
Monday, January 25, 2010



QU-301-B, Pitampura, Delhi-110034

Phone- 27344000, 27348000

Date- January, 24, 2010

Attendance- 75 (A Record Attendance ever in the Sabha.)

In Chair- Shri S.N.Chibber

Venue- Residence of Mr. P.L.Mehta / Mr. Yogesh Mehta, Q.U. 301-B, Pitam Pura, New Delhi.

The meeting started with the recitation of the Gayatri Mantra.

The house welcomed-

  1. Mrs. Anu Chibber, w/o Mr. Rajesh Chibber, Sector-21, Rohini.
  2. Ms. Snigdha Mehta, grand daughter of Shri G.L.Mehta (Chibber), of Chanderlok, Pitam Pura.
  3. Shri J.P.Datta, his wife Mrs. Sushma Datta of Akash Kunj, Sector-9, Rohini.
  4. Mr. Rajiv Chibber, and his wife, Mrs. Rakhi Chibber, of ED Block, Pitam Pura.
  5. Brg. V.K. Mehta, co-brother of Mr. P.L.Mehta,

Who were attending the meeting for the first time.

The house also welcomed Mrs and Mr. Rahul Mohan of sector-8, Rohini, who were attending the meeting after a long time.

Mr. P.K.Datta was to attend this meeting, but due to his personal reasons, he was unable to come. He sent his best wishes and flowers as a goodwill gesture.


  1. Smt Mehta Krishna Lau mother of Shri Ashok Lau editor of Mohyal Mitter hindi section and Raman Lau ,Kamal Kant Lau passed away on 20 th Dec 2009
  2. Shri O.P.Datta of Shalimar Bagh passed away on 12.Dec 2009.
  3. Shri Balraj Chibber passed away on 9th Jan 2010 at Ghaziabad.
  4. Shri. Jatinder Singh Mehta Lau of Malviya Nagar passed away on Jan 4th , 2010.

The house observed a two minute silence and prayed for peace of the departed souls.


  1. Marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S.K.Datta on January 15, 2010. They donated Rs. 250 to the sabha on account of the happy occasion.
  2. Birthday of Shri. J.L.Bali, Gurgaon. He donated Rs. 151 to the sabha.
  3. Birthday of Shri P.L.Mehta on January 27. He donated Rs. 250 to the sabha on this occasion.
  4. Birthday of Shri Yogesh Mehta on January 29. On this occasion, he donated Rs. 250 to the sabha.
  5. Birthday of Master Himkesh Datta on January 9. Mr. B.D.Datta donated Rs. 200 to the sabha on the occasion.
  6. Birthday of Master Pranav Mohan, s/o Mr. Neeraj Mohan, on December 8. On this occasion Shri Neeraj Mohan donated Rs 100 to the sabha.
Mrs. Veena Mehta and Mr G.L.Mehta donated Rs 100 on the birthday of their grand daughter, Ms. Snigdha Mehta, d/o Mrs. Seema Mehta and Mr. Anil Mehta,
  1. ,SPEEDY RECOVERY:-Smt. Kiran Mehta Mohan, who had undergone an eye surgery.
  2. Mr. Shriram Vaid, suffering from prolonged back pain.
  3. Shri O.P.Mohan, the president of the sabha, has not been keeping well.


  1. Smt. Santosh Vaid donated Rs. 500 to the sabha and Rs 1000/. to GMS on the death anniversary of her husband, Shri Ved Vyas Chibber Ji, which falls on December 31.


Secretary of the sabha, Shri Yogesh Mehta, appraised the members the following-

He told the members present that the Mohyal Sthapana Divas was celebrated on December 27, 2009 at Faridabad, in which Faridabad sabha helped GMS for holding the event. At least 15 members of the sabha attended the function.

The fourth grand match making mela 2009 was celebrated on December 13, 2009, in which large number of people took part.

The secretary also told the members that due to some technical problems, the phone lines of the Mohyal Ashram, Haridwar, have been damaged, following which the new contact numbers of the Ashram have been published in the Mohyal Mitter.

The secretary requested all the members present, to confirm with him their contact numbers and addresses, as the directory of the sabha would be getting re-published soon.

The members praised the efforts of the secretary to send out invitations and information regarding the mohyal meetings through SMSs, as it is convenient, saves paper and money. This method was introduced for the first time in the sabha and proved successful.


  1. Mr Rajiv Chibber, who was attending the meeting for the first time, was very keen to become a life member of the GMS, as well as the local sabha. He immediately gave a cheque of Rs 2,100 to become a life member of the GMS, and paid the annual subscription of the local sabha.
  2. Mrs. Surbhi Mehta, w/o Mr. Yogesh Mehta also gave cash Rs 2,100 to gain the life membership of GMS.

Mr P.L.Mehta and Mr. Yogesh Mehta cut the cake and all the members present wished them on their birthdays and blessed them.

Shri Rahul Mohan requested that the next meeting should be held at his residence, which was agreed upon.

TAMBOLA: A game of tambola was played and enjoyed by all.

A variety of delicious snacks and tea was served, which was enjoyed by all.

The meeting was then adjourned with a vote of thanks to the host.

Yogesh Mehta (Lau)

Secretary, 9811338000

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