
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10 Simple Steps to Keeping Yourself Motivated in Your (Home Based Business)

अपने घरेलू बिजनेस को बढाने की प्रेरणा देने वाली दस बातें

Whether you are new or a seasoned entrepreneur keeping yourself motivated in your home business is key to your success. Internal motivation is required, so relying on someone else to motivate you will never result in success. If your reasons for working your home based business is not strong enough, then its unlikely that you will last the distance. Below is a list of 10 ideas to keep yourself motivated.

1) Goal setting - Be very specific in your goal setting, write them out for 90 days, monthly, weekly and daily. Then break it down into small actionable steps.

2) Exercise and Healthy Diet – Make exercise a part of your routine and keep a healthy diet. A healthy body equals a healthy mind.

3) Personal Development – Keep at least 20 minutes a day where you allocate to some form of Personal Development wether it be reading or listening. Feeding your mind the ‘right’ stuff is essential to remaining focused.

4) Create a Balanced Life – Its important to work your business like a business and not a hobby, but you must also create balance and enjoy other aspects of your life such as your family and making time for yourself.

5) Listen and learn – Seek a motivated and successful leader one who inspires you to do more. Watch and learn and absorb as much as you can on a continual basis.

6) Reward Yourself - Make sure you reward yourself for even the smallest successes. Its all about progress.

7) Build a vision board – create pictures of your lifestyle in the future. words, pictures, symbols whatever is your motivator and reason for going through your journey.

8Surround Yourself with positive people – This is not always easy when we are continually surrounded by nay sayers and the dream stealers, so important to be on training calls, attend events whatever you have to to be around like minded people.

9) Set daily task lists – Different methods work for different people. You can either use a spreadsheet with a daily method of operation with scheduled timeslots for everything you do, or if you have to be more flexible because of responsiblities of raising children then you can use a whiteboard to write down tasks you need to achieve each day.

10) Stay focussed – Dont let anything distract you from your goals – no matter what obstacles arise or what plans everybody else has for you. You be in control of your circumstances . Nobody else.

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