्यान्न व दालें भी छिलके समेत खाएं। छिलकों में फाइबर व महत्वपूर्ण विटामिन होते हैं। अंकुरित दालों का सेवन अवश्य करें।
रोज सुबह एक घण्टा व शांम को आधा घण्टा पैदल चलना चाहिये। सुबह कुछ समय प्राणायाम, योग व व्यायाम करना चाहिये। रोजाना चुटकी भर पिसी हुई दालचीनी सब्जी या चाय में मिला कर लेना चाहिये। सर्व विदित है कि क्रोमियम और अल्फा-लाइपोइक एसिड शर्करा के चयापचय में सहायक हैं अतः डाटबिटीज के रोगी को रोज 200 माइक्रोग्राम क्रोमियम और 100 माइक्रोग्राम अल्फा-लाइपोइक एसिड लेना ही चाहिये। अधिकतर एंटीऑक्सीडेंट केप्स्यूल में ये दोनो तत्व होते हैं। मेथीदाना, करेला, जामुन के बीज, आंवला, नीम के पत्ते, घृतकुमारी (गंवार पाठा) आदि का सेवन करें। एक कप कलौंजी के बीज, एक कप राई, आधा कप अनार के छिलके और आधा कप पितपाप्र को पीस कर चूर्ण बना लें। आधी छोटी चम्मच कलौंजी के तेल के साथ रोज नाश्ते के पहले एक महीने तक लें। डायबिटीज के दुष्प्रभावों में अलसी का महत्वः-
हृदय रोग एवं उच्च रक्तचापः-
डायबिटीज के रोगी को उच्च रक्तचाप, कोरोनरी आर्टरी डिजीज, हार्ट अटेक आदि की प्रबल संभावना रहती हैं। अलसी हमारे रक्तचाप को संतुलित रखती हैं। अलसी हमारे रक्त में अच्छे कॉलेस्ट्राल (HDL Cholesterol) की मात्रा को बढ़ाती है और ट्राइग्लीसराइड्स व खराब कोलेस्ट्रोल (LDL Cholesterol) की मात्रा को कम करती है। अलसी दिल की धमनियों में खून के थक्के बनने से रोकती है और हृदयाघात से बचाव करती हैं। हृदय की गति को नियंत्रित कर वेन्ट्रीकुलर एरिद्मिया से होने वाली मृत्यु दर को बहुत कम करती है।
डायबिटीज के दुष्प्रभावों के कारण आँखों के दृष्टि पटल की रक्त वाहिनियों में कहीं-कहीं हल्का रक्त स्राव और रुई जैसे सफेद धब्बे बन जाते हैं। इसे रेटीनोपेथी कहते हैं जिसके कारण आँखों की ज्योति धीरे-धीरे कम होने लगती है। दृष्टि में धुंधलापन आ जाता है। अंतिम अवस्था में रोगी अंधा तक हो जाता है। अलसी इसके बचाव में बहुत लाभकारी पाई गई है। डायबिटीज के रोगी को मोतियाबिन्द और काला पानी होने की संभावना ज्यादा रहती है। ऑखों में रोजाना एक बूंद अलसी का तेल डालने से हम इन तकलीफों से बच सकते हैं। इससे नजर अच्छी हो जाती हैं, रंग ज्यादा स्पष्ट व उजले दिखाई देने लगते हैं तथा धीरे-धीरे चश्मे का नम्बर भी कम हो सकता है।
वृक्क रोगः-
डायबिटीज का बुरा असर गुर्दों पर भी पड़ता है। गुर्दों में डायबीटिक नेफ्रोपेथी नामक रोग हो जाता है, जिसकी आरंम्भिक अवस्था में प्रोटीन युक्त मूत्र आने लगता है, बाद में गुर्दे कमजोर होने लगते हैं और अंत में गुर्दे नाकाम हो जाते हैं। फिर जीने के लिए डायलेसिस व गुर्दा प्रत्यारोपण के सिवा कोई रास्ता नहीं बचता हैं। अलसी गुर्दे के उत्तकों को नयी ऊर्जा देती है। शिलाजीत भी गुर्दे का कायाकल्प करती है, डायबिटीज के दुष्प्रभावों से गुर्दे की रक्षा करती है व रक्त में शर्करा की मात्रा कम करती है। डायबिटीज के रोगी को शिलाजीत भी लेना ही चाहिये।
डायबिटीज के कारण पैरों में रक्त का संचार कम हो जाता है व पैरों में एसे घाव हो जाते हैं जो आसानी से ठीक नहीं होते। इससे कई बार गेंग्रीन बन जाती है और इलाज हेतु पैर कटवानाक पड़ जाता हैं। इसी लिए डायबिटीज पीड़ितों को चेहरे से ज्यादा अपने पैरों की देखभाल करने की सलाह दी जाती है। पैरों की नियमित देखभाल, अलसी के तेल की मालिश व अलसी खाने से पैरों में रक्त का प्रवाह बढ़ता हैं, पैर के घाव व फोड़े आदि ठीक होते हैं। पैर व नाखुन नम, मुलायम व सुन्दर हो जाते हैं।
अंतिम दो शब्दः-
डायबिटीज में कोशिका स्तर पर मुख्य विकृति इन्फ्लेमेशन या शोथ हैं। जब हम स्वस्थ आहार-विहार अपना लेते हैं और अलसी सेवन करते हैं तो हमें पर्याप्त ओमेगा-3 ए.एल.ए. मिलता हैं और हमारे शरीर में ओमेगा-3 व ओमेगा-6 वसा अम्ल का अनुपात सामान्य हो जाता है व डायबिटीज का नियंत्रण आसान हो जाता है और इंसुलिन या दवाओं की मात्रा कम होने लगती है।


