
Monday, April 6, 2009

इतिहास लेखक पवन बख्शी की नई पुस्तक ' अवध के तालुकदार ' प्रकाशित

After a long period of 125 years, Mr. Pawan Bakhshi is the person who took up the great work to reveal the royal history of Oudh first time in Hindi.
Mr. Pawan Bakhshi has come forward to present the glorious history Oudh and its Talukdars with the same grandeur. Collection of monograms of Royal dynasties, their historical stories, the social and political reforms by the Rajas and Maharajas, the ups and downs of their present status have been presented in such an honest and skilled manner that one who reads, can easily live up royal life from beginning to end.
The complete history of every Taluqua of Oudh, how they established, how the named, who ruled over there, the history of each taluquedar, their pedigree from since to now. The rare photographs of Rajas and Maharajas and their palaces are all compiled here. A synthesis of ancient facts and photographs the quality of book will be surly increased time after time. As the sphere of Hindi literature is vary vast, it is a precious gift to all the Hindi readers who has been feeling since a long time the vaccumpe of such great work in the own language.
Writer never faces a question of big or small while describing Taluquas and Taluqdars. Perhaps he understands very well that a single part of history plays a great role with the flow of time.
Mr. Bakhshi has successfully revealed the concrete picture of the past and present Taluqdars after a deep and huge research.

The compiler (Mr. Pawan Bakhshi) of this Book named OUDH KE TALUQDAR had a two object in his under taking. First it was his wish to collect all intresting detailsregarding the ancestral and present history of each individual taaluqdar in Oudh; and’ secondly, to trace and chronicle the
several circumstances of the past which have led to the exiting prosperity of the province, and which have gradually secured for the taaluqdars themselves the high influential position which the now hold in the country. For this purpose he found it necessary to divide this work in to two parts – the one, genral, bearing on the history of Oudh , and the other, personal, on that of its baronial proprietors. It was not possible to gather any thing like a continuous histry of the province from the family records of individual taaluqdars.
The circumstance attending the advancement of each to his present position vary in nearly every instance. A large number of them (or rather their ancestors) came from other parts of India, and many of them have acquired their possessions by perchase, or by adoption, or more recently as a reward for services rendered during the Mutiny.
As a whole, the present aristocracy of Oudh can not be said to havecome in lineal descent from chiefs and nobles who held any prominent place in the early annals of the country. On this account it has been deemed advisable to keep the “province” distinct from its “land owners”, and to give a succinct account of both in separate parts of this book.

It is as well, in passing, to say a few words regarding the photographic portraits attached in this book.
A likeness of every taaluqdar of the province of Oudh has been secured at a great expenditure of time, labour, and money.
The photographs have been given in preference to any other kind of pictures as giving more correct portraitures.

The compiler (Mr. Pawan Bakhshi) has introduced these additional attractions, first, because he thinks that the friends and relations of the subjects of the book will prize them; and, secondly, because it may be gratifying to possterty to have by them correct representations of the faces and forms of those to whome they are indebted for their wealth and position.
If you want to more about book and author
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