
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

नीच व्यक्तियों के विषय में चाणक्य -कथन

दह्यमाना: सुतीव्रेन नीचा: पर-यशो अग्निना
अशक्तास्तात्पद्म गन्तु ततो निंदा प्रकुर्वते ।।[246]

नीच व्यक्तियों को दूसरों का यश अग्नि के समान जलाता है। वे दूसरों के समान श्रेष्ठ पद प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं। यशस्वी होना चाहते हैं। वे ऐसा नहीं कर पाते तो प्रतिष्ठित और सम्मान्य व्यक्तियों की निंदा में लिप्त हो जाते हैं।-चाणक्य
पुस्तक- चाणक्य नीति
संपादक-अशोक लव

Monday, August 30, 2010

Wear Rudraksha For All Benefits

Indian Rudraksha is believed to be the best rudraksha among others available. Rudraksha is mainly found in India, Nepal and Indonesia but Indian Rudraksha is more powerful, good quality then others.

* Rudraksha — the eye of Rudra (Shiva)
Rudraksha is considered to be the most effective manifestation of the Cosmic Force. It is often believed to symbolize the link between the heaven and the earth. Rudraksha is a large evergreen tree whose seed is used for prayer beads in Hindu religion. The botanically meaning of Rudraksha is Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb and in English it is known as Utrasum Bead Tree.

* Rudraksha Tree:
Mostly Rudraksha trees are found in South Eastern Asian Islands of Sumatra, Bali, Borneo, Iran, Timor (Indonesia) and parts of South Asian Kingdom of Nepal. The outer shell of seeds of Rudraksha is covered by blue color when fully ripe, and that’s why it is also known as blueberry beads. It is said that around 70% of these trees are found in Indonesia, 25% in Nepal and 5% in India.

* Origin:
Considered a major stress reliever, a reducing circulatory problem, the blueberry bead was first spotted in Indonesia and is now grown in Haridwar and Nepal. Rudraksha is an evergreen tree that grows quickly and it starts bearing fruit in about three to four years. The Yogis and Monks of Asia found that wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind.

* Rudraksha’s Mukhi:
There are Mukhi on the surface of beads. The Mukhi on the surface helps in determining the quality of beads. These Mukhi’s ranges from 1 to 21 and is described below:

1 Mukhi Rudraksha1 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The One Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Godhood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity. The 1 Mukhi Rudraksha is Lord Shankar and this Rudraksha is top most among all Rudrakshas. One Mukhi Rudraksha is found in round and the half moon shape. Round shape Rudraksha is very rare and more of a myth but it is highly praised in our ancient texts. One mukhi Half moon is easily available and found in a family tree of Rudraksha from Sri Lanka and India.

2 Mukhi Rudraksha2 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The two Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of ArdhaNareeshwara, a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (Shakti). It effectively controls the ruinous effects of Moon in physical as well as spiritual level such as diseases of kidney, Left eye, intestine in physical level and lack of harmony in relationship etc. in the spiritual level. Two Mukhi Rudraksha has two lines or faces and it is available in two varieties – Nepal and Haridwar (India). It brings unity like the family unity and remove the differences of opinions between the the father and the son, the husband and the wife, and friends, it establishes unity between them.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha3 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The three Mukhi Rudraksha contains the Trinity of Gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Three Mukhi Rudraksha is known to be one of the most powerful Rudraksha for stopping all problems created in the past and existing in the present and about to take place in the Future. This Rudraksha Bead combined with appropriate Mantras helps to dramatically change a person’s life for the better in the 40 days. The best virtue of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is that it makes the wearer free from chronic fever certainly.

4 Mukhi Rudraksha4 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The four mukhi Rudraksha represents Goddess Saraswati and Brahma. It has four linings from head to bottom at equal distance. It is beneficial to researchers, artists, and journalists. It helps to reduce the malefic effects of Jupiter like intellectual dullness of mind, lack of grasping and understanding power, difficulty in effective communication and also neurotic conditions of mind.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha5 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The five mukhi Rudraksha is the form of Rudra named Kaalagni. Five mukhi Rudraksha rectifies all the faults of Jeeva and makes him pure and Jeeva gains the form of Pashupati. By wearing its mala the wearer’s mind remains peaceful. There is no doubt that the wearer of five mukhi Rudraksha mala never gets untimely death.

