
Monday, October 31, 2011

सोमवार व्रत कथा Monday Vrat Katha

created the doc: "SOMWAAR ( MONDAY FASTING)"

Somvar ki Kahani - ( MONDAY FASTING)


This story is connected with Monday fast. Monday fast is practiced to propitiate Lord Shiva. It has special significance in the month of Shravan. Meals are taken only once a day, generally after midday. It is believed that Monday fast results in happy family life and acquisition of knowledge. Once upon a time, there was a poor Brahman. He had nothing to sustain his family. One day his wife said to him, “My Lord, can’t you go out for earning money? We are in need of food”. The Brahman said, “It is my pious duty to feed you all. I have no income. I shall go out to make some income. Give me my Iota (brass pot) and string”. The Brahman’s wife gave him his Iota and string and he started on his journey.

There was a big peepal tree beside a cross-road on a Kachcha path. He raised a small platform around the tree and meditated there for twelve long years. The passers-by offered him food. Lord Shiva was pleased with his prayers and Monday fasts. He disguised himself as a Swami, an ascetic, with a dandi (staff) in his hand. He came near the peepal tree where the Brahman was meditating. The Brahman opened his eyes. A dandi Swami stood before him, blessing him with his raised hands. The Swami said, “What is your desire? You can ask for some boon”. The Brahman was overwhelmed and said, “I have nothing to support my family. I need money”. The dandi Swami said, “Worldly possessions are temporary. I shall give you a valuable Mantra. It will help you fulfill all your desires”. The Brahman said, “What is that Mantra, O Swamiji?”

The Swami said, “The Mantra is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, all are related with one or the other deity. Lord Shiva is the deity of Monday. Whosoever knows this secret gets nine treasures of Kubera, the Lord of Wealth, as also all the Riddhis and Siddhis i.e. prosperity, wealth etc.” Having got the Mantra, the old Brahman was happy. His sister’s village was nearby. He thought of visiting her. The sister was surprised to see her brother. She said, “You have given me a pleasant surprise. What brings you here? You have visited my house after a long time”. The Brahman said, “Let us sit down and talk about our family matters”. The sister replied, “I have no spare time to sit and talk. There are a lot of things to be done. I shall borrow handful flour from my neighbor and cook food for you”.

The brother said, “Clean and plaster your house with the cow dung first and light the holy lamp. Invite your neighbors. Put on new clothes, I shall tell you a valuable Mantra”. The old lady went from door to door to invite her neighbors. Many women gathered there to listen to the valuable Mantra. The old Brahman said, “Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are related with one or other deities. Lord Shiva is the deity of Monday. Whosoever knows this secret gets nine treasures of Lord Kubera, the lord of wealth, as also all Riddhis and Siddhis”. To the great surprise of all gathered there, as soon as the Mantra was used, the Brahman’s sister house got filled with a variety of household articles and enormous wealth.

It was a pleasant surprise for the Brahman also, because he had tested the Mantra for the first time. The Brahman’s sister was now happy. She said, “Take your meals and have some rest”. The Brahman said, “I will not take my meals in your house because you are younger than me. I shall take my meals at my family priest’s house”. On his way back home, he met his Baniya friend. He repeated the same Mantra there also. The Baniya’s house also got filled with wealth. The Brahman returned to his village. His wife was surprised to see him empty-handed. “You are here after twelve long years and still you have nothing with you”, she said. What is the matter?

The Brahman said, “I have learnt a valuable Mantra from a dandi Swami. The Mantra is more valuable than wealth”. The Brahman’s wife got infuriated but the Brahman made her listen to the Mantra. As the Brahman recited the Mantra, by the grace of Lord Shiva, his house got filled with wealth. The Brahman’s wife was surprised to see such an immense wealth. “What shall we do with all this wealth?” she remarked. The Brahman replied, “This wealth should be spent for the good of others. Let wells be dug all along the road-side to facilitate the travelers quench their thirst. Let marriages of all the poor unmarried girls be arranged by us”.

Somvar ki Kahani-II

This story is connected with Monday fast. Those who observe Monday fast listen to this story in the afternoon after offering prayers to Lord Shiva. Once there lived a wealthy merchant in a city. He always had immense wealth and prosperity. But despite all the worldly possessions, he remained sad because he had no son. He regularly observed Monday fast to have a son. He used to go to the Shiva temple and worshipped Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati with full faith. Goddess Parvati was pleased at his devotion. She implored Lord Shiva and said, “My Lord, this wealthy merchant is your faithful devotee. He regularly observes Monday fast but still he has no son. Please fulfill his desire”.

Hearing the imploring of Parvati, Lord Shiva said, “Let your desire be fulfilled. I grant him a boon. He will be the father of a son, but…” “But what my Lord?” asked Parvati. Lord Shiva said, “but he will live for twelve years only". Fortunately, this wealthy merchant could hear their conversation. As time passed on, the merchant’s wife gave birth to a beautiful son. He celebrated his son’s birth with great pomp and show and distributed food, clothes and money amongst the poor. All prayed for his son’s long and happy life. But the merchant was still sad because he knew that his son would not live beyond twelve years.

Yama, the god of Death, spares none. Knowing what the situation was, the merchant started observing the Monday fast with greater zest and there was no let up in the worship of Lord Shiva. He practiced all the rites of worship. At the age of eleven, the merchant’s son looked quite smart and mature. All desired that he should be married to a beautiful girl. The merchant’s wife also wanted her son to be married. She insisted for it again and again. The merchant did not agree to this proposal. He sent for his brother-In-law and said, “Accompany my son to Kashiji. Arrange for his best spiritual knowledge. Take enough money from my treasure. Arrange devotional gatherings on your way to Kashiji at every halt and distribute alms among the beggars”.

The merchant’s son started his journey for Kashi with his maternal uncle. They arranged devotional gatherings and distributed clothes at every halting camp. They also arranged best eats for the Brahmans and made enough offerings to them. One day they made a halt at the capital of a king. The king’s daughter’s marriage was held for that day. The marriage party had already reached the city. The bridegroom’s party was terribly disturbed because the bridegroom was blind, of one eye. They were in search of a beautiful boy to replace him. The bridegroom’s father sent his men in search of a beautiful boy. The men spotted the merchant’s son who was camping in an inn with his maternal uncle.

The bridegroom’s father was a rich person. He said to the merchant’s maternal uncle, “My prestige is at stake. I need a handsome bridegroom in place of my one-eyed son. I shall give enough wealth if your ward agrees to have a temporary marriage with the king’s daughter. He shall be free immediately after the marriage ceremony is over”. The merchant’s brother-in-law convinced his sister’s son for a temporary marriage. The bride’s party praised their luck when they saw a handsome bridegroom with the marching band at the head of the marriage procession. The merchant’s son and the king’s daughter were finally married off around the holy fire.

At the time of departure, the merchant’s son picked his bride’s scarf and wrote, “Now we are husband and wife. I am not the son of a king. I am the son of a rich merchant. I was on way to Kashiji for spiritual studies. Your real bridegroom is blind of one eye”. The bride noticed her bridegroom writing something on the scarf. She could not read his message at that time. When the marriage party was about to depart, the bride read the message. She was shocked to know the reality. She refused to accompany with the one-eyed bridegroom. The marriage party returned without a bride. The merchant’s son reached Kashiji and devoted himself fully to the spiritual studies. His maternal uncle arranged devotional gatherings and gave donations everyday for the well-being of his sister’s son.

