
Monday, February 28, 2011

महाशिव रात्रि पर भगवान का आशीर्वाद

This year Mahashivratri falls on on 2nd March2011. when the Shiva principle descends to Earth a thousand times more than usual. On this day, to obtain the full benefit of Lord Shiva’s principle, one should chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ as much as possible.

Shivratri is the time when Shiva takes a rest. Shiva rests for one 'prahar' (three hours) of the night. This 'prahar' is referred to as the Shivratri. When Lord Shiva takes rest, the function of 'Shivtatva' (Shiva Principle) ceases, i.e. Lord Shiva goes into a meditative state. Shiva's meditative state is the time when He is engrossed in His own spiritual practice. During that time, the 'Shivtatva' does not accept any tamogun (most base of the 3 elements in us - sattva, raja & tama) or any halahal (venom churned from the ocean) coming from the Universe. As a result, the ratio of halahal or the pressure of the negative energies increases. For protection from this pressure, things like 'bilva patra', white flowers, 'rudraksha' beads etc are offered to Lord Shiva. These things attract the 'Shivtatva' from the atmosphere, thus providing protection from the increasing effect of the negative energies. The Earth is a gross object. Gross objects have very low velocities i.e. they require more time to cover a specific distance in space. Gods on the other hand, are subtle hence they are capable of traversing space within a few seconds. That is why one year on the earth is equivalent to just one day of heaven.

Science in the worship of Lord Shiva on Mahashivratri

The function of the 'Shivpindi'1। Emitting waves of Knowledge, Devotion and renunciation

Predominantly 'sattva' waves of knowledge, 'raja' waves of devotion and 'tama' waves of Renunciation (Vairagya) are emitted by the 'Shivpindi'. During Mahashivratri, the emission increases by 30 percent.

2. Emission of subtle vibrations of chaitanya, bliss and peace

The 'Shivpindi' emits subtle vibrations of chaitanya, bliss and peace. During the Mahashivratri, the emission increases by 25 percent. This helps purify the subtle-body of one who worships the Shivpindi on this day. The 'sun' or the 'moon' channels in the body get activated as per necessity. The capacity to absorb the sattvaguna and chaitanya also increases. Due to the presence of the unmanifest Shiva principle in the Shivpindi and the vibrations of peace emitted, the Shivpindi remains cool and the mind too experiences peace. Worship of Shivpindi with devotion, activates the dormant Shiva principle. An offering of puffed rice and milk reaches Lord Shiva in the subtle form.

3. Receiving the 'tarak or marak tatva (element)' as required

There is a confluence of the manifest and the unmanifest elements along with the 'tarak and marak tatva' in the Shivpindi. (Tarak = Saviour; Marak = Destroyer). That is how worshipers receive the required element. The temperature of the Shivpindi increases due to the emission of the marak tatva and there one experiences bliss. Similarly, when the tarak tatva is emitted, the temperature drops and one experiences peace and bliss.

Related Article: Why are svayambhu pindis situated below the ground level?

Bilvapatra (Bel leaves)

Bilvapatra contains 2% Shiva tatva. By offering bilvapatra to the Shivpindi on Mahashivratri, the manifest Shiva tatva near the stalk of the bilvapatra gets activated. Due to this, waves of chaitanya as well as Shiva tatva are emitted by the bilvapatra. The bilvapatra attracts 20% of the Shiva tatva present in the Shivpindi towards itself. By immersing this bilvapatra in water or by placing it in grains, the Shiva tatva present in the bilvapatra is transmitted to them. The Shiva tatva in the bilvapatra is activated to a larger extent on Mondays when it transmits 10% of the Shiva tatva and sattvikta. On other days only 1% of the Shiva tatva is activated in the bilvapatra.


Offering bilvapatra to the Shivpindi and chanting the mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' with each offering is known as bilvarchan. Continue offering the bilvapatra until the pindi is completely covered. Offer the bilvapatra from the lower part of the pindi. By starting from the feet of the idol, more benefit is derived and the idol can be covered completely. - Brahma-tatva (22.02.2004, 9.30 p.m.)

Related Article: Why are trifoliate bel leaves offered to Lord Shiva with their stalks facing oneself?

Chanting on Mahashivratri 'Om Namah Shivaya'

Om represents an unmanifest state beyond the 3 gunas (elements of sattva, raja & tama). We bow to Lord Shiva, from whom Om was created.

