
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

क्रांतिकारी भगत सिंह के पत्र

Letter to grandfather Arjun Singh in Urdu on July 27, 1919. on a post card


Bhagat Singh’s grandfather Arjun Singh
Bhagat Singh’s grandfather Arjun Singh

Respected dadaji, namaste

I state humbly that I am well and wish your well being from Shri Narayan Ji. The state of affairs here is that our six monthly exams are over, which started in July. Many boys failed in maths. So the maths exam will be held again on August 9. Everything else is fine. When are you coming? Tell bhayiaji (father) that I have cleared all papers in six monthly examinations. Namaste to mataji (mother) and chachi (aunt). Kultar Singh (younger brother) had fever on July 24 and 25. Now he is OK. Do not worry about anything.

Yours obediently
Bhagat Singh
(Translated from the original by Chaman Lal)

This is the second letter of Bhagat Singh to his grandfather, which is now available. The first available letter of Bhagat Singh is also written to his grandfather in Urdu only. Bhagat Singh’s handwriting is available in three languages — Urdu, Punjabi and English. He was a prolific writer in Hindi, too.

Letter to aunt Hukam Kaur, widow of uncle Swarn Singh, in Punjabi on October 24,1921


My dear chach iji, namaste

I had gone to attend a rally to Lyallpur. I wanted to come to the village, but bapuji (father) did not allow. So I could not come to the village. Please forgive me if I did anything wrong. Portrait of chachaji (uncle Swarn Singh) is ready. I wanted to bring it along but it was not complete.Kindly reply early. My reverence to elder aunt. My reverence to mother. Namaste to Kulbir and Kultar (younger brothers).

Your son
Bhagat Singh

(Translated from the original by Chaman Lal)

This letter was written by Bhagat Singh at the age of 14 to his younger aunt in Punjabi. Bhagat Singh had learnt Punjabi language in 1921 by his own efforts, inspired by Nankana Sahib Morcha, the volunteers of which passed through his village and Bhagat Singh used to serve food (langar) to them. He was not taught Punjabi in school, where he had a good command over Urdu, which was the medium of instruction those days.

A letter to Lahore authorities for release of belongings. Contents of the letter are self-explanatory. The letter is typed on Bhagat Singh’s father S. Kishan Singh’s letterhead, who was an insurance agent in Lahore.


I was arrested on May 29, 1927, under Section 302, IPC, and was detained in the police custody for five weeks. I was released on bail on July 4, 1927. Since then I have never been called by the police or any court to stand my trial under the said section (written in hand) and so I presume that you have completed your investigation and found nothing against me and (written in hand) have practically withdrawn the case. Under the circumstances I request you to kindly return all the things that were taken from my body at the time of my arrest and to inform me when and where to see you for the said purpose.

Sd/ Sadiq Ali Shah S.I.
D/ 2-5-29 (written in hand)
Read out, admitted in evidence and added to Special Tribunal Lahore conspiracy Case File.
J. Coldstream
Special Tribunal

This letter was written to a close personal friend by Bhagat Singh on a post card in English. It has the stamp of Lahore post office of February 24, 1930. This letter is also self-explanatory.

Very urgent

No. 103
Central Jail
condemned cell, Lahore

My Dear Jai Deo!

I hope you would have heard of our abandoning the fast after 16 days, and you can guess how greatly do we feel the necessity of your help at this stage. We received a few oranges yesterday but no interview was held. Our case has been adjourned for a fortnight. Therefore, kindly arrange to send a tin of ‘Craven Cigarettes — A’ and a tin of ghee immediately. And a few oranges along with a few rasgullas will also be welcomed. Mr Dutta is facing hard times without cigarettes. Now you can understand the urgent nature of our needs.

Thanking you in advance,
yours sincerely
Bhagat Singh
Address — To, Mr Jai Deo Prasad Gupta, c/o The provincial Congress committee
Bradlaugh Hall, Lahore

This letter has also been written to Jaidev Gupta on May 26, 1930, in English. The stamp of Lahore post office is of May 28, 1930, on the post card. This letter also needs no explanation.

Dear brother Jai Deo,

Today again I am writing this letter to give you some trouble which I hope you will not mind. Please see if you can arrange to send one fleet-foot pair of shoes for me. I think no. 9-10 will do. My chapli is too uncomfortable. Also please try to send it on Friday or Saturday through Kulbir when he will be coming for an interview.

Really it is very sad that I have not so far been allowed any interview with you. Had this impasse in our trial not occurred, I will have repeatedly reminded the authorities to sanction your interview. Anyhow by the time this question is settled, I will again try to get the interview sanctioned. Well I hope you will send the shoes without fail and without delay. These days I have got only one book with me — a very dry one. Please see if you can send a couple of recent interesting novels. Please remember me to all friends.

Yours sincerely
Bhagat Singh
Address — Mr Jai Deo Prasad Gupta c/o S. Kishan Singh
Bradlaugh Hall, Lahore

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