Friday, January 22, 2010

Ashok Lav From Wikipedia

Ashok Lav

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dr. Ashok Lav(Delhi) is a noted Hindi language author and poet[1].

Works and honours

A recipient of numerous awards related to Hindi literature, including the Eklavya award, his more well known works include:

  • Shikhron se aage (novel- literally, "Beyond peaks")
  • Anubhootiyon ki aahaten (collection of poems,literally, "The approaching footsteps of sensations")
  • Larhkiyan Choonaa Chahtee Hain Aasmaan (collections of poems- literally, "Girls want to touch the sky")
  • Phulvaree (songs for children- literally, "A garden of flowers")
  • Band darvaazon par dastaken (short stories- literally, "Knocking on locked doors")
  • Salaam Dilli (short stories- literally, "A salute to Delhi")
  • Pathron se bandhe pankh (short stories- literally, "Feathers tied to stones")
  • Khidkiyon Par Tange Log (short stories(ed)-literally,"People Hanged on Windows"

His book Hindi ke Pratinidhi Saahityakaaron se Saakshaatkaar, a collection of interviews with writers representative of Hindi literature, was released by the Vice President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma on February 9, 1990.[2]

Personal life

Dr. Lav belongs to the Mohyal community, usually more noted for its tradition of military service. Besides being a writer, he is also the Managing Director of an IT firm.[citation needed] He also is the editor of the Hindi section of the Mohyal community magazine, the Mohyal Mitter since July 1987.


  1. ^ Who's Who of Indian Writers, by Kartik Chandra Dutt, Sahitya Academy 1999 Page 668
  2. ^ Dr. Lav honoured with The Eklavya Award

Lau (Mohyal) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lau (Mohyal)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lau (also spelled Lav) is one of the Saraswat Brahmin clans of Punjab. They are one of the seven lineages constituting the Mohyal community, known for its martial tradition[1].



Origin and history

Mythological roots

The Laus claim descent from Sage Vashishtha, who in Indian mythology was the Raj Guru or Royal Priest of King Dashratha, the father of Lord Rama. Hence the gotra of the Laus is said to be Vashishtha. A section of Lau families have it recorded as Vats, believed to be a result of an adoption of a person from another Brahmin lineage into the clan at some point in the past.

Early history

In Mohyals' recorded history however, there is no mention of the Lau clan until around 1000 CE. According to Mohyals' own historians and their folklore, the clan came into prominence by establishing a dheri (fiefdom) at Bajwada near modern day Kangra in Himachal Pradesh on the border with Hoshiarpur, Punjab. In the middle ages Bajwada was an important town, as reflected by the prominence of its mention in Mughal records[2]. Various Mohyal ballads, especially the Vishav Rai Niti, extol the feats and fierce swordsmanship of the early rulers of Bajwada especially Vishav Rai and Ballal Sen, and consist of verses that also glorify the damages inflicted by their armies on the Ghaznavid sultans, when the latter were on their way to or returning from raids of other Indian cities.

Many names of the Lau clan in Mohyal folklore and records closely match names from the Sena dynasty of Bengal, like Ballal Sen and Lau Sen. That, and the coinciding of the Lau clan's appearance in Punjab with the period when the Senas held territories North of Delhi, has led some historians to assert that the Laus descended from among the Senas[3] and are named after Lau Sen, consistent with the known phenomenon of a new clan or caste name coming into being with a notable ancestor. The name Lau Sen is famous in Bengali folklore as well[4], and consistent with Mohyal tradition the Senas were also of Brahmin lineage but in a Kshatriya role.