Naampatti made by Sanatan Sanstha Seekers to remind Naamjap

What does the word 'Shiva' mean?

a.The word Shiva has been derived by reversing the letters of the word vash. Vash means to enlighten; thus the one who enlightens is Shiva. He remains radiant and also illuminates the universe.

b. He is the auspicious and prosperity-bestowing principle.

Some unique attributes

1. Physical attributes

a. Ganga : Just as the sun is the focal point of the solar system and the soul that of the body, the focal point of divine consciousness (chaitanya) in every object and pure particles (pavitrakas) is ga-aum. The flow from which ga-aum originates is gan gaha = Ganga. Ga-aum flows from Shiva's head. This is called the descent of the Ganga from Shiva's head. Since the river Ganga has a fraction of the principle of the spiritual Ganga, no matter how polluted it becomes, its purity is perpetually retained. Hence, when compared to any other water in the world, the water from the Ganga is the purest. This is realised not only by those who can perceive the subtle dimension but also by scientific researchers.

b. Moon : Shiva adorns the chandra (moon) on His forehead. The point where the three frequencies - affection (mamata), mercifulness (kshamashilata) and motherly love (vatsalya) originate is referred to as the chandra (moon). Thus, one can conclude that chandrama (the moon principle) is the state in which the three attributes of affection, mercifulness and motherly love are present.

c. Third eye : Shankar is three-eyed, i.e. He can perceive events of the past, present and future.According to the science of Yoga the third eye means the Sushumna nadi (channel).

d. Serpent : One of the Names of Lord Shankar is Bhujanga-patihari. Bhujang means a serpent or pure particles (pavitrakas), pati means the nurturer and hari means one with a garland around His neck. Bhujangapatihari thus means the One who nurtures pure particles and wears them like a garland. Various serpents represent groups of pure particles. Though externally they appear like serpents, internally they are a kind of ladder. To make spiritual progress one has to climb up holding onto the tail of the serpent. Lord Shankar adorns serpents at nine points on His body - one on the head, one around the neck, one on each arm, one on each wrist, one around the waist and one on each thigh. This implies that His body is comprised of pure particles or that serpents of pure particles play all over the body of Lord Shankar who has the universe as His form.

2. Spiritual attributes

a. One performing severe austerities and the great yogi

Shiva is always seated in a bandha or a mudra. His temperature rises due to heat generated by performing severe austerities; Hence, He uses the Ganga, the moon and serpents which endow a cooling effect and lives on the snow-clad Kailas mountain.

b. Short tempered

If someone disturbs His meditation the radiance generated by spiritual practice will be suddenly expelled and whoever is in front of Him will not be able to tolerate it, and gets destroyed. This is referred to as being 'reduced to ashes by Shankar's opening of the third eye'.

c. One who is willing to undergo any distress for the sake of imparting happiness to others

The poison generated during the churning of the celestial ocean (samudramanthan) was burning the entire Universe but no deity came forward to accept it. At that time Shiva drank that poison and saved the world from destruction.

d. One who has both, deities and demons, as His worshippers

Neither did demons like Banasur, Ravan, etc. worship Lord Vishnu nor did Lord Vishnu bestow any boon upon any demon. However, they worshipped Lord Shiva who blessed them.

e. Master of the spirits

Since Lord Shiva is the master of spirits, His worshippers are generally not possessed by them.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Interesting Facts About Television Programs

1922 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) was established on 18th October this year.

1936 Worlds first high definition TV service was started in London’s Alexandria Palace on

22nd November.

1937 First Wimbledon Tennis Championship broadcasting was done on 21st June.

1938 TV coverage of FA cup final was done on 30th April. Spelling B- the first panel game from BBC started. “News Map” first program on current issues was started on on 21st September.

1939 The BBC Broadcast was stopped on 1st September during the Second World War. President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first American President to come on the Television on 30th April during the World’s Fair in New York. On the same day, in same fair, George Eightieth and Queen Elizabeth were the first king n the queen to come on television.

1941 on 1st July, the first ever commercial advertisement on television was of a watch in New York by W.N.D.T, during a game played between Philadelphia fellies and Brookline Dodgers.

1946 1st June-First ever TV license was issued in England, the price of that was just 2 pounds. On 7th July the first ever children program “For the Children” was broadcasted.

