
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obscene photos of Hindu deities on facebook

Namaskar to All !
A page has been created by some miscreants on Facebook on which Hindu gods and goddesses are denigrated in a most malicious manner. It describes Srikrushna as 'impotent' and Sita as 'prostitute'. ओब्स्सने फोटोस ऑफ़ हिन्दू देइतिएस have been uploaded on the site. In one picture, Sri Ramchandra and Hanuman are shown utinating and in another, a dog is shown as Hindu's god. In the picture of 'Three Idiots' Sri Ganesh, Maharshi Vyas and Kalimata have been depicted.
It is high time all ardent Hindus registered protest with Facebook management and ask it to delete the page. As per the procedure, when maximum number of protests are received by Facebook management, it removes the page.
The Hindus should use the following links to request Facebook to remove the page.
2) Click on 'Report page' option which is on the left side.
3) Click on 'Contains hate speech or attacks on individual'.
4) Click on 'targets a religious group'.
5) Click on 'Submit'
All ardent and devout Hindus are requested register protest in the above manner in large numbers and compel the Facebook management to remove the page.
Such a strong action will go a long way in controlling the fanatics of other faiths who disrespect Hinduism and stoop too low for denigrating our Deities.
Vande Mataram,
Rajeev Gupta

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