6 Mukhi Rudraksha6 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The six mukhi Rudraksha is the center of the power of Lord Shiva’s second son, Kumar Kartikeya. It gives wisdom, knowledge and increases will power. It is very good for businessmen, journalists and editors etc. This Rudraksha removes malefics associated with planet Mars like cuts, wounds, surgery, and injury by weapons, itching of the skin, bone fractures, hemorrhoids, miscarriages and abortions.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha7 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The seven mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Anang shiva and it represents Goddess Mahalaxmi. Seven mukhi rudraksha is saptmatradhi Daivat, saptashyadevat and saptmuni Daivat. It affects entire physical neurophysiology and psychological. It reduces the malefic effects of Lord Shani.

8 Mukhi Rudraksha8 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The eight mukhi Rudraksha is the second form of reflection of the first son of Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh and is one who is worshipped prior to other gods. The eight linings on it make it a very effective Rudraksha. Its wearer becomes unaffected by miseries – physical, divine or mental. Wearing eight mukhi Rudraksha prevent from the malefic effects of the planet Ketu.

9 Mukhi Rudraksha9 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The nine mukhi Rudraksha is the form of the Goddess Durga (Shakti). Nine mukhi Rudraksha is as clear from its name contains power of Nine Deities. The worshippers of the Goddess Durga must wear this Rudraksha. All the Rudraksha are the symbol of Lord Shiva but nine mukhi Rudraksha contains special nine qualities. Nine mukhi Rudraksha gives the wearer devotion and salvation.

10 Mukhi Rudraksha10 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The ten mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Vishnu, the major god of Hinduism. He is popularly regarded as the preserver of the universe and Puranic literature refers to him as the all-pervading spirit. He is associated with the primeval waters. It is to be believed to have been omnipresent before the creation of the world.

11 Mukhi Rudraksha11 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The eleven Mukhi Rudraksha is regarded as the light mass of Lord Rudra Shiva (Eleven Rudras). It is the most effective and most successful Rudraksha for all the worshipers of Lord Shiva. In eleven mukhi Rudraksha, there are eleven Rudras and the eleventh Rudra is Lord Hanuman. Eleven mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord Indra, the king of Gods. It gives the permanent happiness to the wearer.

12 Mukhi Rudraksha12 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is the radiance and strength of 12 forms of the God Sun. The twelve Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the most important Rudraksha for the person who needs to attract knowledge and riches and all the earthly pleasures. This Rudraksha is the most useful for the administrators and give happiness and material gains and protects from accidents.

13 Mukhi Rudraksha13 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The thirteen mukhi Rudraksha is the form of the king Indra. The worshiper of Lord Indra wears this thirteen mukhi Rudraksha to make him happy. It fulfills all the desires of the wearer and gives eight accomplishments. Thirteen mukhi Rudraksha is provided all attainments connected with chemical science.

14 Mukhi Rudraksha14 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Shiva and is found most rarely. It awakens the sixth sense organ so that the wearer foresees the future happenings. The wearer of fouteen mukhi Rudraksha never fails in his decisions and gets rid of all the miseries, worries. The wearer of fourteen mukhi Rudraksha is safe and rich. The wearer of 14 mukhi rudraksha becomes dear to Lord Shiva.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha15 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The fifteen Mukhi represents Lord Pashupati and is very rare rudraksha. Fifteen mukhi Rudraksha also pacifies emotional disturbance in the mind caused by the limitations caused by Paasha or bondage.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha16 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The sixteen mukhi Rudraksha is Mahamrityunjaya form of Lord Shiva. Sixteen mukhi Rudraksha is form of Mahakal. Sixteen face rudraksha protects from physical illness due to placement of planets.