1947 On 21st February, the first soap opera ”A Woman To Remember” of America was started.

1948 On 29th July London Olympic games were broadcasted for the first time.

1951 on 24th December- The ‘Night Visitors’ and ‘Amah all, were the first ever coloured commercials of the world. The ‘Panorama’ was the longest running current affairs program on British TV.

1954 George Growling became the first man to forecast the weather report on 11th January in England. “The Groove Opera” was the first British Opera started on 9th April.

1957 First ever School Program was broadcasted in England on 13th May The annual Christmas Message from the Queen Elizabeth was broadcasted for the first time on 25th December in England.

1958 “Blue peter” the longest broadcasted children program started on 16th October.

1969 The First LIVE broadcast from ‘Moon’ was done on 21st July. This was done from the Spacecraft “Apollo-11”. BBC-1 and I.T.V. started their first colour broadcasts.

1981 MTV was launched on 1st August. The first music video to be broadcasted was ”Bugles Video killed the radio star”.

1989 Sky TV started its first ever satellite broadcast on 5th February.

1997 7x24 hours TV broadcast was started by BBC-1 on 9th November. Before that Broadcasting were stopped at night.

2000 Reality TV show “Big Brother” became the first show to be started in England on 18th July.

2006 High Definition (HD-TV) was available in England and other countries easily.

Ch. Anil Dutta, Amritsar

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to add years to your life

+1 Years Laugh regularly Relaxes you and reduces stress

+1-3 Eat breakfast daily Jump-starts your day and gives you more energy

+2 Get a pet Can lower blood pressure and heart rate

+4 Have a good sex life Reduces the risk of heart disease

+6 Brush and floss daily Healthy gums cut your risk of heart disease and diabetes

+7 Find true love Married couples outlive divorced, widowed or unmarried counterparts

+9 See the bright side Optimistic people are healthier and get over illnesses more quickly"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lost Relatives

"Rajeev Chhibber
February 11, 2011 at 2:22am
Subject: lost relatives search
Looking for some old family contacts from Karyala, Khurad ( Jehlam Distt )
Names of a few ancesstors are
Bakshi Jamiyat Singh, Bhagwanti Chhibber, Bakshi Sant Singh, Bakshi Gulab Singh, Bakshi Avtar Singh, Bakshi Mohan Singh, Bakshi Fathe Singh Chhibber"
Contact Mr Rajeev Chhibber on his Facebook Profile.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Youth Homelessness in the Greater Toronto Area

Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge

Canada is one of the few countries in the world without a national housing strategy (United Nations, 2009). Surveys and statistics over the past three decades have repeatedly shown that the numbers of homeless people in Canada have been steadily increasing. Toronto is one of the cities that is facing the acute problem of homelessness. Youth Homelessness in the GTA has become one of the worst nightmares.

The United Nations have defined homelessness in two categories –that is absolute and relative. Absolute homelessness” describes the condition of people without physical shelter who sleep outdoors, in vehicles, abandoned buildings or other places not intended for human habitation. The term “Relative homelessness” describes the condition of those who have a physical shelter, but one that does not meet basic standards of health and safety; these include protection from the elements, access to safe water and sanitation, security of tenure, personal safety and affordability.

Each night about 8000 homeless people are sleeping in shelters in Toronto. Some do not seek such services and choose to spend the night in the streets. The terms “homeless youth” and “street youth” are used interchangeably to refer to teenagers and young people below the age of 20–25 years. These young people first leave home at a mean age of 15 years. About 75% of homeless youth in Toronto do not use shelters.

Barbara Murphy’s 1999 book entitled The Ugly Canadian: The Rise and Fall of a Caring Society points out that annually a considerable number of desperate youth come to live in the streets of the GTA.

Psychological Aspects of being homeless youth

There are various psychological reasons associated with youth homelessness. The youth do not select to live in the streets. The circumstances force them to do so.

Major psychological reasons are

1) Psychological trauma followed by physical and psychological abuse in the households – domestic violence and such abuses leads to PTSD, Rape Trauma Syndrome

2) Poverty and oppressive living conditions, forced evictions make youth insecure and put them to streets.

3) Lack of parental care, disintegration of family systems, divorces, separations, broken family ties give them no sense of belongingness and they become the drifters of the streets.

4) Mental illnesses -conduct disorders, depression, schizophrenia, BPAD, ATPD, push them to streets . (the serves indicate that 6% in Toronto, of the homeless population suffers from schizophrenia).

