
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Amazing Facts

1) There are 7 Crores 30 lakhs books in the Library of Congress, in USA. If the books shelf are ever kept in a row then they would be about 350 Miles long.
2) Some Animals & Birds can sense natural disasters before hand. For example- a jelly fish knows about the storm about10-15 days in advance, these go to deep ocean leaving the shores. Japanese people keep Fish at their house which starts crying before hand the earthquake. the deep water fish comes to the surface sensing the natural calamity.
3) The earth is about 4 million 60 crores old.
4) It takes about 48 hours to digest the food in the body.
5) The fire insect can not drink or eat because it does not have a mouth or a stomach.
6) A Cockroach can live for weeks after beheaded.
7) The biggest "Mahal" or the fort in the world is the Chinese Royal Fort. it is spread well over 187 acers of land.
8) The longest tunnel in the world is
a traffic tunnel between London Morden to East Finchley via Bank on the Nortern Line. its length is 17 miles and 528 feet.
9) There are about 5000 Prince's and same number of Princess's in the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.
10) Louise Fourteen just had his bath 3 times in his entire life - that to not on his sweet will -- Really A Great Man.

Ch. Anil Dutta
(Elected Member, Managing Committee, GMS-Delhi)
(Senior Vice President, Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar)
(Presiden- Amritsar Development Committee(NGO

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