
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Leo Horoscope for 2011(SINH)

Characteristic of Leo

2011 Leo Horoscope - Money and Finance

You are enthusiastic and generous. You have outstanding acting skills and every now and then you want appreciation of your merits. You make fruitful efforts only by motivation. You have excellent leadership qualities but you should try to control your anger. You are creative and work with full vigor. You have the tendency to work in a disciplined and systematic way.

You always stick to your decisions. Without inspiration, your self-confidence level remains low. You are slightly rude by nature and you should try to change this behavior. Your attention does not get diverted away from your goals and you take necessary steps after thorough analysis. You are very much concerned about your prestige that's why you work with loyalty.

Leo Money Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

In the starting of 2011, your work may get ruined due to conflicts and arguments over financial issues. You may be busy in the work of administration with the aim of dominating the competitors. Savings will slowly increase during this period. In the middle of the quarter, you may have to face theft, cheating and conflicts with colleagues on the work front.

Economic condition will be strengthened with the help of efforts. Pre-planned business tours would be canceled. At the end of the quarter, expenses on daily activities will increase. Yogas for benefits from long-term journeys are formed. Limitations in economic policies may lead to the loss of money.

Leo Money Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

You will feel happy due to sound economic conditions and it will boost your morale. In the beginning of the quarter, you should try to concentrate on your goals. Work on your projects may get delayed due to improper planning during the middle of this quarter. Take decisions after thorough analysis; any sort of mistake could affect your economic status. During the middle period, investing money on overseas projects will not be beneficial. At the end of the quarter, you may earn profits from foreign nations by skillfully using your abilities and experience. Irregularity in expenses will continue.

Leo Money Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of this year, you will become more alert than earlier regarding your financial status. You will use your creativity on the work front and will handle managerial tasks. You will try to reduce professional expenses.

In the starting period of the quarter, you may become confused while taking decisions. But at the end of the quarter, your self-confidence will overcome this confusion. Profits from foreign projects are likely during this period. New ventures will be introduced in your business. Do not take too much risk. During this period, your profits will turn into savings.

Leo Money Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Economic condition will be regularly improved during this period. The number of enemies will become lesser due to the agreements on the professional front. Financial deals will continue during this period. Opportunities of profit and income will be available on time. Colleagues and senior officials will cooperate with you during this period.

During the middle of the quarter, sudden reduction in profits may make you pessimistic for some time. You need to change your mentality during this period. By the end of the quarter, time will become favorable. Keep flexibility in your principles during this period because rudeness will not work.

2011 Leo Horoscope -Career and Profession

Leo Career Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

From the viewpoint of success, you will keep yourself busy on the work front in the beginning of 2011. You may change the techniques of working. Usage of modern techniques may prove beneficial on the professional front. Those waiting for a job or transfer may be successful during this time.

In the end of the quarter, work of borrowing or lending money would be easier. Your expenses on business tours may be more. Self-confidence will help you remove the obstacles in your way. It will not be good to invest money in share market during this period.

Leo Career Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

In the beginning of the second quarter of 2011, partners will fetch you profits. You can also make new partners during this period. You will be astonished by the benefits from unexpected sources. During the middle period, colleagues will act as your right hand. But, tasks may get delayed due to juniors. At the end of the quarter, auspicious Yogas for investing money in share market are formed. Seniors will keep on guiding you whenever required. It would be good to take the suggestions of seniors rather than protesting their disciplinary attitude.

Leo Career Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

In the starting of this period, expansion of business is likely. You may start working on big projects. During the middle period, you may have to travel abroad for professional purposes. Expenses on professional activities will be too much. At the end of the quarter, projects will be continually in motion due to your efforts and vigilance. Your positive attitude towards work will remove the hurdles during this period. At the end of the quarter, planetary combinations for obstacles in financial matters are formed. Competitors will not be able to trouble you.

Leo Career Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

Your co-workers and seniors will come to know about your talent, by which you will get the inspiration of doing best of efforts. During this period, you will start getting the results of tasks performed earlier. You may be have to take journeys to adjoining areas of town.