On the last day of the twelfth year, the merchant’s son felt pain in the chest. His maternal uncle was performing the religious rites as per his routine. As he went inside the room, he found the boy dead. He was full of grief, but kept silent as the Brahmans would not accept food from such a house. With courage, he completed his routine. When his routine was over, he started crying. Many people gathered around him and shared his grief. Fortunately, Lord Shiva and Parvati were also passing by that house. When Parvati heard the cries and beating of breast, her motherly compassion got aroused. She was a mother, after all.

Having known the facts, she said to Lord Shiva, “My dear Sir, please ask Yama to return his life. Yama is always at your command. Please do this favor to me. You are the protector of all creatures”. Lord Shiva agreed and sprinkled Ganga water on the dead body. The boy got up as if he was making an excuse for sleep. The spiritual education of the merchant’s son was over. They started their journey homeward. They arranged spiritual discourses and distributed aims among the needy throughout their way. Now, they were back in the city where this boy was married. The king recognized the boy immediately.

He took him to his palace with full honor and on an auspicious day, he arranged to happily departure his daughter with adequate dowry. The merchant’s son reached his city along with his bride. His father could not believe it. He was sitting on the roof of a big mansion with his wife, waiting for his son. They had decided that they would not come down until their son supported them himself; otherwise they would commit suicide by jumping down the roof. So the merchant’s son along with his bride went up to the roof. They touched their feet. The merchant and his wife were very happy to see the couple.

Somvar ki Kahani-III

This story is related at the time of breaking Monday fast. Unshakeable belief in Lord Shiva brings prosperity and nonbelievers get sufferings. If the husband and wife have the same belief they are bound to lead a happy life. Even repentance at some stage is as good. Once, Lord Shiva visited the famous city of Amravati accompanied by Goddess Parvati. On their way, they saw a beautiful Shiva temple and decided to spend some time there. One day, Parvati found Lord Shiva in a playful mood. She said to him, Oh my Lord, “Let us have a dice game”. Lord Shiva obliged her and the game started. Meanwhile, the priest of the temple had come there. Parvati turned towards him and said, “Please foretell who will win this game?”

The Brahman gave no serious thought to her question and abruptly said, “Lord Shiva will win the game”. Incidentally Parvati won the game. She was angry because the Brahman had told a lie. Lord Shiva tried to pacify her, but she cursed the Brahman to turn into a leper. In due course, the Brahman became a leper and spent a miserable life. After some time, a few fairies descended on the earth and pitied the fate of the priest. On asking him, the priest narrated the whole episode. One of the fairies said, “You observe Monday fasts for sixteen weeks without break. On the seventeenth Monday, prepare some holy food or Prasad with flour mixed with ghee and gur. Distribute this prasad among the members of your family and take some yourself. You will be free from this leprosy”.

The fairies disappeared and the priest followed the instructions. Soon, he regained his normal health. Once again, Lord Shiva and Parvati visited the same temple. Parvati was surprised to see the priest. He was back at his normal self. She enquired about this feat and the priest narrated the whole story. Parvati was so happy that she, too, decided to observe Monday fasts for sixteen weeks. Incidentally, on the seventeenth Monday, when she broke her fast, her beloved son Kartikeya, who was displeased with her, appeared and said, “O dear mother, what is that power with which you have called me? What is the mystery?” Parvati said, “O my dear son, all this miracle is due to observing Monday fasts for sixteen weeks without interruption”.

Kartikeya’s Brahman friend had been in a foreign land for quite some time. Kartikeya said, “I shall observe Monday fasts for sixteen weeks for happy reunion with my friend”. He observed the 16 weeks fasts as per rules and to his great surprise his friend returned hale and hearty. The friend enquired about the miracle and Kartikeya told him the modalities to be observed for Monday fast. The Brahman friend was very curious about his marriage. He decided to observe the Monday fasts for sixteen weeks. On the seventeenth Monday, the Brahman friend went to a city. The ruler of the city decided to marry his daughter to a person on whose neck his well-decorated elephant would put the garland.

The Brahman joined the show. Incidentally, the elephant garlanded him. The ruler of the city gave him his daughter and also a lot of money. The couple departed the next day and was back in their home. On the honeymoon night, the bride said, “O my dear, how is it that the elephant ignored all the princes and garlanded you? How did you succeed on the auspicious moments?” The bridegroom said, “I observed fasts on sixteen Mondays. Monday is Lord Shiva’s day. It is due to his blessings that I got a beautiful wife like you. My friend Kartikeya revealed this secret to me”. The bride too decided to observe fasts on sixteen Mondays for a beautiful son, full of knowledge.

Her devotion bore fruit and she gave birth to a beautiful son. As the son grew up, he said to his mother, “O my dear mother, what is the mystery behind my birth? Please reveal it to me”. The mother told him how she observed Monday fasts. The son also decided to observe the fasts to gain a kingdom for his parents. Incidentally, an old king’s messengers from a nearby state came there in search of a beautiful and learned bridegroom for the princess. They proposed the princess’s hand for him and he readily agreed. The king expired after sometime and the boy became the king. The newly-made king continued his fasts for the next sixteen Mondays.

On the seventeenth Monday, he arranged a large prayer party at a temple. All the arrangements were made well in advance. The king requested the queen to accompany him to the temple for breaking the fast after taking prasad from the priest. The queen refused to go with him. The king had to go alone. The king heard an oracle who echoed, “O king, turn out the queen from the palace or destruction will fall upon you. The king returned to his palace. He summoned a conference of his ministers and told about the oracle. All of them were taken aback, as it was due to that princess that he became the king of the state.

They agreed to his proposal only with a heavy heart. The queen was ultimately turned out. The queen left the palace bare footed and in worn-out clothes. She was thirsty and fatigued. She met an old lady who had a load of spinned spindles on her head. She was going to the city. She felt pity on her and asked to help her in selling the yarn because she did not know the art of selling. The queen took that load on her head. Incidentally, a strong wind blew away the spindles which disappeared in the dusty wind. The queen felt sorry and the old lady asked her to go away. The queen went to an oilman’s house and sought shelter.

The oilman obliged her, but as she stepped in, all of his oil pots developed cracks and the oil began to flow on the ground. The oilman immediately turned her out. The queen was now disheartened. She went to the bank of a river to quench her thirst. As she touched the water, the water dried up. She then went to a deep jungle and saw a tank of water. As she went down the stairs and touched the crystal dear water, it became muddy. She cursed her fate and put a few drops of the muddy water in her mouth. She was now tired and wanted to take rest under a shady tree. As she went near the tree its leaves began to fall and soon it became leafless.

The cowherds saw this incident and told the whole story to the priest of a nearby temple. The priest called for the woman. He was surprised to see that the woman had royal features. He consoled her and provided her with all the facilities. But after some days, he also got fed up with her because whatever the woman touched became impure - may it be milk, food or water. One day, the priest said, “O lady, what curse has fallen upon you? You reveal the mystery”. The woman told him how she rejected a proposal to attend Monday fast prayer. The priest understood the whole thing. He knew it was Shiva’s curse. He said, “O dear lady, you observe fasts on sixteen Mondays and Lord Shiva will absolve you of your sins”.

The woman realized her mistake and observed the Monday fasts for sixteen Mondays. On the seventeenth Monday, the king said to himself, “My queen left my palace long ago. Her condition must be very miserable”. He called for his courtiers and ordered them to search out the queen. The courtiers reached the temple where the queen was residing. The priest refused to hand over the queen to them and said, “Let the king himself come to receive her”. The courtiers went to the king and related the whole story. The king was happy to hear the news. He went to the temple and requested the priest to return his queen to him. The king admitted that he deserted the queen to avoid Lord Shiva’s wrath.

