
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Taurus Horoscope for 2011

Yearly Horoscope 2011 for Pisces Moon Sign

Characteristic of Taurus

You are trustworthy and practical by nature. You are hard working, patient and ambitious too. You believe in telling the truth and keeping yourself secure. You have control on your emotions. You change your views and thoughts according to the circumstances. You proceed with your work after thorough analysis.

You are benevolent and can grasp a point quickly. You are a good speaker and you forgive others easily for their mistakes. You don’t feel exhausted even after vigorous performance. You are interested in the creative activities. You are advised to minimize your ambitions. You have a desire to be honored in the society.

2011 Taurus Horoscope - Money and Finance

Taurus Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will have a good financial position in the first quarter of 2011. Your income will increase because of your friends and business travelings. You may be cheated by your partners if you are in a partnership. Lack of interest in work may also mar your profits. You will get desired results if you maintain your zeal and passion towards your work. Your dedication and performance will increase the benefits you earn.

There will be fresh sources of income during this quarter. Plans will get accomplished on the time because of assistance of your seniors. Your seniors will help you in your financial matters through their own experience, but, your subordinates may create hurdles for you.

Taurus Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011 <

You will be enthusiastic, confident and dedicated at the work-front. This duration may bring positive changes in yourself. If you take well thought decisions then you will be able to control expenses otherwise your expenses could overflow and there may be uneasiness at the savings front.

In the middle of this quarter you would have high aspirations and involvement in partnership business will increase sources of income. Your proficiency in your work will increase your benefits. You might change your job in this period.

Taurus Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You will try to expand your business abroad to increase your profits. This time will be favorable for you if you give attention to your task at your work place. You might go on a business tour. Good policy making and judiciousness will reduce your economic problems. This time will be favorable to change a job.

You might get benefits slowly, but, they will get continuity after sometime. You may postpone your foreign travels at the end of this quarter which may help you control your expenses.

Taurus Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Do not think about changing your job at the beginning of this quarter. You may face various upheavals in achieving profits. Do not invest money in those areas where there’s a higher chance of loss otherwise it may become a source of your tensions. Use your skills and abilities to organize big projects properly before starting them, specially around the middle of this quarter otherwise your schemes may be delayed.

2011 Taurus Horoscope -Career and Profession

Taurus Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You will achieve success in your work in the start of the quarter which may increase your happiness. Do not try to change your job in this duration. Your hard work and efforts will increase your benefits. You will achieve success in the property related matters, but, do not get involved in the a legal mess. Excessive trust on colleagues may cause a loss to you. There might be a dip in the earings at the end of quarter, but, you will be able to increase your income if you compromise on a deal or an offer.

Taurus Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Your postponed work will get accomplished in this duration through your intelligence. But, this time is unfavorable to lend your saved money. You may plan to change your job in this duration. You should perform your work with full attention and concentration.

You will be successful to dominate your enemies through your courage. Middle of this quarter will be favorable for you and you will have additional inflows of money. You can fulfill your loan related tasks in this period. You may not have a trustworthy relationship with your partners. If you get an opportunity to expand in far off places or outside India then your income will increase.

Taurus Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

There could be an increase in your earnings from foreign sources. You will get profit in the property related matters. Do not get involved in the daily routine activities too much and perform your work with full attention to avoid an interruption in your career.

Your colleagues and seniors may create problems for you in your work. You will earn money according to your experience and abilities. You might feel depressed in the end of this quarter which may affect your income.

Taurus Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

You may earn profits from some undesirable areas in this duration. Try to perform your work with full dedication and zeal. There may be obstacles in your raise or promotion, but you can achieve success with the help of your seniors.

Be careful not to make a display of emotions around the middle of this quarter. Harshness in voice may ruin your pending work, thus, you should try to control your words. You may lose interest in your work. Your seniors may be suspicious about the quality of your work or performance.