5) Alcohol, drugs and substance abuse make them consumers as well as drug pushers in the streets.

Homeless youth are psychologically vulnerable group. The basic problem of homelessness is associated with need for personal shelter, warmth and safety, which are essential to human beings. Being in the streets their psychological wellbeing is shattered. They face numerous psychosocial problems such as alienation, and social withdrawal.

The problems of personal security, which is a primal human need and most of the times, they are over vigilant and become hyper arousal. Some are highly reactive to provocations. They can be victims of street violence, targeted by the police and other authorities.

While living in the streets these youth are unable to relax, rest and being with one’s self. Unable to enjoy nature, silence. Cannot have privacy, no place to keep their possessions safe. The streets become their universe.

Being a street youth they are constantly moving and have no sense of attachment to one place. No permanent location or mailing addresses make them absolute drifters. They are unable to form appropriate human relationships with others. They can be victims of street violence. There have been many violent crimes committed against the homeless. A 2007 study found that the rate of such crimes is increasing. These youth can get sexually abused, can become the victims of forced prostitution and compelled to sell their bodies to avoid starvation.

Streets youth have severe hygiene problems and often avoided by the decent citizens who walk by. They are being rejected and feared by the society. Deterioration of physical health (TB risk / HIV risk/ STD risk / skin infections like scabies /chronic malnutrition) directly affect their physical as well as mental health parameters. In addition, extreme weather conditions -severe cold of Canadian winters, and heat waves in summers can deteriorate their overall health.

They begin to lose sense identity and self worth. Low self-esteem trouble them to a greater degree. Gradually they detach from the human touch. Basic trust becomes minimal. Hopelessness and despair sometimes lead them to commit self-harm or suicide.

The health care system may not adequately meet the needs of homeless people. Homeless people are at increased risk of dying prematurely and suffer from a wide range of health problems, including seizures, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, musculoskeletal disorders, tuberculosis, and skin and foot problems. Homeless people also face significant barriers that impair their access to health care. Homeless people have high levels of morbidity and mortality and may experience significant barriers to accessing health care. (Homelessness and health -Stephen W. Hwang – Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Toronto).

The incidence of active TB among homeless people in Toronto is 71 per 100 000 (about 10 times the average Ontario rate). Sexual and reproductive health is a major issue for street youth. Common risk factors for HIV infection in homeless youth in Canada include prostitution, multiple sexual partners, inconsistent use of condoms and injection drug use. Sexually transmitted diseases are widespread, even among street youth who do not work as prostitutes; gonorrhea and Chlamydia are the most prevalent infections.

Violence is a constant threat to the health of homeless people. A survey in Toronto found that 40% of homeless individuals had been assaulted and 21% of homeless women had been raped in the previous year. Homeless men are about 9 times more likely to be murdered than their counterparts in the general population. Unintentional injuries are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, especially among homeless men. Injuries are often the result of falls or being struck by a motor vehicle.

Exposure to the elements is a major hazard. In cold weather, the risk of frostbite and hypothermia is substantial, and deaths due to freezing are not uncommon. In hot weather, severe sunburn and heatstroke can occur. The health concerns of the street youth living in the GTA have been neglected for a greater deal.

Street youth often treated as misfits and very high discrimination is imposed on them. Most of the civilized citizens do not want to interact with them. No employer wants to hire them. They are not welcomed to the coffee shops although they carry legal tender to pay for their coffee like anyone else. Their social skills are limited; they are unable to learn new skills. This becomes a vicious cycle and they become trapped and unable to free themselves from the streets even when they get support from the social service agencies.

The bad experiences that they underwent at the streets often hound them and they have already lost the sense of trust. They do not have faith in the justice system, low and enforcement and even social service agencies. By living in the streets for a long time they get use to the existing environment and make no active effort to change the situation.

How they fit in to the society is not a dilemma question. They were part of the society and still they are even though they have been rejected by the mainstream. The research and other ground experiences elsewhere have shown that with proper psychosocial care they can successfully integrate in to the society.

They can be rehabilitated and turned in to productive citizens. The first stages of transformation might be somewhat difficult. Establishing trust and respect, empathy and caring hand can change the negative effects and the experiences that they underwent as street youth. It is highly essential to breakdown the vicious cycle that keep them in the streets. Teaching them new skills and vocational training would help them to have a positive change in their lives.