The priest trusted the king’s words and the queen returned to the palace. She was given a royal welcome. The king distributed money among the needy and arranged food for the hungry. The king and queen now regularly observed fasts on sixteen Mondays each year and lived a very happy life. After their death they found abode in Lord Shiva’s city, Shivapuri. Since, then it is believed that any person, who observes fasts on sixteen Mondays, will get all the pleasures and will enter Shivapuri after his death.


दीपावली की मंगलकामनाएँ / अशोक लव

माँ लक्ष्मी और मंगलकारी भगवान गणेश जी का आशीर्वाद आप सबके जीवन को सुख-समृद्धि -आनंद और प्रसन्नताओं से भरे रखे।
दी- र्व का प्रकाश आपके जीवन-पथ को सदा आलोकित रखे !

माँ लक्ष्मी की पूजा और परिचय

God Ganesh and Goddes Laxmiji दीपावली के उपलक्ष्य में श्रीलक्ष्मी माता की विशेष उपासना की जाती है। उनकी उत्पत्ति का विषय यामल ग्रन्थों में वर्णित है। श्री लक्ष्मी को कमला एवं सौभाग्य लक्ष्मी भी कहते हैं। मुख्य श्री तो श्रीविद्या महात्रिापुर सुन्दरी ही है।
जब समुद्र मंथन हुआ तब कमलात्मिका लक्ष्मी उत्पन्न हुई। उन्होंने श्री महात्रिपुर सुन्दरी से ऐक्य प्राप्त करने हेतु बहुत आराधना की जिससे प्रसन्न होकर श्रीमहात्रिपुर सुन्दरी ने अपने में ऐक्य कर laxmi Poojaदश महाविद्याओं में एक महाविद्या बना दिया और श्री के नाम से ही कमलात्मिका को लोक प्रसिद्ध होने का वरदान देकर वे अन्तर्धान हो गई।
लक्ष्मी के अनेक भेद हैं जिसका विशेष वर्णन, पूजन, साधना आदि शाक्त प्रमोद स्तवन, नारद पंचरात्रा, मंत्रा महोदधि, श्री विद्यार्णव आदि ग्रन्थों में विस्तार पूर्वक वर्णन है। एकाक्षरी से लेकर चतुरक्षरी, अष्टाविंशति अक्षर मंत्रा आदि का वर्णन शास्त्रां में है। गुरु द्वारा पूर्ण रूप से साधक समझकर ज्ञान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
इसके मंत्रा ध्यानादि के अनन्त भेद हैं। कमला वैष्णवी शक्ति है। महाविष्णु के लीला विलास की सहचरी कमला की उपासना जगदाधार, शक्ति की उपासना है। महालक्ष्मी की कृपा प्राप्ति के लिए मानव, दानव, देव आदि सभी लालायित रहते हैं। जितनी सांसारिक संपदाएं हैं वे इनकी कृपा से ही प्राप्य हैं।
offer pooja fruit to laxmijiनिगम और आगमों में महालक्ष्मी की उपासना के अनेक भेद व विधान उपलब्ध हैं। वैसे लक्ष्मी के सोलह भेद हैं जिसे षोडश लक्ष्मी कहते हैं। लक्ष्मी के पांच भेद प्रमुख हैं जिनमें १. सौभाग्य लक्ष्मी, २. महालक्ष्मी, ३. त्रिाशक्तिलक्ष्मी, ४. साम्राज्य लक्ष्मी और ५. सिद्धि लक्ष्मी का समावेश है। आम्नाय भेद से ऊर्ध्वाम्नाय, पश्चिमाम्नाय आदि में श्री विद्यालक्ष्मी, राजलक्ष्मी, धान्यलक्ष्मी की उपासना करते हैं।
इस प्रकार इन तीनों को मिलाकर अष्टलक्ष्मी की उपासना करते हैं। मतभेद से दो रूपों में विभक्त कर अन्यान्य नामों से षोडशलक्ष्मियां पूज्य हैं जिनकी पूजा श्रीयंत्रा में की जाती है। विशेष पूजन श्रीसूक्त से किया जाता है।
महालक्ष्मी आद्या शक्ति हैं। लक्ष्मीजी सुवर्ण के समान कान्तिवाली स्मितवदना, कमलानना, कमल दल नयन युगला और अतिशय सुन्दरी हैं। लक्ष्मी उपासना के लिए श्री यंत्रा प्रमुख है। जिस पर श्री साधना की जाती है। श्रीयंत्रा पूजा में यति दण्डैश्वर्य विधान में सोलह आवरणों में सोलह लक्ष्मियों की पूजा होती है। एकादशावरण में स्पन्दिचक्र में गायत्राी के ३२ नामों से भी पूजा की जाती है। इस प्रकार गायत्राी साधना में भी श्री यंत्रा की महत्ता है।
तंत्रा साधना में बाह्य पूजा से अन्तर पूजा की महत्ता है। अन्तर योग से शरीरन्तस्थ नाडयों की जागृति होकर अन्तर चक्र जाग्रत होते हैं जिससे साधक के मन के संकल्पों की सिद्धि होती है।
लक्ष्मी साधना की दृष्टि से दीपावली के पांच दिवस अत्यन्त महत्त्व के हैं। धनतेरस से कार्तिक शुक्ल द्वितीया तक रात्रिा में नव बजे से बारह बजे तक जो साधक बाला बीज के जप अथवा परा प्रासाद बीज के जप करता है, उस पर लक्ष्मी की अनन्य कृपा होती है। साधना गुरु द्वारा जान कर करने से श्रेष्ठ लाभ होता है। हरेक देवी-देवताओं की पूजा हेतु श्रीयंत्रा उपयुक्त है।
लक्ष्म्यादि मंत्रां का सूक्ष्म प्रयोग कूर्म पुराण एवं सार संग्रह में वर्णित है। लक्ष्मी के अनेक मंत्रा प्रयोग हैं। इनमें कुछ इस प्रकार हैं -
१. एकाक्षर मंत्रा - ’श्री‘। इसी को चिन्तामणि मंत्रा भी कहा गया है। इसम ’’सौभाग्य संपत्प्राप्तये जपे विनियोगः‘ का उच्चारण कर विनियोग करने के बाद में न्यास करके ध्यान करना चाहिए। इसके ऋषि भृगु, निचृत् छन्द और श्रीदेवता हैं। श्रां, श्रीं, श्रूं श्रै श्रौं श्रः - इनसे कर/षडंग न्यास/हृदय न्यास करने चाहिये।


कान्त्या कांचन सन्निभां हिमगिरि प्रख्यैश्चतुभिर्गजै।
र्हस्तोत्क्षिप्त हिरण्मयामृतघटै रासिच्य मानां श्रियं
बिभ्राणां वरमन्ज युग्म मभयं हस्तैः किरीटोज्ज्वलां
क्षौमा बद्धनितम्बबिम्बलसितां वन्देऽरविन्दस्थिताम।।

इस प्रकार ध्यान व मानसिक पूजा कर अनन्य चित्त से जप करने से सौभाग्य, सुख व लक्ष्मी की प्राप्ति होती है।
इसी प्रकार भगवती लक्ष्मी का चतुरक्षरी मंत्रा ’’ ऐं श्रीं हृीं क्लीं ‘‘ भी है। बाला के बीज ’’ ऐं क्लीं सौः ‘‘का जप भी ऐश्वर्य प्रदान करने वाला है। साम्राज्यलक्ष्मी एवं सर्वमंगला आदि त्रिापुरेशी की नित्याये हैं। किसी एक मंत्रा की विधि जानकर दीपावली के पांच दिवसों में रात्रि में जप करने से लक्ष्मी प्रसन्न होती है। पुरश्चरण पद्धति से प्रयोग करने से अनन्त लाभ प्राप्त कर साधक सुखी होता है।

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mohyal Students Honored / Ashok Lav

8th Pratibhashaalee Mohyal Vidyarthee Saman function was oraganised on 9th October 2011 at Mohyal Foundation,New Delhi.
--Ashok Lav ( Secy GMS and Convenor )

मेजर दमन दत्ता के साथ जी एम एस मुख्यालय में / अशोक लव

मेजर दमन दत्ता को ' लड़कियाँ छूना चाहती हैं आसमान ' पुस्तक भेंट करते हुए.