17 Mukhi Rudraksha17 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The seventeen mukhi Rudraksha represents Mata Katyani which is sixth form of Goddess Durga. The wearer of seventeen mukhi Rudraksha gets fruits of Artha, Kama, Dharma, and Moksha. 17 mukhi Rudraksha removes obstacles in path and gives immense prosperity.

18 Mukhi Rudraksha18 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The eighteen mukhi Rudraksha is form of Goddess earth. 18 mukhi Rudraksha is ideal for people in real-estate and land dealings. 18 mukhi Rudraksha, if worn by ladies who are prone to abortion, it protects the unborn child and she is able to give birth to a healthy beautiful baby.

19 Mukhi Rudraksha19 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The nineteen mukhi Rudraksha is form of Lord Narayan. 19 mukhi Rudraksha gives success in business, and good health. The wearer of 19 mukhi Rudraksha gets blessings of Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi and is blessed with beauty and prosperity.

20 Mukhi Rudraksha20 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The twenty mukhi Rudraksha is Brahma Swarupa. It has energy of the nine planets, Eight Dikpals (Indra, Varun, Yama, Kuber, Agni, Vayu, Niriti and Ishan) and Tridevas (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh).

21 Mukhi Rudraksha21 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The twenty one mukhi rudraksha is represented by Kuber. The wearer of 21 mukhi Rudraksha is blessed with immense prosperity and materialistic desires.

Friday, August 27, 2010

लड़कियाँ छूना चाहती हैं आसमान / अशोक लव

लड़कियाँ छूना चाहती हैं आसमान
---- अशोक लव की कविताएँ

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mohyal Gotra Rishi Book :Remarkable Work

Prof VK Datta
MA Med P.E.S
11th August 2010

Respected Dr Ashok Lav ji
Namaskar !
Hoping you and family in the best of health and spirit and busy in writing more for Mohyal community , enlightening generation to know - who are they?
Heartiest congratulation giving details about Mohyal Gotra Rishis which is a remarkable work and achievment for the Mohyal families.
...Hope you to meet , lastly we met in Jalandhar Mela.
With best wishes and regards
Yours brotherly
Prof VK Datta
Lajpat Nagar,
Opposite Red Cross Bhawan
Jalandhar City

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vote and Support credible leadership of MOHYAL RATNA BD BALI

vote and support credible leadership of MOHYAL RATNA BD BALI ji and his team.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mrs Priya Dutt (MP):welcomed by Mohyal Sabha Amritsar

Bhai Mati Dass ji Mohyal Sabha Amritsar welcomed Mrs Priya Dutt (MP) Daughter of Late Shri Sunil Dutt , on her visit to Amritsar.
In Photo- Sh. Sunil Dutta (Datti) Ex-Mayor of Amritsar, Sh. Devinder Bali (President Mohyal Sabha Amritsar), Sh. Anil Dutta (Senior Vice President Mohyal Sabha Amritsar), Sh. Subash Bali (Gen Sec) Sh. Davinder Vaid, Sh. Inderjit Dutta...
--Anil Dutta
(Senior Vice President)
Bhai Mati Dass ji Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar
+91-8146558833, 9878391830, 9780588582

रक्षा-बंधन के पावन पर्व पर हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ !

रक्षा-बंधन के पावन पर्व पर समस्त मोहयाल भाई-बहनों को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ ! विश्व के कोने-कोने में रहने वाले समस्त मोहयालों में आपसी प्रेम की भावना बनी रहे। सब वर्षों से चली रही मोहयाली-भावना को जीवंत रखें, और सुदृढ़ करें।
-' जय मोहयाल' परिवार !

