
Thursday, October 14, 2010

All about Arthritis : Care and cure

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - chronic inflammation of joints - mostly believed to affect old women.
RA, an auto-immune disease, is caused by the body's tissues mistakenly attacking their own immune system. And doctors believe it no longer afflicts only the old and ailing and often stems from lifestyle related injuries .
Pain in the joints while climbing stairs, squatting, sitting cross-legged, and swelling of joints are some symptoms of arthritis.
World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that one in six people and one in three families are affected by arthritis in India. According to experts, RA and osteoarthritis (OA) are the most common types.
“RA involves multiple joints of hand and legs, and is mostly found in young women. It can be due to injury or even after delivery. OA is usually an ageing phenomenon in the knee and hip bones. It affects men and women equally."
Symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness in muscles should not be ignored.
Osteoarthritis occurs in 25 per cent people above 50 years as the knee and hip joints wear off gradually with age. Doctors say lack of awareness is the main reason behind the surge in the number of arthritis patients.
"Most of patients who are over 40 mistakenly assume that arthritis is part of the ageing process. So symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness in muscles are ignored".
In the absence of a sureshot cure for arthritis, early diagnosis can help provide better treatment.
Yoga can be effective in preventing arthritis.
"People need to understand the disease correctly so that precaution can be taken much earlier in life and patients can get the right treatment. There is no definite cure for arthritis,".
"Pain can be reduced and controlled through medicine and physiotherapy. If diagnosed late, one might even have to go for a joint replacement surgery as the damage is irreparable," As the disease also targets the young, doctors advise yoga and natural ways to fight arthritis. Seeking immediate relief by taking anti-inflammatory medicines is not a wise option, feel doctors.
"Prolonged use of pain killers and other similar drugs have severe side effects. Natural ways are the best options as it is a non-invasive way of treating the disease,"
Arthritis can strike at any age
Brisk walks too can help keep away arthritis.
Yoga and light exercise are advised along with intake of anti-oxidants like Vitamin C found in lemon and citrus fruits, calcium and Vitamin D through milk, curd and cheeze in the diet.
People with arthritis need not lead painful, restricted lives if awareness and treatment are provided at the right time.


Anil Dutta (Member GMS MC, Senior Vice President MS Amritsar)

91-8146558833, 9878391830

1 comment:

  1. Not necessarily are adults, according to findrxonline can also have this disease or newborn young people as it is still too early to tell.
