
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Block telemarketing SMS/calls

New Delhi: To stop receiving telemarketing calls or SMS-es, you can dial 1909 or send an SMS to 1909. For details, log onto and click on "How to register‟ under the tab that says "Information for customers."

If you receive telemarketing calls or SMS-es a week after you've registered, you can complain to your phone company. You'll need to give the phone number from which the unsolicited commercial communication, as well as the date, time and brief description of the service being peddled. You can also visit and click on the "How to register complaint" under the tab that says "Information for customers." You are entitled to receive a response on your complaint within seven days.

You can cancel your registration after three months.

All Telemarketers have been allocated 10 digit number of 70XXXXXXXX number series. Therefore, you can identify the telemarketing call even if you are not registered with NCPR.

Telecom policies ban telemarketing (Voice Call or SMS) between 9.00 PM to 9.00 AM.

Perfect Match

Perfect Match.. There is a saying that a...
Rajeev Chhibber

Perfect Match..
There is a saying that a perfect match can only be found between a blind wife and a deaf husband ,because the blind wife cannot see the faults of the husband and the deaf husband cannot hear the nagging of the wife। Many couples are blind and deaf at the courting stage and dream of perpetual perfect relationship. Unfortunately, when the excitement of love wears off, they wake up and discover that marriage is not a bed of roses. The nightmare begins.

वृन्दावन-गोवर्धन आश्रमों के लिए आर्थिक सहयोग दें / अशोक लव

वृन्दावन-गोवर्धन आश्रमों के लिए आर्थिक सहयोग दें
आप सबको जानकर प्रसन्नता होगी कि इन दोनों आश्रमों का कार्य प्रगति पर है. ' मोहयाल आश्रम वृन्दावन ' मोहयाल समाज को 2012 के आरंभ में समर्पित किए जाने क़ी संभावना है. आप सबसे विनम्र अनुरोध है कि इन ऐतिहासिक निर्माण कार्यों में आर्थिक सहयोग करें. अपनी क्षमता के अनुसार धनराशि तुरंत इस पते पर भेजें ---सेक्रेटरी जनरल, जनरल मोहयाल सभा,ए-9, क़ुतुब इंस्टीट्युशनल एरिया , जीत सिंह मार्ग, नई दिल्ली-110067
फोन -011-26560456
---अशोक लव , सेक्रेट्री जी एम एस

The top five cancer-causing foods

The top five cancer-causing foods are: 1.. Hot...
Rajeev Chhibber

The top five cancer-causing foods are:

1.. Hot Dogs
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.
2. Processed meats and Bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.
3. Doughnuts
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, says Adams , may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

4. French fries
Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acryl amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries, said Adams .

5. Chips, crackers, and cookies
All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts of trans-fats.

How to Detect Hidden Camera in Trial Room?

In front of the trial room take your mobile and make sure that mobile can make calls........
Then enter into the trail room, take your mobile and make a call.....
If u can't make a call......!!!!
There is a hidden camera......
This is due to the interference of fiber optic cable during the signal transfer.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

मोहयाल सभा रोहिणी - पीतमपुरा ' मोहयाल परिवार मिलन '

मोहयाल सभा रोहिणी - पीतमपुरा के ' मोहयाल परिवार मिलन ' में सम्मिलित हुए। कार्यक्रम का संचालन किया। विवाह की वर्षगांठ थी। सभा की ओर से वर्षगांठ मनाई गई। सुखद लगा।
--अशोक लव

ज़िंदगी के सफ़र में गुज़र जाते हैं जो मकाम / आनंद बख़्शी

ज़िंदगी के सफ़र में गुज़र जाते हैं जो मकाम
वो फिर नहीं आते वो फिर नहीं आते

फूल खिलते हैं
लोग मिलते हैं
मगर पतझड़ में जो फूल मुरझा जाते हैं
वो बहारों के आने से खिलते नहीं
कुछ लोग जो सफ़र में बिछड़ जाते हैं
वो हज़ारों के आने से मिलते नहीं
उम्र भर चाहे कोई पुकारा करे उनका नाम
वो फिर नहीं आते वो फिर नहीं आते

आँख धोखा है
क्या भरोसा है
सुनो दोस्तों शक़ दोस्ती का दुश्मन है
अपने दिल में इसे घर बनाने न दो
कल तड़पना पड़े याद में जिनकी
रोक लो रूठ कर उनको जाने न दो
बाद में प्यार के चाहे भेजो हज़ारों सलाम
वो फिर नहीं आते वो फिर नहीं आते

