
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Grab Opportunities :Opportunities Are There

It's often heard that opportunities are everywhere. Why then many among us grumble that they have not come across any?

Simply because though opportunities abound, none emerges magically. Do we really hunt for any?

It is like playing a ‘hide n seek’ game, choosing to plop down in a cozy chair and moaning 'why can we not find anyone?' instead of looking for those in hiding. Hiding in obvious places is not how the game works. Very like that, opportunities might be nearby, but are not necessarily right there in our line of our vision. We have to turn our head and look around to hit upon them.

Looking around calls for action. And, it is one of the foremost management norms that action without planning normally heads nowhere. So here’s the plan…

Be open : By being open, we will expose ourselves to all kinds of people, will listen openly, think openly, and make choices openly. Every experience is a potential opportunity.

Be proactive : By being proactive, we choose to take the search for opportunities into our own hands rather than depending on someone. We're looking around with open-eyes and are active in our quest for opportunities.

Be social : By being social, we will increase our exposure, which is a great way to find new opportunities. By attending more functions and gatherings, we'll open ourselves up to opportunities that would otherwise would have stayed hidden.

Be watchful : By being watchful, we will keep a keen eye on everything, knowing that opportunities can be hiding anywhere. We never know when we might come across a clue that will lead us to the opportunity we've been waiting for.

Be creative : By being creative, we work to think of new and innovative ways to find opportunities. It’s possible to create them if only we put some effort into it.

Be positive : By being positive, we'll remind ourselves that finding opportunities takes time and we sustain the hope that we WILL find them no matter how long it takes.

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