
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Libra Horoscope for 2011(TULA)

Characteristic of Libra

You are blessed with an attractive appearance. You are idealistic and clever. You respect other’s feelings and treat everybody equally. You are a noble person and you easily get satisfied. You expect affection and support of your friends.

You have courage to accept challenges and face them without hesitation. You can manipulate your work through your strategies. Sometimes, you are not clear about your goals but you should try to remove this limitation. You are a supporter of truth and you are always ready to fight for others’rights. You are popular among people of opposite gender. You are intelligent and naughty by nature.

2011 Libra Horoscope - Money and Finance

Libra Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You should make efforts to strengthen your financial condition. Your ability to take initiative and resolve the problems will improve your economic condition. Try to maintain your zeal and passion at work. Your enemies will not be capable to influence you.

You may borrow money for business purposes in the first quarter. Your luck will not support you during the middle of this quarter. Your endeavours can increase your profits and will strengthen your financial status in this quarter. You are proficient and clever, due to which you could achieve triumph through your efforts.

Libra Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You will perform work related to lending and borrowing of money in this duration. Start of the quarter will be favorable for you to begin new projects and expand your business. Reduce your expenses on worthless material and products otherwise you may face a money loss. You will gain profits from foreign nations in the middle portion of this quarter.

Your endeavours and high morale will help you resolve problems of your life. You might get disappointed after getting unexpectedly opposite results. You should be careful from theft and deceit in this duration.

Libra Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

This quarter will be fruitful for you to improve your economic condition. You will start getting support of your luck in the beginning of this month. You will earn profits from foreign projects in this quarter, but lack of abilities may lead to loss in your profession.

You are self-confident, therefore, you will be able to control the prevailing circumstances. Situation will become favorable for you in the end of quarter. Do not invest your money in the property, share market or lottery system.

Libra Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

If you form new foreign contacts they are likely to be beneficial for your profession. Your profession may require long journeys, but, they may reduce your savings. You can easily lend or borrow money in this duration. Your dedication and passion to achieve your target will be high but you should not reduce your efforts. Short-term journeys will be beneficial for you.

2011 Libra Horoscope -Career and Profession

Libra Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

You can reduce obstacles from your workplace through your creativity. You will get promotion and respect on the work front during this period. You may have to wait for some time to get support from your seniors, but, they will appreciate you for your work. You will travel a lot to achieve success in the middle part of this quarter and you may panic due to the results.

Partnership business will be favorable for you in this quarter. Your colleagues and seniors will support you in this duration. Hike in income will inspire you to increase your efforts. This duration will give you results according to your skills and abilities.

Libra Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

The time is favorable for those who are waiting for job change and increment. You may be transferred at any undesired location but you can postpone it through approach or personal contacts. Your daily activities may make you busy. This time is favorable for investment. Your seniors will appreciate your work. You should be attentive and careful at your workplace otherwise your colleagues may try to take credit of your work. You may face problems in saving money.

Libra Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You may have some misconceptions in your mind due to which you may take extra time to take decisions for. You will get your work done through your sweet voice and good communication skills. You are enthusiastic, passionate and courageous. Your positive attitude will help you achieve your aim. You may go abroad in this duration.

Libra Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your will have a high desire to increase your savings but this time will not be in your favor to save. Therefore, it will be better for you to invest your benefits in expansion of projects. You will able to successfully expand your business and your investment will increase your payback. You will put much efforts to maintain continuity in your benefits. The last duration of this quarter will bring possibilities for you to achieve success through high morale and good vision.

2011 Libra Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Libra Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

This quarter will be positive for your health. You might become slothful in this duration. Tensions will increase because of lack of support of friends. Your father may face irregularity in his health. You might feel exhausted because of extensive traveling. Your stress will be reduced during this period but changes in behavior of your child may cause some fresh worries. You may suffer from leg pain in the first quarter of 2011.

Libra Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You will have good health in this duration but you might be a bit short tempered. Heavy workload may affect your sleep. You may suffer from headache in the middle of the quarter. Your child will require special care in this duration. You will have excellent immunity due to which, you will not get afflicted by any disease. At the end of this quarter your mother’s health will become normal.

Libra Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You may be unhealthy because of pressures of work. If you relax and sleep properly then your health will be improved. You might be tense for your life partner’s health. Household conflicts may increase your stress. Your expenditure on health in this quarter may be high.

Libra Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Health related problems may occur in this quarter because of long journeys. You are advised to eat pure and balanced meals to prevent diseases. Family conflicts could lead to health problems. You may not have politeness in your nature at the end of this year.

2011 Libra Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Libra Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Obstructions may occur in the love relationships in the first month of 2011. Your relationship with your partner will take time to get improved. Your friends may try to hurt your feelings. The circumstances would become favorable in the middle of the quarter. You will go for outings with your life partner in this period. Your relationships will be stable throughout this quarter.

Libra Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

This duration will be favorable for your love relationships. You will take interest in your love affairs and people of opposite gender. You may make friendly relations with people in distant locations. Your friends may not fulfill their duties properly in this duration. The situation might become more serious for your love affairs. This duration is unfavorable to make new relationships. Don’t make decisions based on emotions alone.

Libra Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

This time will give you positive results in your love affairs. Conflicts which you have in your relationships will get removed in this duration. You will make new friends and relationships in this period which would prove beneficial for you after a long time. You can try to spend your time with your friends to fulfill your hobbies.

Libra Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

This quarter is fruitful to turn your love relationships into marriage, but, you will not get support from your family. This period will bring peace and happiness in your love relationships. Your relationships will make a path for success and betterment. You will take interest in the people of opposite gender. You will go for outings with your friends in this quarter. Do not take hasty decisions related to your married life.

2011 Libra Horoscope - Family Life

Libra Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

Your family will get happiness in the starting of 2011. Your spouse may be aggressive by nature, therefore you should try to maintain peace. Family members may hurt your feelings in the starting of quarter. You will buy a new vehicle in this duration which may increase prosperity of your family.

Libra Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Hastiness while taking decisions may ruin your relationship with your spouse. Lack of sweetness in your relationship with your father and child may reduce the happiness of family. After sometime, situation will get improved but family members may not trust you much in the end of this quarter. You will be able to resolve your family and married life conflicts if you work patiently.

Libra Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

You will have friendly relationship with your neighbours and relatives. You may get the opportunity to meet your relatives and friends throughout the whole first month of this quarter. Obstacles may occur in completing household tasks. Family members should be careful while using any vehicle because of unfavorable duration. Conflicts may occur between family members because of property issues. Money problems may affect your married life. But happiness will increase in your married life at the end of this quarter.

Libra Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

You may not be successful in your endeavours to resolve family conflicts and it may affect your health. Lack of communication between family members might be one of the reasons of conflicts. You may have bitter relationship with your mother in the beginning of this quarter. You will get a chance to meet renowned people. Your father will support you in this duration. You will be able to accomplish your goals at the end of year 2011 because of your child’s good fortune. You will have a better relationship with your mother by the end of the year.

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