An alternate theory based on oral tradition ascribes the Lau clan's origin to Lau Pal, who is also stated to be a ruler of Bajwada[5]

Later history

The Laus are said to have been uprooted twice from Bajwara, once by Rajput clans and once again with a heavy loss of life at the hands of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb as a punishment for refusing to support his campaigns against the Sikhs. The animosity with Mughals is however said to have subsided in succeeding generations, and one Sur Sen Lau of this clan is said to have held a high rank in the court of the Mughal King Mohammed Shah[6]. In today's times, most Laus carry the surname Mehta or Bakhshi, based on titles acquired under Mughal and Sikh rule.

See also


  1. ^ Muhiyals - The Militant Brahmin Race of India by T.P. Russell Stracey, Lahore 1911
  2. ^ The Punjab under the Mughals, by Muhammad Akbar, Ripon Press, 1948 - Page 21
  3. ^ A Historical Review of Hindu India: 300 BC to 1200 AD, by Panchanana Raya, pages 11, 176
  4. ^ Temples and Legends of Bengal, by Pranab Chandra Roy Choudhury, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, 1967
  5. ^ The History of Mohyals, by P.N. Bali, 1995 - Page 89
  6. ^ The History of Mohyals, by P.N. Bali, 1995 - Page 91

New Pension System

Thursday January 21, 11:53 AM Source: Hindustan Times

New Pension System courts old Rs 1-lakh limit

India, Jan. 20 -- This year, we've got a new tax-saving vehicle to get the Rs 1 lakh tax deduction. After many near misses, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) launched the much-awaited New Pension System (NPS) in May 2008.

Its tier I account can build you a snug retirement nest egg, even if you work for the unorganised sector or are self-employed. It invests your money partly in index funds, has the lowest-cost structure in the market-linked space and has a lock-in up to 60 years of age - making it an effective retirement vehicle. However, it's still no match for our age-old trusted retirement vehicles, Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Public Provident Fund (PPF).

What is NPS?

It is a pure defined contribution product, which has a lock-in till 60 years of age. You can begin with a minimum annual contribution of Rs 6,000.

There are two investment strategies available to you.

Active choice: You can allocate your funds across three fund options: equity (under which you can invest up to 50% in equity index funds), fixed income instruments other than government securities and government securities.

Auto choice: Under this your fund allocation is linked to your age. Till 35 years of age, you get 50% exposure to equity, which tapers off to 10% by age 55.

The six fund managers you can choose from are ICICI (ICICIBANK.NS) Prudential Pension Fund Management Co. Ltd, IDFC Pension Fund Management Co. Ltd, Kotak (KOTAKBANK.NS) Mahindra Pension Fund Ltd, Reliance Capital Pension Fund Ltd, SBI (SBIN.NS) Pension Funds Pvt Ltd and UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd.

While it is too early to judge the performance of the fund managers, a huge variation is not expected since the funds will primarily invest in debt instruments and the equity component will be restricted to index funds.

On maturity, you get 60% of the fund value as lump sum. The remaining goes into buying an annuity to ensure regular pension. NPS discourages early withdrawal. If you do so, you get only 20% as lump sum and the rest is annuitised.

How does it work?

There are designated points of presence (PoP) that can distribute NPS. Currently there are 22 points of presence. Some of the popular ones are State Bank of India, Central Bank of India, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, Citibank, Union Bank of India (UNIONBANK.NS) and IDBI Bank (IDBIBANK.NS).

To open an account, go to one of PoP branches, fill up a form, give your fund preference and make your deposit. This PoP will then send your details to the central record keeping agency (CRA), which will issue you a Permanent Retirement Account Number (Pran). This number is unique to your account and is portable across jobs and locations. You would also be given a telephone and Internet password for fund transfer.

Once this card is issued, the PoP sends the funds to the trustee bank. To make subsequent payments, you would just need your Pran, which can be used at any designated PoP.

Says Rani S. Nair, executive director, PFRDA: "An investor can make contributions in any of the designated branches. However, to make changes in, say, address or fund preference, the customer will have to go to the original branch. In case of a grievance, the customer can approach the CRA and subsequently the PFRDA."

What are the costs?