रायजादा बी डी बाली और मेजर दमन दत्ता के साथ
मेजर दमन दत्ता के साथ

अशोक लव (सेक्रेटरी जी एम एस ) ,योगेश मेहता (सेक्रेट्री यूथ एंड कल्चर ) ,पी के दत्ता ( वाईस प्रेसिडेंट ) और मेजर दमन दत्ता
14 अक्तूबर 2011 को जनरल मोहयाल सभा के मुख्यालय में।

Thursday, October 20, 2011

ज़रा सोचिये भारतीयों के निर्माणों का क्या हुआ ?

*क्या कारण है कि मदुरै मंदिर, रामेश्वरं सेतु , कोणार्क, अजंता, एलोरा आदि चट्टानें काट कर बनाए गए भव्य प्रासाद , आबू पर्वत का मंदिर, रणथम्बोर का दुर्ग, आमेर और उदयपुर जैसे राजप्रसादों का निर्माण करने वाले सर्वश्रेष्ठ वास्तु - कला के पांडवों से लेकर पृथ्वीराज तक के कम से कम तीन हज़ार साल तक निरंतर शासन करने वाले हिन्दुओं के अपना कहलाने वाले कोई भी स्मारक नहीं?
*यदि उन्होंने कोई स्मारक नहीं बनवाए तो उनके राजसेवक और परिवार कहाँ रहते थे?
*उनके काल को हम सोने की चिड़िया के नाम से जानते है , जहां दूध की नदिया बहती थीं . तत्कालीन साम्राज्यों का अपार धन कहाँ संग्रह करके रखा जाता था?
* हमारे देश में यह कैसे हो गया कि एक अखंड आर्यावर्त रहे देश में भी दिल्ली, आगरा , फतेहपुरसीकरी, इलाहबाद , अहमदाबाद नगर और सारे मध्यकालीन स्मारक तथा उनसे भरपूर नगर भारतीयों ने नहीं अपितु विदेशी आक्रमणकारियों और मुगलों ने बनाए। ....कैसे संभव है?
*भारतीयों शासकों के राजप्रासादों का क्या हुआ. उनके द्वारा बसाए नगरों का क्या हुआ ?
*महान भारतीयों संस्कृति को इस्लाम/अंग्रेज़ी आईने से देखा जाना कब बंद होगा ?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gotra Rishi of Bhimwal ' Mahrishi Kaushal's Ashram

Maharishi Kaushal Ashram – The Head of...
Vashisht Vaid 5:57am Oct 18
Maharishi Kaushal Ashram – The Head of “Bhimwal” Mohyal Clan

