
Friday, February 25, 2011

Interesting Facts About Television Programs

1922 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) was established on 18th October this year.

1936 Worlds first high definition TV service was started in London’s Alexandria Palace on

22nd November.

1937 First Wimbledon Tennis Championship broadcasting was done on 21st June.

1938 TV coverage of FA cup final was done on 30th April. Spelling B- the first panel game from BBC started. “News Map” first program on current issues was started on on 21st September.

1939 The BBC Broadcast was stopped on 1st September during the Second World War. President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first American President to come on the Television on 30th April during the World’s Fair in New York. On the same day, in same fair, George Eightieth and Queen Elizabeth were the first king n the queen to come on television.

1941 on 1st July, the first ever commercial advertisement on television was of a watch in New York by W.N.D.T, during a game played between Philadelphia fellies and Brookline Dodgers.

1946 1st June-First ever TV license was issued in England, the price of that was just 2 pounds. On 7th July the first ever children program “For the Children” was broadcasted.

1947 On 21st February, the first soap opera ”A Woman To Remember” of America was started.

1948 On 29th July London Olympic games were broadcasted for the first time.

1951 on 24th December- The ‘Night Visitors’ and ‘Amah all, were the first ever coloured commercials of the world. The ‘Panorama’ was the longest running current affairs program on British TV.

1954 George Growling became the first man to forecast the weather report on 11th January in England. “The Groove Opera” was the first British Opera started on 9th April.

1957 First ever School Program was broadcasted in England on 13th May The annual Christmas Message from the Queen Elizabeth was broadcasted for the first time on 25th December in England.

1958 “Blue peter” the longest broadcasted children program started on 16th October.

1969 The First LIVE broadcast from ‘Moon’ was done on 21st July. This was done from the Spacecraft “Apollo-11”. BBC-1 and I.T.V. started their first colour broadcasts.

1981 MTV was launched on 1st August. The first music video to be broadcasted was ”Bugles Video killed the radio star”.

1989 Sky TV started its first ever satellite broadcast on 5th February.

1997 7x24 hours TV broadcast was started by BBC-1 on 9th November. Before that Broadcasting were stopped at night.

2000 Reality TV show “Big Brother” became the first show to be started in England on 18th July.

2006 High Definition (HD-TV) was available in England and other countries easily.

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