NPS has two sets of charges-flat and variable. You would need to pay about Rs 470 as flat charges every year, but this is expected to come down as volumes go up. The annual variable charges are custodian and fund management charges-0.0075% (of the fund value) and 0.0009%, respectively. The fund management charges are the lowest in the industry.

What's the tax treatment?

There's no upper limit on the amount that you invest but only 10% of your income is applicable for tax deduction under section 80CCD. However, the deduction would be available subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh under section 80C. On maturity, the 60% that you get as lump sum is taxable. The remaining 40% that goes into buying annuity is exempt, but the pension money you would get would be taxable as income in your hands.

What to do?

In its current form, NPS is at a slight disadvantage as compared to other products in the retirement stable. NPS has been given the EET (exempt, exempt, tax) tax status. This means that while your investment is exempt at the time of contribution and at the time of accumulation, it would be taxable at the time of withdrawal.

It is at this point that it loses out to EPF and PPF, which enjoy the EEE (exempt, exempt exempt) tax status. Also, in EPF and PPF, the returns manages to beat mutual fund are guaranteed. But despite the tax shortcoming, NPS pension pension plans and most unit-linked pension plans (ULPP). While ULPPs have EEE status, pension plans by mutual funds are taxed for capital gains.

Pune-based financial planner Veer Sardesai says: "NPS invests your money in an index fund which takes away the risk linked to the performance of the fund manager. However they take a beating in terms of the tax treatment on the maturity amount."

"For effective retirement planning," says Sardesai, "one should exhaust his section 80C with EPF and PPF. If there is still scope, go for NPS instead of MF or insurance pension plans. Beyond 80C, one should look at index funds."

However, if you are not an aggressive investor, then you could look at NPS since it works like a balanced fund. But, once again, do this only after you have exhausted your EPF and PPF benefits.

स्वर्गीय एल के बक्षी : यात्रा संस्मरण लेखक

Late Mr L K Bakhshi was a reknowned travel writer. A member of Haryana Civil Services, he was General Manager of Haryana Tourism and Administrator of Kurukshetra ( Thanesar). A reknowned travel writer,he was bestowed several awards including Rajiv Gandhi Award for outstanding contribution to Tourism. In his memory, IATO ( Indian Association of Tour Operators) has set up " L K Bakhshi-Excellence in Journalism Award" which recognises contribution of Travel Media in tourism promotion

मोहयालों की शान वखरी : चित्रों में मोहयाल

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World's Highest Moterable Road - KHARDUNG LA(18,380 Ft)
ऋषि बक्षी

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ब्रज चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा

ब्रज भूमि भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण एवं उनकी शक्ति राधा रानी की लीला भूमि है। यह चौरासी कोस की परिधि में फैली हुई है। यहां पर राधा-कृष्ण ने अनेकानेक चमत्कारिकलीलाएं की हैं। सभी लीलाएं यहां के पर्वतों, कुण्डों, वनों और यमुना तट आदि पर की गई। पुराणों में ब्रज भूमि की महिमा का विस्तार से वर्णन किया गया है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि राधा-कृष्ण ब्रज में आज भी नित्य विराजते हैं। अतएव, उनके दर्शन के निमित्त भारत के समस्त तीर्थ यहां विराजमान हैं। यही कारण है कि इस भूमि के दर्शन करने वाले को कोटि-कोटि तीर्थो का फल प्राप्त होता है। ब्रज रज की आराधना करने से भगवान् श्री नन्द नन्दन व श्री वृषभानुनंदिनी के श्री चरणों में अनुराग की उत्पत्ति व प्रेम की वृद्धि होती है। साथ ही ब्रज मण्डल में स्थित श्रीकृष्ण लीला क्षेत्रों के दर्शन मात्र से मन को अभूतपूर्व सुख-शांति व आनन्द की प्राप्ति होती है। इसीलिए असंख्य रसिक भक्त जनों ने इस परम पावन व दिव्य लीला-भूमि में निवास कर प्रिया-प्रियतम का अलौकिक साक्षात्कार करके अपना जीवन धन्य किया है। वस्तुत:इस भूमि का कण-कण राधा-कृष्ण की पावन लीलाओं का साक्षी है। यही कारण है कि समूचे ब्रज मण्डल का दर्शन व उसकी पूजा करने के उद्देश्य से देश-विदेश से असंख्य तीर्थ यात्री यहां वर्ष भर आते रहते हैं। ब्रज चौरासी कोस में उत्तरप्रदेश के मथुरा जिले के अलावा हरियाणा के फरीदाबाद जिले की होडलतहसील और राजस्थान के भरतपुरजिले की डीगव कामवनतहसील का पूरा क्षेत्रफल आता है। ब्रज चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा के अंदर 1300से अधिक गांव, 1000सरोवर, 48वन, 24कदम्ब खण्डियां,अनेक पर्वत व यमुना घाट एवं कई अन्य महत्वपूर्ण स्थल हैं। ब्रज चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा वर्ष भर चलती रहती हैं, किंतु दीपावली से होली तक मौसम की अनुकूलता के कारण प्रमुख रूप से चलती है। इन पद यात्राओं में देश-विदेश के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से आए हजारों तीर्थ यात्री जाति, भाषा और प्रान्त की सीमाओं को लांघ कर प्रेम, सौहा‌र्द्र,श्रद्धा, विश्वास, प्रभु भक्ति और भावनात्मक एकता आदि अनेक सद्गुणों के जीवन्त उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करते हैं। साथ ही ब्रज संस्कृति से वास्तविक साक्षात्कार भी होता है। इन यात्राओं में राधा-कृष्ण लीला स्थली, नैसर्गिक छटा से ओत-प्रोत वन-उपवन, कुंज-निकुंज, कुण्ड-सरोवर, मंदिर-देवालय आदि के दर्शन होते हैं। इसके अलावा सन्त-महात्माओं और विद्वान आचार्यो आदि के प्रवचन श्रवण करने का सौभाग्य भी प्राप्त होता है। पुराणों में ब्रज चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा का विशेष महत्व बताया गया है। कहा गया है, ब्रज चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा को लगाने से एक-एक कदम पर जन्म-जन्मान्तर के पाप नष्ट हो जाते हैं। यह भी कहा गया है, ब्रज चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा चौरासी लाख योनियों के संकट हर लेती है।