सुबह आती है
शाम जाती है
यूँही वक़्त चलता ही रहता है रुकता नहीं
एक पल में ये आगे निकल जाता है
आदमी ठीक से देख पाता नहीं
और परदे पे मंज़र बदल जाता है
एक बार चले जाते हैं जो दिन-रात सुबह-ओ-शाम
वो फिर नहीं आते वो फिर नहीं आते

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1. WORDS TO LIVE BY--- Author/Physician...
Rajeev Chhibber
10:53pm Sep 20

Author/Physician Shigeaki Hinohara

Japan's 97-year-old physician educator offers
advice for seniors ~ Japan Times
At the age of 97 years and 4 months, Shigeaki Hinohara is one of the world's longest-serving physicians and educators. Hinohara's magic touch is legendary: Since 1941 he has been healing patients at St. Luke's International Hospital in Tokyo and teaching at St. Luke's College of Nursing . A fter World War II, he envisioned a world-class hospital and college springing from the ruins of Tokyo ; thanks to his pioneering spirit and business savvy, the doctor turned these institutions into the nation's top medical facility and nursing school. Today he serves as chairman of the board of trustees at both organizations. Always willing to try new things, he has published around 150 books since his 75th birthday, including "Living Long, Living Good" that has sold more than 1.2 million copies. A s the founder of the New Elderly Movement, Hinohara encourages others to live a long and happy life, a quest in which no role model is better than the doctor himself.
Energy comes from feeling good, not from eating well or sleeping a lot.
We all remember how as children, when we were having fun, we often forgot to eat or sleep. I believe that we can keep that attitude as adults, too. It's best not to tire the body with too many rules such as lunchtime and bedtime.
All people who live long regardless of nationality, race or gender share one thing in common: None are overweight.
For breakfast I drink coffee, a glass of milk and some orange juice with a tablespoon of olive oil in it. Olive oil is great for the arteries and keeps my skin healthy. Lunch is milk and a few cookies, or nothing when I am too busy to eat. I never get hungry because I focus on my work. Dinner is veggies, a bit of fish and rice, and, twice a week, 100 grams of lean meat.
Always plan ahead.
My schedule book is already full until 2014, with lectures and my usual hospital work. In 2016 I'll have some fun, though: I plan to attend the Tokyo Olympics!
There is no need to ever retire, but if one must, it should be a lot later than 65.
The current retirement age was set at 65 half a century ago, when the average life-expectancy in Japan was 68 years and only 125 Japanese were over 100 years old. Today, Japanese women live to be around 86 and men 80, and we have 36,000 centenarians in our country. In 20 years we will have about 50,000 people over the age of 100.
Share what you know.
I give 150 lectures a year, some for 100 elementary school children, others for 4,500 business people. I usually speak for 60 to 90 minutes, standing, to stay strong.
When a doctor recommends you take a test or have some surgery, ask whether the doctor would suggest that his or her spouse or children go through such a procedure.
Contrary to popular belief, doctors can't cure everyone. So why cause unnecessary pain with surgery? I think music and animal therapy can help more than most doctors imagine.
To stay healthy, always take the stairs and carry your own stuff.
I take two stairs at a time, to get my muscles moving.
My inspiration is Robert Browning's poem " A bt Vogler."
My father used to read it to me. It encourages us to make big art, not small scribbles. It says to try to draw a circle so huge that there is no way we can finish it while we are alive. A ll we see is an arch; the rest is beyond our vision but it is there in the distance.
Pain is mysterious, and having fun is the best way to forget it.
If a child has a toothache, and you start playing a game together, he or she immediately forgets the pain. Hospitals must cater to the basic need of patients: We all want to have fun. At St. Luke's we have music and animal therapies, and art classes.
Don't be crazy about amassing material things.
Remember: You don't know when your number is up, and you can't take it with you to the next place.
Hospitals must be designed and prepared for major disasters, and they must accept every patient who appears at their doors.
We designed St. Luke's so we can operate anywhere: in the basement, in the corridors, in the chapel. Most people thought I was crazy to prepare for a catastrophe, but on March 20, 1995, I was unfortunately proven right when members of the A um Shinrikyu religious cult launched a terrorist attack in the Tokyo subway. We accepted 740 victims and in two hours figured out that it was sarin gas that had hit them. Sadly we lost one person, but we saved 739 lives.
Science alone can't cure or help people.
Science lumps us all together, but illness is individual. Each person is unique, and diseases are connected to their hearts. To know the illness and help people, we need liberal and visual arts, not just medical ones.
Life is filled with incidents.
On March 31, 1970, when I was 59 years old, I boarded the Yodogo, a flight from Tokyo to Fukuoka . It was a beautiful sunny morning, and as Mount Fuji came into sight, the plane was hijacked by the Japanese Communist League-Red Army Faction. I spent the next four days handcuffed to my seat in 40-degree heat. As a doctor, I looked at it all as an experiment and was amazed at how the body slowed down in a crisis.
Find a role model and aim to achieve even more than they could ever do.
My father went to the United States in 1900 to study at Duke University in North Carolina . He was a pioneer and one of my heroes. Later I found a few more life guides, and when I am stuck, I ask myself how they would deal with the problem.
It's wonderful to live long.
Until one is 60 years old, it is easy to work for one's family and to achieve one's goals. But in our later years, we should strive to contribute to society. Since the age of 65, I have worked as a volunteer. I still put in 18 hours seven days a week and love every minute of it.
The Japan Times:
(C) All rights reserved
2. Subject: Aruki Tsuzukeyou (Keep Walking)
After watching this video we should not complain of our life - - -This young female is just grateful to be alive!- - - . Beautiful and wonderful personality. Great singer also.