Kaushal Maharishi is also known as Kutsa or kratu Maharishi, who is one of the seven Saptarishi of this Manvantara. The Bhimwal clan Mohyals having Kaushal gotra, are the descendents of Maharishi kaushal. Kaushals are mostly god fearing Brahmins traditionally renowned for their knowledge of astrology and spiritual healing.
The word Kaushal means who has all the perfection of mind or mentally clever. The word Kaushal in Devnagri [Hindi] means clever, perfect or skillful. Kaushal also means "Excellence”.
Maharishi Kaushal’s ashram was located on the banks of the river Aciravati, now called as the Rapti river near the capital of ancient Kaushal desha , which in modern times is known as Sravasti in the present day Gonda District of Uttar Pradesh state near the current city of Balrampur some 120 KM north of Lucknow, It was the ancient capital city of the kingdom of Kosala. During the time of Gautam Buddha, this area became a great buddhist learning center as the king Pasenadi according to buddhist scriptures became a buddhist king. He is also known as the Raja Prasenajit [6th century BC] who was the then ruler of Koshla kingdom and was a Iksvaku lineage king, the son of great Iksvaku king Mahakoshla. He became a great follower of Gautam buddha , and built many monasteries in Sravasti. The city of Balrampur is almost 17 kilometres from the town of Shravasti, where Lord Gautam Buddha displayed his supernatural powers. The ancient city of Sravasti, the Koshala Kingdom capital stood on the western bank of the Aciravati river. It was a tributary of the Sarayu river coming down from the Himalaya Dhaulagiri mountains of Nepal. It is one of the five great rivers that constituted the Ganges group of rivers. It was one of the most sacred rivers of the Buddhist religion.
In the Sapt rishi mandal, each Rishi has their own speciality, Maharishi Kaushal or Kutsa due to his intellect or skillfulness stands for sweetness. It is said that of the 82 suktas in the Rudram, about 65 are the contributions of Maharishi Kaushal. Maharishi Kaushal or Kutsa Maharishi explained the allegories of the first laws of celestial bodies, and the greatness of this Maharishi is recognized in the Vedas., The Rig Veda 4.16.10 mentions a conversation between Lord Varuna and Indra which illustrates how Maharishi Kaushal [Kratu] and Indra were not only bosom friends but also were 'look-alikes' so much that at one stage Indrani, the wife of Indra herself could not differentiate between both of them, and then she finally had to ask her husband Indra for help to identify himself between the two. Since ancient past many names have been assigned to the same rishi which has caused the confusion also to the common human beings.
Maharishi Kaushal is credited with discovery of the fourth vyahrithi, ‘swvah’ in the prokshana mantra The Prokshana Mantram goes like this "Om Bhu: Om Bhava: Om Svaha". It is said in ancient hindu scriptures that the water is a purifier, which technically defines the magnetic liquid of the astral plane commonly known as the Bhava loka. The water gets the ability to purify anything that it touches. This power is rested upon water through the sound vibrations of Prokshana Mantram. The Taittriya Samhita states that the Mantra Drishtas [creators and applicators] of the above mantra are none other than the three great rishi’s of Sapt Rishi Mandal Bhrigu, Atri, & Kaushal or kutsa Maharishi [also known as Kratu].
Out of the 82 suktams in the Rig Veda, 65 are attributed to Kaushal or Kratu. He is seen as a close friend as well as a lookalike of the Vedic god Indra, the lord of the Svarga loka. Kalidasa invokes Sage Kaushal in one of the chapters in Raghuvamsa. Tradition says that it was due to the blessings of Kaushal Maharishi that the the Raghu clan prospered and their territory was thus called the Kaushal desha in which kaushal Rajya was established, which included the land of Ayodhya or the territory of Surya vanshi dynasty, in which was born the crown jewel of the Raghu clan, the great Lord Shri Ram Chandra.
The Verses in Taittriya Samhita 2.6.5 of the the Aagya Prakaranam chapter exists as an question answer verses, which states as follows ….“Brahmavaadin O vadantyatbhir haveemshi proukshee, Kenaapa iti brahmaneti brooyaat adbirhyeva haveemshi Prokshati brahmanaapa”
Which means -- as a question first asks “What do you purify the offerings to gods with?, then as an answer it states “By sprinkling water”, then in again in question form it asks “With what do you purify water to be able to impart purity to the offerings”?, the answer to that is stated as “With mantra, to which it then again in question form asks “What is that mantra?, the answer to that is “Bhu, Bhava. Svaha or the Parokshna mantra”.
Kaushal Maha rishi is also named as Rajrishi Kusha in many ancient scriptures as in his lineage was born the great Maharishi Vishvamitra, who was originally a great king in ancient India, and also was called Kaushika "descendant of Kusha". He was a valiant warrior and the great-grandson of a great Rajrishi king named Kusha. The Valmiki Ramayana, prose 51 of Bala Kanda, talks about his lineage as:- There was a king named Kusha, a Manasputra of Brahma, and Kusha's son was the powerful and verily righteous Kushanabha. Kushanabha’s son was the highly renowned king Gaadhi , and Gaadhi's son is this great sage, Vishvamitra. Vishvamitra ruled the earth, and this great-resplendent king ruled the kingdom for many thousands of years
Kaushal Rishi is represented by Star Dubhe in the Sapt Rishi Mandal [Ursa Major constellation]. There was a fight between the all powerful Maharishi Vashisht and Vishwamitra, According to the Pauranic story Maharishi Vashisht destroys Kaushika's entire army by the simple use of his great mystic and spiritual powers, just by breathing the Aum syllable. Maharishi Vashisht also destroys one hundred of Kaushika's sons, and Kaushika then undertakes a Tapasya for several years to please Lord Shiva, who bestows upon him the knowledge of celestial weaponry. He proudly again goes to Vashisht ashram, and uses all kinds of powerful weapons to destroy Maharishi Vashisht and his hermitage. But he could only succeed in destroying the hermitage, but not harm Maharishi Vashisht at all , so the enraged Vashisht brings out his “Brahmadanda”, a wooden stick imbued with the power of Brahma. And It consumes Kaushika's most powerful weapons, including his Brahmastra [thr supreme weapon of Brahma]. Vasistha then gets ready to destroy Kaushika [Vishvamitra], but his anger is removed by the pleading Deva’s through their dev stuti’s. Kaushika is left humiliated while Vashisht restores back his hermitage to its original condition.
In Yajurveda mantra no. 32/6, only three lokas have been mentioned i.e., Divyalok or Dyulok (the Solar system emitting light with manifested creator Prajapati’s [planetary scheme logos], Prithvilok (the Prithvi Prajapati or creator Brahma of the manifested earth scheme ) and Antrikshlok (cosmic manifestations in the space). As regards Bhuhu, Bhuvaha, Swaha etc.lokas, they are only mentioned in Tetiriyo Upnishad and not in the Vedas. So Bhuhu means vital [Pranic] and Bhautik [physical], Bhava means the emotional or feeling plane, Swaha means the fullness of mind or the mental plane. Maha means the home of intuitional wisdom. Janaha means the spiritual plane or Bramh loka, who creates the universe. Tapaha the archetype or monadic plane, and Satyam means the divine plane of God who is eternal. So in this Tetriya Upanishad, Maha has also been told as Aditya lok (Surya lok i.e., sun) which gives light to others. This Aditya lok already comes within Dyulok cited above.
Gautam Buddha passed the greater part of his monastic life in Sravasti. His first visit to Sravasti was at the invitation of Anathapindika, whom he met in Rajagriha. The main monasteries in Sravasti were the Jetavana and the Pubbarama. Sravasti also contained the monastery of Rajakarma, built by Raja Prasenajit , opposite Jetavana. Not far from the city was a dark forest called the Andhavana, where some monks and nun went to live. Outside the city gate of Sravasti was a fisherman's village of five hundred families. Gautam Buddha spent twenty five rainy seasons in Sravasti, thus leaving only twenty to be spent elsewhere. Of the 25 rainy seasons of his life Buddha lived in Sravasti, he spent 19 in the monastery named Jetavana, and 6 in the monastery called Pubbarama. Thus, Sravasti is the place where Buddha lived the longest amount of time, and it is the place where he gave the largest amount of discourses and instructions.
How to go there:- ,
The nearest town is Balrampur , which can be reached by ROAD- About 160 Kilometers from the state capital Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation buses are available from Kaiserbagh Bus Station frequently. RAIL- Nearest broad gauge Railway Station- Gonda, Distance- 42 Kilometers. Apart from that Balrampur is well connected through rail route via Gonda-Gorakhpur loop line. AIR- Amausi Airport, Lucknow.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ashram of Mahrishi Vashith Mohyal Gotra Rishi--Lau (Lav)

Maharishi Vashisht Ashram , the head of “Lau”...
Vashisht Vaid
According to the famous Hindu epic “Ramayana”, Brahmrishi Vashisht had an Ashram in Ayodhya that was spread over 40 acres (160,000 m2) of land, where he lived with his wife” Arundhati’. Today all that remains of it is a small ashram in about one fourth of an acre of land. The ashram has within it a well that is believed to be the source of the river Saryu. This Vashisht Kund is situated near Chakra Tirtha in the city of Ayodhya. Vashisht Kund is a temple with a small round kund (pond) like a well.
Maharishi Vashisht is glorified in Rigveda chapter RV 7.33, extolling his role in the war of the 10 kings of Bharatvarsha, making him the only Maharishi besides the other rishi named Bhava to have a Rigvedic hymn especially dedicated to him. Maharishi Vashisht also wrote the famous treatise known as the "Vashisht Samhita" - a book on Vedic system of electional astrology, as well the famous “yog vashisht”is dedicated to him by Maharishi Valmiki. This treatise of Yog Vashisht, recounts a discourse of the sage Maharishi Vashisht to the young Prince Rama chandra, during a period when the latter is in a total dejected state. The contents of Maharishi Vashisht’s teaching to Rama is associated with Advaita Vedanta, explaining the illusory nature [Maya] of the manifest world and the principle of non duality of the manifesting “spirit”.

Vashisht kund:-
Now this Maharishi Vashisht Ashram is known as the Vashisht Kund. Vashisht Kund is a temple with a small round kund (pond) like a well.This is a beautiful temple which signifies the place where the 4 princes came to do gurukula vasa. That is, the 4 princes stayed here, at the Vashisht hermitage, to study. In fact so did all the kings before rama. The temple has lovely images of Vashisht and young Rama and his brothers which are almost life like. Looking at them one can actually imagine the 4 princes sitting around their Guru and learning. They look so eager to get on with their learning. At the basement of the main murti are multiple other murti’s of Saptarishi, Vashisht with his wife Arundhathi, Kamadhenu cow, Hanuman, etc. When you come out of this underground temple are into an open courtyard, there are steps that go further down to a water tank. The miracle is that the water level in this tank changes with the water inflow into the river Sarayu. There is no direct visible connection to the river yet the tank is influenced by how much water the Sarayu carries. This small tank which can be seen from the top. It is a very serene and calm place. The fruit of bathing in the kund is the attainment of knowledge like Vashisht Maharishi according to the prevalent belief of the seers.

