
Thursday, December 10, 2009

बंगाल में बसे 'वैद' मोहयाल : अमर्त्य सेन , सुष्मिता सेन भी मोहयाल

उत्तर आया .१२.२००९
Thank you sir. I am flattered that you have replied to my answer.

My confusion has been terminated with your satisfactory explanation. this means our clan is an offshoot of the mohyals. Nobel laureate Amartya sen, Miss universe Sushmita sen ,are famous bengali vaid brahmins. I will be grateful if you write about this mohyal clan which has been living in bengal for over 800 years and reigned over a large kingdom comprising of bengal, bihar,and eastern UP for 300 years before the muslims conqured it.
i have visited the blogs and also become a fan of your poems.

thanking you once again. pranam.

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