
Friday, May 21, 2010

2010 Scorpio and Sagittarius horoscope - Vrishchik and Dhanu horoscope

Moon is in Gemini in your 8th house
There may be some bad news regarding business or new venture. Don?t get indulge in taking risks as it is not a very favorable period for you. Family member?s health may cause anxiety. Speculation must be avoided or else they may cause financial losses. Opponents will try to create problems on your personal as well as professional front. Stay away from water as there is fear from drowning. Fever and cold will give some health problems.

Mars is in Cancer in your 9th house
It could be some good period promising some success provided you are willing to work on it. New opportunities will come your way without your seeking them consciously. Changes at work-place or at home can be fortunate. You will take decisive steps forward along the path of progress.?There may be increase in expenditure which needs to be controlled. You will also find yourself vigourless and berift of confidence.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 2th house
Income or the position will be improved and gain of profits from work or the business activities is guaranteed. Defeat of enemies, increased property, gain of knowledge, favor from superiors and success can be expected during this period. Travels will be very useful this period will also make you human philosophical and profound. You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 4th house
You desire a deeper connection and emotional bonding with your family, exploring the ideas you have learned from your parents. Harmony in family life is assured. Having high personal values, and being very idealistic, are just some of the reasons why you attract so many gifts and blessing from others. So much of your energy will be giving more to your personal relationships and partnerships. The changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting. You will come into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be on an increase. You may trade your vehicle for a better one or for the profit.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 2th house
Luck will be on your side in case you are thinking about a rolling your dice on some project or speculation. There are chances of good career progress. This could be an excellent period promising much success provided you are willing to work on it. You will acquire new assests and make some wise investments. You will enjoy the company of the opposite sex. Increased corporation from the family is seen. You will develop the taste for rich and delicious food. A get together at home is on the cards.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 11th house
Physically as well as mentally you will be very courageous during this period. This is a good phase for your relatives. Go for attempts in your career life as the success is assured. Gain of material things is also indicated. You will purchase land and machinery during this period. Substantial gains in your business and trades are assured. Your enemies will not be able to plunk before you. You will come into contact with people from far off places. This period is also very good as far as love life is concerned. You will receive full support from your family members.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 2th house
New projects or higher level of investment should be avoided. If working as a professional, the year will be average mostly. There will be routine hurdles as well as average growth. You will have to wait for real progress. A phase of doubt & uncertainty could come your way. Making a change is not advised at all & is detrimental to your interest. A gradual loss of status could be experienced during this period. A sense of insecurity will prevail as far as home affairs are concerned.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 8th house
You will perform good and pious deeds your conduct will be good। You will suddenly get interested in religion or spirituality. Partnerships are good for you this year, in both the professional and personal sphere. However, the most important thing is that you might just have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that you were waiting for so long. This period is surely going to bring all the authority. You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. Family atmosphere will be very good.

Sagittarius horoscope - Dhanu horoscope

Moon is in Gemini in your 7th house
This period would be an excellent stepping stone for growth vertically and a rise on your career. There are chances of getting benefits from the associates/partners. There will be happiness from the opposite sex. Love and romance will be on the rise. There will be gains through trade and foreign travels. Health related problems may disturb your peace of mind. Your self-discipline, self-monitoring and control over your daily routine will be beneficial to you. Be careful from fever and rheumatic pains. This period also gives indication to ill health to your life-partner.

Mars is in Cancer in your 8th house
You should learn to relax to avoid unnecessary mental stress when things seem to be stagnating at the professional front. Resist the urge to change jobs on an impulse driven by feelings of disappointment or frustration. This is also a period which can create troubles or messy situations due to carelessness or negligence creating worries and unnecessary troubles. Health requires immediate attention as injuries and accidents and on the card. There will be disturbance in the family life and also you should be careful of the sex diseases.

Mercury is in Sagittarius in your 1th house
This year presents you with a taxing work schedule but will reward you with good career progress. This could be an excellent period promising much success provided you are willing to work on it. Corporation from the family is seen. This is also a period which can give you fame. You can make great progress professionally. You will be able to win over your enemies. You will acquire new trades and new friends. You will maintain a harmonious relations ship with all.

Jupiter is in Aquarius in your 3th house
There will be a strong influence from others to help you create more personal security in having your material needs met. Money will definitely be coming your way and will greatly influence your personal beliefs, dreams and philosophies. You will get recognition of your merits by the government and higher authorities. You have a friendly nature, and feel very comfortable enjoying the group dynamics of different social scenes; you may get disturb a bit due to health ailment. Personal transformation is far more appealing than outer changes.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 1th house
This period is fabulous for you for many reasons. Your ambience is just so great, that things just seem to be sorting themselves out. All your household affairs are going around their respective orbits with perfect harmony. Your passion and zeal jet your performance and efficiency to an all time high. There will be favor from the high class, improvement in your staus, and destruction of your enemies. You will get full support from your family members and relatives. There will be a pleasant environment all around you.

Saturn is in Virgo in your 10th house
The outlook however will remain average mostly throughout the period. You should work on developing your profession rather than focusing on gains. During this period there could be personal issues & minor health issues which could create hurdles for work. There would be challenges and new choices which should be taken carefully. New projects should be totally avoided. This period will experience hurdles due to your un-adjusting nature as well as competition in work environment. Purchase of land and machinery should be postponed for some time.

Rahu is in Sagittarius in your 1th house
New areas you explore this year could be loss generating as there could be steady rise in expenses which might not yield direct gains or any long term position. There may be trouble from the enemies and legal problems. You will be able to continue with existing line of work & remain low profile and stable in your outlook. The outlook for gain should be short term only. Medium & long term projects are better started. There may be problem s related to your eyes. Your friendship with the opposite sex will not be cordial plans of making quick money should be scrutinized first. There can be problem to your girl friend/ boy friend.

Ketu is in Gemini in your 7th house
This is a period of mixed results for you. In this period you will suffer due to mental stress and strain. You may face problem in your business partnerships. Financially the period is not so good. Journeys will not be fruitful. Risk taking tendencies could be curbed totally. You can get into conflicts with your dear ones so better try to avoid these kinds of situations. However, this is not a good period for love and romance. You should be very careful in love and relationship as it can bring disrespect and loss of honor to you.

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