Brahmarishi Vashisht was the Guru of the Solar Dynasty [Suryavansha]. The King at that time was King Ishvaku who was the king of Ayodhya. He was a noble king and thought of the well being of his subjects. He approached Sage Vashista telling him that the land had no water and requested him to do something to let the kingdom have adequate water. Sage Vashisht performed a special prayer and the river Saryu is said to have started flowing from this well. Saryu is also known as Ishvaki and Vashishti. It is said that the well is connected underground with the river. Many spiritual people who visit this ashram find an enormous spiritual energy around this well. It is one of the seven famous spiritual Tirath's for hindus to attain moksha or liberation, as it is written in the Garud Purana that Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya [Haridwar], Kasi [Benares], Kanchi [Kanchipuram in south India], Avantika [Ujjain], Puri Dvaravati[Dwarika] are the seven Moksha or liberation giver cities.
Ayodhyā, Mathurā, Māyā, Kāsi, Kāñchī, Avantikā I Purī Dvārāvatī chaiva saptaitā moksadāyikāh II - Garuḍa Purāṇa I XVI .14

There is also another Maharishi Vashisht ashram past Rishikesh on the way to Kaudiyal on the Devprayag route that is known as Vashisht Guha Ashram. The ashram itself is located on the banks of the River Ganga [Ganges] and it is a very beautiful place. It has a cave with a Shiv Ling in it. There is also another small cave to the side facing the river Ganga.

Maharishi Vashisht is one of the nine 9 Prajapati’s or creator rishi’s, the mind consciousness of one of the manifested bodies of the Navagraha’s [nine plants] in our solar system, which happens to be Neptune and reflected to our planet earth through the planet Jupiter [Brahaspati , the Dev Guru]. Maharishi Vashisht is the chief author of the 7th Mandala of the Rigveda.[In actuality there are 10 or Das Prajapati’s but Saturn [Shani] plays both mother and father role [Shiva/Shakti] , as Mahakaal and Mahakaali, thus only nine are consdiered as the prajapati,s out of this 10 number prajapati group].
The city of Ayodhya is situated on the right bank of the river Saryu, and it is about 6 km from the city of Faizabad, Ayodhya, which is a popular pilgrim centre. This town is closely associated with Lord Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. During Lord Gautam Buddha’s time[Shakyamuni], the city was called Ayojjhā in Pali language, which was mostly used by the Buddhst literary people like the sanskrit by hindu priesthood, and it was called Ayodhyā in Sanskrit which lord Gautam Buddha visited, , which he also visited and stayed there for some time. The city is also important in the ancient history and heritage of Buddhism in India, with several Buddhist temples, monuments and centers of learning having been established there by the Mauyran kings, as well as the kings of Gupta dynasty like Chandragupta Vikramaditya.

Ayodhya reached its glorious peak as known to history during the reign of the Guptas kings all over India. In Ayodhya there are two earth mounds [Tila’s] known as the Mani Parbat and Sugriv Parbat. The first of these ancient earth mounds is identified with a stupa built by the Emperor Ashoka, while the second is believed to be an ancient monastery.

About 2000 years ago during King Vikramaditya’s of vikrami samvat’s fame who relocated this long forgotten place, it was called Saketa, [Śāketa,is a sanskrit word meaning the abode of Lord Vishnu or Vishnuloka], which was later on conquered by the chinese Kushan/Yuezhi Emperor Kanishka, arround 127 AD, who patroned Hindu religion and made it the administrative centre of his eastern territories, and during the time of the visit of the Chinese pilgrim monk, Xuanzang, [huentsang] in 636 AD, it was again known as Ayodhya.

The ancient city of Ayodhya, according to the Ramayana, was founded by Manu, the law-giver of the Hindu. For centuries, it was the capital of the descendants of the Surya dynasty of which Lord Rama was the most celebrated king. Ayodhya during ancient times was known as Kaushaldesa or the kaushal janapada.
Skanda and some other Puranas rank Ayodhya as one of the seven most sacred cities of India. It was the venue of many events in Hindu mythology. Today pre-eminently a temple town, Ayodhya is famous for its close association with the epic Ramayana. It is a city of immense antiquity full of historical significance and sacred temples. The Atharvaveda described Ayodhya as "a city built by Gods and being prosperous as paradise itself."

The illustrious ruling dynasty of this region were the Ikshvakus of the solar dynasty commonly known as the descendants of Surya or Suryavanshi’s . According to tradition, the king Ikshvaku was the eldest son of Vaivasvata Manu, who established himself at Ayodhya. The Earth is said to have derived its name `Prithivi’ from Prithu, the sixth king of this solar lineage. A few generations later came Mandhatri or Mandhata, in whose line the 31st king was Harischandra, who is known widely known as the Satyavaan Raja for his love of truth. Raja Sagar of the same clan performed the Ashvamedha Yajna and his great grandson Bhagiratha is reputed to have brought Ganga on Earth by virtue of his penance. Later in the time came the great Raghu, after whom the family came to be called as Raghuvamsa. His grandson was Raja Dasaratha, the illustrious father of Rama, with whom the glory of the Kausala dynasty reached its highest point. The story of this epic has been immortalized by Valmiki andlater rewritten by the great saint “Tulsidaas”, immensely popularized by the great masses through centuries.

Ayodhya is a city of temples yet all places of worship here are not only Hindu. At Ayodhya several religions have grown and prospered simultaneously and at different periods. Remnants of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Islam can still be found in Ayodhya. According to Jain tradition, five Tirthankaras were born at Ayodhya, including Adinath (Rishabhadeva) the first Tirthankar.

Nageshwarnath Temple
The temple of Nageshwarnath is said to have been established by Kush, the son of Rama. Legend has it that Kush lost his armlet, while bathing in the river Saryu, which was picked up by a nag-kanya, who fell in love with him. As she was a devotee of Shiva, Kush erected this temple for her. It is said that this is the only temple to have survived till the time of Maharaja Vikramaditya, the rest of city had fallen into ruins and was covered by dense forests. It was by means of this temple that Vikramaditya was able to locate Ayodhya and the sites of different shrines later erected here.

For Ayodhya the nearest airports are Faizabad Airport (India) (5 km), Amausi Airport (Lucknow-134 km), Allahabad Airport (Allahabad - 166 km)
Ayodhya is situated on the broad gauge Northern Railway line on Muhal Sarai – Lucknow main route. And the cities of Ayodhya/Faizabad are connected to various parts of the country with the train service:
Ayodhya is Connected by road to several major cities and towns. Some of the major road distances are: Lucknow (134 km), Gorakhpur (132 km), Jhansi (441 km), Allahabad (166 km), Sravasti (109 km), Varanasi (209 km) and Gonda (51 km).