General Mohyal Sabha ? Rajev Chhibber want to know more..

General Mohyal Sabha... Many of us grew up...
Rajeev Chhibber
10:27pm Sep 19
General Mohyal Sabha...

Many of us grew up getting a Mohyal Mitter at home and time to time going to local Mohyal Sabha Meetings..... elders spoke, kids got honored.... we shared a meal.... we laughed.... overheard conversations.... complaning about so and so in laws.... some elders ladies suggesting matrimonial allainces possibilities.....
Then hearing a LOUD argument on the other end... them everyone went home until next time..... Oh well

In 21 st century, in this global WWW era.... many of say 'General Mohyal Sabha'

What is it?
What are its goals?
How does it reaches out to All Mohyals?
Does it caste out people from Biradri & why ?
What is it doing to bring community together?
How does it raise funds or spends it?
Does it help who have no voice or connections?
How does one reach them from any part of the world?
Is it connected to local chapters in other cities?
Who are decision makers & how are they selected?
How does it promote economic diversity of Mohyals ?
How does it embrace change or different opinions?
Does it welcome ideas ?
Is there a help HOTLINE Phone?

These are the lingering questions? I am sure many mohyals worldwide would like to understand all these so we can grow.....
*from facebook

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

प्रतिभाशाली मोहयाल विद्यार्थी सम्मान समारोह 9 अक्टूबर 2011

 प्रतिभाशाली मोहयाल विद्यार्थी  सम्मान समारोह 9 अक्टूबर को होगा. सम्मानित किये जाने वाले विद्यार्थियों को  पत्र भेजे जा रहे हैं. अधिक जानकारी के लिए सम्पर्क करें--
डॉ अशोक लव 
फोन --011 - 26560456  स्थान - मोहयाल फाउंडेशन, ए -9,क़ुतुब इंस्टीट्युशनल एरिया , जीत सिंह मार्ग,नई दिल्ली-110067
समय : प्रातः 10:30 बजे  से 

9 / 11 attack..shocking..a tribute

Thursday, September 8, 2011

दशहरा पर्व- -2011

Dussehra Festival - 2011

आश्चिन मास का शुक्ल पक्ष अपने साथ शुभ नवरात्रे लेकर आता है. उपवास के समाप्त होते ही दशमी तिथि में दशहरा पूरे भारत वर्ष में बडी धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है. वर्ष 2011 में दशहरा पर्व 6 अक्तुबर के दिन मनाया जायेगा. दशहरे की प्रतिक्षा बच्चे, बूढे और बडे सभी बडी बेसब्री से कर रहे होते है. dussehra2

दशहरे को विजय दशमी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. दशहरे के पर्व पर बच्चों को दशहरे मेले से मनपसन्द खिलौने मिलते है. वहीं बडों के लिये यह धार्मिक महत्व रखता है. दशहरा पर्व असत्य पर सत्य की विजय का दिन है. दशहरा पर्व मौसम में बदलाव का पर्व है. विजयादशमी का पर्व वर्षा ऋतु की समाप्ति ओर शरद के प्रारम्भ का सूचक है. यह दिन विजय यात्राओं व व्यापार का प्रारम्भ करने के लिये शुभ रहता है. दशहरा अपना दोहरा महत्व रखता है. इस दिन रावण वध और दुर्गा पूजन दोनों पर्व एक साथ मनाये जाते है.