2011 Taurus Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Taurus Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

This duration may be negative for your health. Your blood pressure may get influenced. Along with it, your mother’s health may get affected. Eat pure food and take full rest otherwise you will feel like a patient. There are combinations that suggest you may become irritable or short-tempered during this period. Do not behave sarcastically if you want to maintain your health. Try to reduce your temper. It will be beneficial for you.

Taurus Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Your busy work schedule may create health related problems for you. Your health will require some care in the starting of the second quarter of 2011. You should take care of your and your mother’s health in this duration. Be conscious and take care of your health. You may need extra rest at the end of this quarter due to some health related issue. Lack of happiness in married life may increase your stress.

Taurus Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Your health will be normal at the starting of the quarter. You may have travel a lot in the middle duration of this quarter which may make you exhausted that’s why you may take a rest for a short duration. Your children may create problems for you at the end of the quarter.

You should try to reduce your temper and do not taunt anyone. Take care of your eating habits otherwise you may face stomach related problems. Try to remove disappointments from your life.

Taurus Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

This duration will be favorable for your health. You will enjoy worldly pleasure, but, you might behave lavishly in this duration. However, you will not face as many health related problems this year as compared to other years.

Your child might become obstinate which may make your advise worthless for him. This duration might increase your tensions. Drive carefully to avoid an accident. Problems in married life may make you panic.

2011 Taurus Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Taurus Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You can convert your love relations into marriage in the first trimester of 2011. The later period of the quarter may make you too busy which could affect your relationship. You may experience short-term friendship in this period. You establish friendships quickly due to your nature. You could make a new friend from a foreign land at the beginning of the quarter. You might become popular among people of the opposite gender in the middle of this quarter. Taurus Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

This duration may give you inauspicious results in your love relations. You and your life partner may face obstacles in married life because of presence of ego. Your love relations in will improve at the end of the quarter. In addition, this time will be favorable for you to travel with your life partner. You will plan to go out with your friends which may make you happy.

Taurus Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

There are combinations for a new friendship or relationship. You may to an event or outing with your companion, but your mind will be diverted to your work. At the middle of the quarter you will get an opportunity to go out together and understand each other better, but by the end there could be some conflicts. This could cause some stress to you. A friendship may mature into love during this period.

Taurus Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your involvement in love relations will be high as compare to other relations in this quarter. You might not get much support from your friends. They may try to create misconceptions between you and your beloved one, thus, do not trust them. You can go for marriage with your desired one. Some friends may try to harm you at this time too. Therefore, do not take any kind of assistance from your friends in the fixing of marriage. Your married life would be fine.

2011 Taurus Horoscope - Family Life

Taurus Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Misunderstandings may occur in your married life at the starting of first quarter. Controversies at home may make you tense, but, situation will get improved after middle of the quarter. You will travel with your family in this period. You may start working on plans related to purchase or construction of home at the end of quarter.

This duration will be fruitful for you to spend your time with your family, but, your expenses would be high in this quarter. You will get respect and honor in the society in this duration. Your profession may create interruptions in your married life. You will take interest in spiritual activities and your important projects will get finished.

Taurus Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You would be busy in resolving family problems in the starting of the second quarter. Stubborn nature of your child may make you stressed. Your mother’s advise will be beneficial for you. Your family might not agree with your ideas because you may be unsuccessful in convincing them. This time is favorable to resolve household conflicts.

Taurus Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

Some friends may not support you in need. Differences may be there between you and your father which may weaken your fortune. There could be a happy occasion in your family which may bring it together and give it a chance to interact. But, this duration might not be blissful for your married life. Your friends may reduce happiness in your life. Your household expenditure might increase in this duration. Your relations with your parents will get improved in the last part of the quarter.

Taurus Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Household problems may increase your tensions. Your spouse may not have a good attitude towards you, therefore, you would need to increase your patience. Your friends will start supporting you in the mid of trimester. You will have sweet relations with your neighbours and relatives. Your life partner may behave aggressively in the last of 2011. You may purchase or construct a new house in this duration. Do not take important decisions related to your married life in this duration.

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