Friday, October 14, 2011

From Mohyas Page --Facebook :Mohyal Ashram Vrindavan

Work at Mohyal Ashram Vrindavan and Govardhan is on progress. Please contribute for this nobel cause. — with Pallavee Mehta Jaitly and 34 others
· · · Yesterday at 12:50pm near New Delhi

    • Anushree Datta thnx.....!!!!
      Yesterday at 1:01pm · · 3 people
    • Amit Chhibber pleasure too see this thanxxxx..
      Yesterday at 1:24pm · · 2 people
    • Kim Chibber Ashok ji,Thank you so much for the above post. I have been talking to people over here also about the Ashram.That,s great....keep up the good work. We are proud of you and your team G.M.S.
      Yesterday at 1:29pm · · 3 people
    • Ashok Lav Thanks Kim Chibber jee,Anushree Datta,Narinder Kumar Vaid,Bunty Bali jee,Boney Bali jee and Amit Chhibber.Yogesh Mehta--meeting tomorrow.
      Yesterday at 4:14pm · · 3 people
    • Bunty Bali ‎"१९४७ के विभाजन के बाद सब से अधिक त्रासदी जिस कोम ने झेली वो रावी के पश्चमी किनारे तक सीमित मोह्यल थे " Mr Ravish kumar (NDTV),

      GMS के कार्य अत्यंत उत्क्रष्ट है ,एक समय पर हमारे लोग २ रुपये का चन्दा भी नहीं दे पाते थे ||मोह्यल आश्रम (वृन्दावन ) के लिए अपना सहयोग करें ||

      lets start this with at least 1100/ = Only ||

      " साथी हाथ बढाना एक अकेला थक जायेगा मिल कर बोझ उठाना "जय मोह्यल ||
      23 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Ashok Lav
      विभाजन के पश्चात् हम अपना सब कुछ छोड़कर आए थे. आज मोहयाल किसी भी रूप में किसी से पीछे नहीं हैं. हमें गर्व होना चाहिए कि आज जी एम एस के रूप में हमारी एक संस्था है जिसने मोहयालों के सहयोग से इतना विशाल रूप लिया है. मोहयाल आश्रम हरिद्वार के पश्चात् वृन्दावन और गोवर्धन आश्रमों पर कार्य तेज़ी से चल रहा है. बंटी बाली जी का सुझाव बहुत अच्छा है. हमें अपनी सामर्थ्य के अनुसार 'पांच सौ एक - ग्यारह सौ-अधिक' जितना हो सके इस पुण्य कार्य में योगदान करना चाहिए.हमें लगना चाहिए यह भवन-आश्रम हमारे अपने हैं. किम छिब्बर जी विदेश में बैठकर भी हमेशा चिंतित रहती हैं कि अपनी बिरादरी के लिए कुछ और योगदान किया जाए. उन्होंने किया भी है .हम सब एक-दूसरे के साथ मोहयाल होने के नाते जुड़े हुए है. यह प्रेम और सद्भाव बना रहना चाहिए.
      11 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Raizada Ramesh Kumar Bali Dear Sir I am feeling so frustrated by not keeping my words given to yogesh Mehta Ji. Can you please advice me if i can send my contribution through western union if yes give me any name with his contact number. I hope you will help me in removing the burden on my head. Jai Mohyals.
      8 hours ago · · 2 people
    • Alok Mohan Sir My Family has already donated for construction of a Room in Mohyal Ashram Vrindavan However If God desires & if our finances improve we shall be more then willing to do the needful
      8 hours ago · · 3 people
    • Boney Bali Bunty Bali भैया, Kim Chibber जी , Ashok Lav जी ..इस नेक काम को अभी से ही शुरू करता हूँ ११०० की राशि इस पवित्र कार्य के लिए मैं जी ऍम एस को चेक द्वारा भिजवा दूंगा || यहाँ मैं एक सुझाव देना चाहूंगा की आज का युग इलेक्ट्रोनिक युग है ||
      इस लिए कैश ट्रान्सफर बैंक से बैंक, वेस्टर्न युनिएनं, आदि पर भी गौर किया जाये, जिस से जो हमारे भाई बंधू परदेस में हैं वो भी अपना योगदान आसानी से दे सकें || सधन्यवाद .... रिपु दमन बाली||

Ashram of Maharishi Kashyap-Gotra Rishi of Mohyal ' Mohan'

Maharishi Kasyap Ashram... "Mohan" mohyal clan...
Vashisht Vaid
The great puranas give us the exact location of our great Kashyap Maharishi Ashram, the “Mohan” Mohyal clan head.
According to the Vamana Purana:-
Lord Narayan became pleased by Kashyap’s eulogies and austere penance. He appeared before the deities and asked them to demand anything they wished for. Kashyap requested him to give Aditi, the privilege of becoming his mother. Lord Vishnu agreed to take birth as Aditi’s son.
“The deities became pleased and all of them proceeded back towards Kashyap’s hermitage. When they reached Kurukshetra, the place where Kashyap had his hermitage, they inspired Aditi to commence her penance to please Lord Vishnu. Aditi did a severe penance for 10,000 years.” The place where she did her penance later on became famous as the Aditivan”.
This is the same historical ancient Aditivan where Maharishi Kasyap used to live with his wife Aditi, which is currently situated in the village of Amin, which is located at a distance of about 8 kilometers from the historical city of Kurukshetra, about 8 km to the east of Kurukshetra University. At Amin there are two 'kundas' (sacred tanks), one attributed to Aditi and second to her son lord Surya.
In this village of Amin is that "tirth-sthal" (holy spot) called "Surya Kund", where Mother Aditi, the wife of Kasyap rishi gave birth to the Sun God (Surya Dev). This spot is said to be empowered by the hard worship of 86000 "Rishi-Munis" and the villagers generally leave the "asthi (mortal remains after the pyre is burnt) kalash" after cremation in that sarovar (kund). A strong belief prevails that if any pregnant lady takes a bath in that holy kund, then the upcoming male child will have excellent qualities like bravery & power.
One of other the important places in Amin village is a very old fort in the village of Amin. This fort is situated at a higher level than the rest of the village. Local People say that in the Mahabharat times, this fort belonged to the great son of Arjuna , the famous Abhimanyu, It is also prevalent as a folklore in the local people that the Pandavas arrayed their great forces before the last battle in the war of Mahabharatha at this village of Amin.
This ancient vedic land of Kurukshetra was situated between two rivers — the Saraswati and the Drishadvati. This land has been known as Uttravedi, Brahmavedi, Dharamkshetra and Kurukshetra at different periods. When King Kuru came on this land it was called Uttarvedi. Over the period this land has been ruled by many empires. The Bharata Dynasty later came and settled on this land.
Later the Battle of Mahabharata was fought on this land between Kaurava and Pandavas, during which Lord Krishna preached Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna. This ancient battlefield occupies a very large area of around 80 square kilometers. The battle field is mainly divided in seven forests. These forests are named as Kamyavan, Aditivan, Vyasvan, Fulkivan, Suryavan, Madhuvan, and Sitavan.
It is said that the war of Mahabharata took place in first three forests, namely Kamyavan, Aditivan, and Vyasvan. As the strength of both Pandavas and Kauravas armies was very big, this extremely large battlefield was selected for the war. This was the place where Lord Krishna gave the famous teachings of Bhagavad-Gita to Arjun as he was not ready to fight his own relatives to get the Kingdom of Hastinapur. Today's Delhi where the Purana Qila stands, was the capital city of Pandava’s kingdom, known as Indraprastha.
Kurukshetra reached the zenith of its progress during the reign of King Harsha, during which Chinese scholar Hieun Tsang visited this land at Thanesar. By the archaeological grounds it has been proved that Ashoka the Great in 3rd centuary BC, made Kurukshetra a centre of learning for people from all over the world.
According to the vamana Purana :- The sages requested Lomaharshan to reveal about river Saraswati’s origin, which flowed in Kurukshetra. Lomaharshan said- “Saraswati originates from Paakad tree (Indian fig tree). She enters Dwaitvan after passing through numerous mountains. While describing about her majesty, sage Markandeya felt that Saraswati was the source from, which everything originated- all the three worlds, three Vedas, Vidya (learning), heavenly bodies like Sun, Moon etc. Once, sage Markandeya eulogised Saraswati by saying- “O Saraswati! You manifest in the form of cryptic mantra- “OMKAR”. You are the eternal form through which the Almighty God (Brahma) manifests himself in different appearances.”
Saraswati was pleased by his devotion and said- “O Brahmin! I am willing to go wherever you want to take me.” According to Markandeya, river Saraswati was initially known as Brahmasar. Later on, she became famous as Ramhalad. Sage Markandeya requested Saraswati to flow in the territory of Kurukshetra where sage Kuru was doing his penance. This way, Saraswati diverted her course towards Kurukshetra.
The sages requested Lomaharshan to describe about the geographical condition of Kurukshetra. Lomaharshan replied- “There are 7 different forest ranges in Kurukshetra. They are- “Kamyakvan, Aditivan, Vyasavan, Phalkivan, Suryavan, Madhuvan and Sheetvan. Nine rivers flow across Kurukshetra- Saraswati, Vaitarni, Aashga, Mandakini Ganga, Madhustrava, Vaasu, Kaushiki, Kaggar and Hiranyavati. Kurukshetra is believed to be the most sacred place of pilgrimage. A pilgrim visiting Kurukshetra should begin his pilgrimage only after worshipping the Yaksha. He should then pay a visit to the famous Aditivan where Aditi had accomplished a severe penance to get a son. By doing this, he is blessed with sons possessing all the good qualities. After that, he should pay a visit to a place called Savan where Lord Hari dwells. A devotee who pays a visit to Lord Vimaleshwar becomes liberated from all his sins and goes to Rudraloka after his death. Some other places of pilgrimage situated in Kurukshetra and which are considered to be very sacred are Paritlav, Kaushiki, Dharani, Daksha’s hermitage, Shaalukini, Sarpeedadhi, the temples at the bank of Panchnad river, Vaaraha temple, Someshwar temple etc.”
“A devotee should also pay a visit to Ramkunda where Parashuram, from the Brighu clan, the clan of Chhibber mohyals had constructed five ponds and filled them up with the blood of the Kshatriyas, whom he had killed. He had pacified the soul of his ancestors by performing Tarpan with the blood of the dead Kshatriyas. The dead ancestors were pleased with him and blessed him in becoming free from the sins, which he had acquired because of killing Kshatriyas.”
The ancient Hindu scripture Rajtarangini, regarded as one of the most ancient and famous historical texts of the Indian sub-continent talks about Maharishi Kasyap in details. According to this great scripture, the whole of the Kashmir valley was under water, and in its place was a big lake known as "Satisar" which was named after Shiva's consort “Sati”. The people living on the banks of the lake were threatened by an invincible monster - Jalodbhave. . It was on the Kashyap rishi's pleading with Vishnu that gods and goddess came to help to kill the monster. Goddess Sharika who is revered in Kashmir, assumed the form of a dove and brought a small 'hill' (The Hari Parbat or Sharika Devi's Parbat) in its beak and crushed the monster with that 'hill'. It was after that, Kashyap Rishi drained the water through number of rivers and rivulets and what emerged was a valley of enchanting beauty, whom the saint named "Kashyap Murh" or Kashyap Mar. As time passed, the nomenclature changed and finally the `Paradise on Earth' came to be known as Kashmir
Maharishi Kashyap wrote a treaties known as the Kashyap Samhita, which is also known as Braddha pr Viiddha Jivakiya Tantra, is an important treatise on Ayurveda medicine written in ancient India by the sage Kashyap, which is one of the first Ayurvedic texts of the ancient world. Today, Kashyap Samhita is considered, a classical reference book on Ayurveda especially in the fields of Ayuvedic Pediatrics, Gynecology & Obstetrics. It is also now a part of the Ayurveda teaching syllabus especially in Kaumarbhrityal Balroga (Pediatrics). In the Kashyapa Samhita, the Ayurveda is taught using question-and-answer style: The questions relate to the commencement of diseases, diagnosis, treatment, and management, which were asked by his student disciples, and then answered by the Sage Kashyapa himself.