शास्त्रों में यह भी कहा गया है कि इस परिक्रमा के करने वालों को एक-एक कदम पर अश्वमेध यज्ञ का फल मिलता है। साथ ही जो व्यक्ति इस परिक्रमा को लगाता है, उस व्यक्ति को निश्चित ही मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है। गर्ग संहिता में कहा गया है कि एक बार नन्द बाबा व यशोदा मैया ने भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण से चारों धामों की यात्रा करने हेतु अपनी इच्छा व्यक्त की थी। इस पर भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण ने उनसे कहा कि आप वृद्धावस्था में कहां जाएंगे! मैं चारों धामों को ब्रज में ही बुलाए देता हूं। भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण के इतना कहते ही चारों धाम ब्रज में यत्र-तत्र आकर विराजमान हो गए। तत्पश्चात यशोदा मैया व नन्दबाबाने उनकी परिक्रमा की। वस्तुत:तभी से ब्रज में चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा की शुरुआत मानी जाती है। यह परिक्रमा पुष्टि मार्गीयवैष्णवों के द्वारा मथुरा के विश्राम घाट से एवं अन्य सम्प्रदायों के द्वारा वृंदावन में यमुना पूजन से शुरू होती है। ब्रज चौरासी कोस की परिक्रमा लगभग 268कि.मी. अर्थात् 168मील की होती है। इसकी समयावधि 20से 45दिन की है। परिक्रमा के दौरान तीर्थयात्री भजन गाते, संकीर्तन करते और ब्रज के प्रमुख मंदिरों व दर्शनीय स्थलों के दर्शन करते हुए समूचे ब्रज की बडी ही श्रद्धा के साथ परिक्रमा करते हैं।

कुछ परिक्रमा शुल्क लेकर, कुछ नि:शुल्क निकाली जाती हैं। एक दिन में लगभग 10-12कि.मी. की परिक्रमा होती है। परिक्रमार्थियोंके भोजन व जलपान आदि की व्यवस्था परिक्रमा के साथ चलने वाले रसोडोंमें रहती है। परिक्रमा के कुल जमा 25पडाव होते हैं। आजकल समयाभाव व सुविधा के चलते वाहनों के द्वारा भी ब्रज चौरासी कोस दर्शन यात्राएं होने लगी हैं। इन यात्राओं को लक्जरी कोच बसों या कारों से तीर्थयात्रियों को एक हफ्ते में समूचे ब्रज चौरासी कोस के प्रमुख स्थलों के दर्शन कराए जाते हैं। यात्राएं प्रतिदिन प्रात:काल जिस स्थान से प्रारम्भ होती हैं, रात्रि को वहीं पर आकर समाप्त हो जाती हैं।