दशहरा अबूझ मुहुर्त

दशहरे के दिन को साल के तीन अत्यन्त शुभ तिथियों में शामिल किया जाता है. दशहरे के अलावा अन्य दो शुभ तिथियां चैत्र शुक्ल व कार्तिक शुक्ल की प्रतिपदा भी अन्य वर्ष की शुभ तिथियों में आती है. इस तिथि को सभी कार्यो के लिये शुभ माना जाता है. इस दिन में मुहूर्त के अन्य नियम नहीं लगाने पडते है. इसी लिये इस दिन को नया कार्य प्रारम्भ करने के लिये प्रयोग किया जा सकता है. इसके अलावा इस दिन खरीदारी करना शुभ होता है.

खरीदारी में इस इन सोने, चांदी और वाहन की खरीदारी करना शुभ होता है. दशहरे के दिन पूरे दिन में भी मुहूर्त होते है. इसलिये इस दिन सभी बडे कार्य सरलता से किये जा सकते है. संक्षेप में कहें तो यह ऎसा मुहूर्त वाला दिन है. जिस दिन बिना मुहूर्त देखे कोई भी नये कार्य की शुरुआत की जा सकती है.

रामलीलाओं के समापन का दिन

Conclusion of Ramlila

आश्चिन मास, शुक्ल पक्ष की प्रतिपदा से ही पूरे भारत के कोने कोने में रामलीलाओं का आयोजन किया जात है. इन लीलाओं में श्री राम की जीवन लीला नाट्य ढंग से दिखाई जाती है. इन रामलीलाओं का समापन दशहरे के दिन रावण के संहार के रुप में होता है.

दशहरे के दिन देश के अलग अलग जगहों पर रावण, कुम्भकरण तथा मेघनाथ के बडे बडे पुतले लगाये जाते है. सायंकाल में जिनका दहन किया जाता है. इस घटना को देखने के लिये हर आयु के व्यक्ति दशहरा दहन देखने जाते है. रावण पर राम की विजय हमें यह शिक्षा देती है कि, सदैव अन्याय के खिलाफ लडना चाहिए.

शस्त्रों की पूजा और वाहन पूजा का दिन
Auspicious day for Vehicles and Weapons

इस दिन व्यक्ति अपने पूर्वजों से चले आ रहे शस्त्रों की पूजा करता है. साधना और सिद्धियों के लिये भी इस दिन का प्रयोग क्या जाता है. वाहनों का पूजन करना भी शुभ होता है. नये वस्त्र आभूषण धारण किये जाते है. दशहरे के दिन युवाओं व बच्चों का प्रतियोगी परिक्षाओं की तैयारी करना शुभ रहता है.

दशहरे पर वृक्ष पूजन

Tree Worship on Dussehra

दशहरे के दिन शमी के पेड की पूजा करना विशेष रुप से शुभ रहता है. इसलिये इस दिन को पेडों के पूजन का दिन भी कहा जाता है. इस दिन पेडों का पूजन करने के पीछे एक पौराणिक कारण है. कहा जाता है कि महाभारत के अनुसार पांडु पुत्रों ने अज्ञात वास में छुपने से पहले इस दिन शमी के पेड में अपने अस्त्र शस्त्र छुपाये थे. इसके बाद ये एक पूरे वर्ष विराट देश में छुपकर रहे थे. इसके बाद उन्हें अपने लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति हुई.

दशहरे मेला सावधानियां

Precautions on Dussehra Celebation

दशहरे आते ही सभी के मन में उत्साह भाव देखने योग्य होता है. परिवार के साथ घर से बाहर निकलते समय और तरह-तरह से सजी हुई खाद्ध सामग्रियों को देख, मुंह में पानी लाने से पहले एक बार अपने स्वास्थ्य के बारे में सोच लेना चाहिए. खुशी के पर्व में कोई परेशानी खडी हो जायें, घर से बाहर जाकर जो कुछ भी खायें, वह साफ सुथरा हो, इस बात का विशेष ध्यान रखें. खान - पान में सावधानी बरतना हितकारी रहेगा.

दशहरा दहन के वातावरण में धूल और धूआं ब्लडप्रशर संबन्धी परेशानियां दे सकता है. साथ ही यह एलर्जी की शिकायत भी पैदा करता है. इसके अतिरिक्त भीड में बच्चों का साथ न छोडे. दशहरा दहन को देखने के लिये करीब जाने से बचें, और अपने पर्स आदि का ध्यान रखना भी चोरी की घटनाओं में कमी करता है.