In this part of the quarter, you will achieve success in intellectual activities. Do not perform risky acts in business, otherwise you may have to face loss and your career may also get affected. Don't be afraid of competitors, they will not be able to harm you. Efforts could be done for changing the job.

2011 Leo Horoscope - Health and Fitness

Leo Health and Fitness Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

In 2011, problems related to children may be troublesome for you. During the middle of the quarter, take care of your children's health. In this part of the quarter, your morale will be high. Your health may not be fine during the middle period.

You may become pessimistic due to persistent obstacles in your job during the middle of this period. You may have to spend a lot of money for the treatment of children.

Leo Health and Fitness Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

In the beginning of this quarter, fluctuations in the health of your life partner may continue. But the health of your mother may become the cause of your tension. During the middle of the quarter, you will be more aggressive. Your immunity to fight against diseases will be more during this period, therefore your health will be fine.

Leo Health and Fitness Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During July 2011, health related problems will be less. During the middle of the quarter, reduction in the health of mother could increase your tension. At the end of this period, family disputes may lead to mental stress.

Leo Health and Fitness Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

The last quarter of 2011 would be favorable for health. Health of your mother may not be good, which may lead to mental tension. By the end of the quarter, you may feel exhausted in achieving your target. During the end of this period, you may be unwell. You will not get much time to sleep and relax during this period. Health of your spouse may also become the cause of tension.

2011 Leo Horoscope -Love and Relationship

Leo Love Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

The starting period of this year would be favorable for love affairs. You may take initiatives on your own during this time. But you need to take decisions carefully, otherwise you may get pain from your love affairs. Lack of trust on your partner may increase your difficulties. But, you will become popular among the people of opposite sex.

In the middle of the quarter, your friendship may turn into love affairs. The time is good for making new relationships. At the end of this period, difficulties may creep in due to others.

Leo Love Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

In this quarter, you might have to proceed for marriage with your partner against your family. It would be good for you to take such a decision very carefully. During the middle period, you will go for outings with your friends. There may be the lack of affection in married life during this period. You may feel stress in your family life due to daily activities.

Leo Love Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

During the middle of 2011, all the obstacles in love affairs will be removed and circumstances will become favorable. The time is favorable for love and friendship. But, do not make haste while taking decisions. Try to be loyal to your relationship, it would be good for your prestige. You may lose your interest in love affairs because of your pessimistic behavior. But this condition is for short duration.

Leo Love Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

In the last quarter of 2011, love affairs may turn into marriage. Friendship started during this period will be long-term. During the middle of the quarter, you will not find time for your partner due to journeys. At the end of the quarter, you may feel lack of affection and support. You may easily get the support of friends in love affairs. You may meet a foreign friend.

2011 Leo Horoscope - Family Life

Leo Family Horoscope - January 2011 to March 2011

In the beginning of 2011, stay away from extra marital affairs. During the end of first month, problems related to this matter may begin. Stress in your relationship may increase during this period. If you will give importance to ego rather than your relationship then the condition of family life may become serious. At the end of the quarter, you could try to improve your relationship. Taking the help of your mother may be beneficial.

Leo Family Horoscope - April 2011 to June 2011

Family problems increased during this period may affect the happiness of your married life. Misunderstandings may creep in due to the lack affection in your relationship. In the middle of the quarter, your friends may help you in filling the gap between you two. At the end of this period, you would spend some time with your children. Your parents may be slightly unhappy during this period.

Leo Family Horoscope - July 2011 to September 2011

This quarter would be comparatively favorable for children and family. You will share a sweet relationship with your life partner due to the reduction of stubbornness in her behavior. During the middle of the quarter, you may get involved into arguments with your mother. Your prestige may get affected due to children. But do not take it seriously because the situation will not be like this for long. Stress in family may increase your tension, therefore avoid being aggressive towards family members.

Leo Family Horoscope - October 2011 to December 2011

An auspicious event may be organized in your family during this period. Your relationship with your mother may not be sweet. In the last quarter of the year, your children may not take much interest in studies. By the end of the quarter, you may make efforts to improve your relationship with your mother. Apart from this, you may spare some time for outing with your life partner.

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