Kurukshetra is located between the cities of Ambala and Panipat. There are regular buses available for Kurukshetra from Delhi. However, hired car or taxi is the best option to reach to this historical tow

Proud To Be An Indian / Sharmila Bali

created the doc: "Proud to be an indian"
Sharmila Bali
Proud to be an indian
  • India is the world's largest, oldest, continuous civilization.
  • India never invaded any country in her last 10000 years of history.
  • India is the world's largest democracy.
  • Varanasi, also known as Benares, was called "the ancient city" when Lord Buddha visited it in 500 B.C.E, and is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.
  • India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
  • The World's first university was established in Takshashila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
  • Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software - a report in Forbes magazine, July 1987.
  • Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka, the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago. Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in our civilization.
  • Although modern images of India often show poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth.
  • The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindhu 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'.
  • Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century) 365.258756484 days.
  • The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.
  • Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 10**53(10 to the power of 53) with specific names as early as 5000 BCE during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera 10**12(10 to the power of 12).
  • IEEE has proved what has been a century old suspicion in the world scientific community that the pioneer of wireless communication was Prof. Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.
  • The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
  • According to Saka King Rudradaman I of 150 CE a beautiful lake called Sudarshana was constructed on the hills of Raivataka during Chandragupta Maurya's time.
  • Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.
  • Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like cesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery. Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipment were used. Deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.
  • When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization).
  • The four religions born in India, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population.
  • The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
  • India is one of the few countries in the World, which gained independence without violence.
  • India has the second largest pool of Scientists and Engineers in the World.
  • India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.
  • India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer indigenously.
  • Following facts were published in a German Magazine which deals with world history.

38% of Doctors in America are Indians.

12% of Scientists in America are Indians.

36% of NASA employees are Indians.

34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.

28% of IBM employees are Indians.

17% of Intel employees are Indians.

13% of Xerox employees are Indians.

Famous Quotes on India (by non-Indians)

  • Albert Einstein said: We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
  • Mark Twain said: India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.
  • French scholar Romain Rolland said: If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home

Some More Facts to be proud to be an Indian

1 We respect every religion .

2. India is a colourful country.We celebrate 1000's of festivals here.

3.Here children respects there elders.

4.In India there you will found mainly joint families.

5.India's food is full of spices.

6. I think in India every thing is cheap and suits for everyone's pocket

7 we have a good educational system

8. we work all over the world as Indians are very intelligent

9.if all the indians are sent back to india the world will come to a stop

10.we have different types of culture

11.we can speak all languages of the world fluently

----From Facebook

Benefits of Medition

BENEFITS OF MEDITATION….§ Physiological...
Rajeev Chhibber

Physiological benefits

1. It lowers oxygen consumption.
2. It decreases respiratory rate.
3. It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
4. Increases exercise tolerance.
5. Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
6. Good for people with high blood pressure.
7. Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
8. Decreases muscle tension
9. Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
10. Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.
11. Helps in post-operative healing.
12. Enhances the immune system.
13. Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress
14. Enhances energy, strength and vigour.
15. Helps with weight loss
16. Reduction of free radicals, less tissue damage
17. Higher skin resistance
18. Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.
19. Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing.
20. Decreases the aging process.
21. Higher levels of DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
22. Prevented, slowed or controlled pain of chronic diseases
23. Makes you sweat less
24. Cure headaches & migraines
25. Greater Orderliness of Brain Functioning
26. Reduced Need for Medical Care
27. Less energy wasted
28. More inclined to sports, activities
29. Significant relief from asthma
30. Improved performance in athletic events
31. Normalizes to your ideal weight
32. Harmonizes our endocrine system
33. Relaxes our nervous system
34. Produce lasting beneficial changes in brain electrical activity
35. Helps cure infertility (the stresses of infertility can interfere with the release of hormones that regulate ovulation
----From Facebook