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mona Lisa smile : Secret out

Indo Asian News ServiceSun, Aug 22 04:18 PM

London, Aug 22 (IANS) The famous smile of Mona Lisa, the magnum opus of Leonardo da Vinci, is no more a secret as scientists have decoded the technique how the Renaisance-era painter created a special effect to show the enigmatic expression.According to the experts, the artist managed to achieve his trademark smoky effect, known as sfumato, on the painting by applying up to 40 layers of extremely thin glaze thought to have been smeared on with his fingers.The glaze, mixed with subtly different pigments, creates the slight blurring and shadows around the mouth that give Mona Lisa her barely noticeable smile that seems to disappear when looked at directly.With the help of X-rays, the researchers were able to see how the layers of glaze and paint had been built up to varying levels on the face, The Telegraph reported.With the drying times for the glaze taking months, such effects would have taken years to achieve.The findings also suggest that he used his fingers to apply the glaze as there are no brush marks or contours visible on the paintings.The new discoveries have been made by scientists at Laboratoire du Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musees de France and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility.Writing in the scientific journal Angewandle Chemie, Philippe Walter, who led the study, said: 'The perfection of Leonardo da Vinci's painting technique has always been fascinating.'The gradation of tones or colours from light to dark is barely perceptible. Above all, the way the flesh is rendered gives rise to many comments because of its crucial role in the fascination exerted by Leonardo's portraits.'Even today, Leonardo's realisation of such thin layers still remains an amazing feat,' Walter said.The team also studied skin tones in six other of Leonardo's most famous paintings, including 'Virgin of the Rocks', 'Madonna of the Carnation', 'Saint John the Baptist' and the 'Virgin and the Child'.Walter and his team believe that Leonardo experimented by creating different types of glaze and with different pigments to perfect the sfumato effect.Professor Francis Ames-Lewis, vice-president of the Leonardo da Vinci Society, said: 'Leonardo da Vinci was concerned with producing smooth tonal gradients from light to dark without any perceptible change like we see in real life and sfumato was essential to this.

We Are With Rzd BD Bali Ji :Devinder Bali,President MS Amritsar

Rzd BD Bali with Mohyals of Ambala
I am pleased to inform you that I am wholeheartedly and willingly supporting the team of Mohyal Ratna Rzd BD Bali ji.
I dissassociate from any other group contesting the GMS election. My family (all our mohyals brothers & sisters of Amritsar ) proudly declare that we have unshakeable faith in the leadership of Rzd BD Bali.
President Mohyal Sabha ,Amritsar
Dated : 20.8.2010
The letter from Sh. Devinder Bali ji, Amritsar, regarding support to Sh. B.D.Bali ji's team in GMS elections.
Anil Dutta,(Senior Vice President),Mohyal Sabha Amritsar
91-9878391830, 8146558833, 978058858

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mohyal Sabha Canada organised 3rd Picnic

Youngest mohyal participant with parents Mrs and Mr Gaurav Mohan.

Photographs and Report -Mr Gaurav Mohan
Mohyal Sabha Canada organized 3rd Mohyal picnic on 18th July, 2010 at Jack Darling
Memorial park.
Since, its formation in January 2008 it has successfully organized 4
functions. First was Mohyal community lunch on 14th April, 2008 at Indian sizzler
restaurant in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.2nd event was 1st picnic on 30th August, 2008 at
Jack Darling Memorial Park, Third last year’s picnic on 18th July, 2010 and 4th again on
18th July, 2010. All four functions were great success for Mohyal Community outside of
This year’s picnic again had a tremendous support from community
members who participated in the picnic despite of their busy life routines. Total
attendance was about 150 - 160 community members.
Sh.Yash Dutta recreation incharge and Sh. Gaurav Mohan General
Secretary made all the arrangements and informed community members about the picnic
by calling them personally. Everybody was surprised by the large gathering this year.
Many Mohyals from India attended the picnic who were visiting their families in Canada.
There were few families who read Picnic information in Mohyal Mitter and were very
eager to attend the Picnic.
Sh. Subhash Chhibber, Guru Dutt Vaid, Vandana Mohan, Kapil and Archana Vaid
worked very hard to make the event successful.
Sh. Guru Dutt Vaid and Gaurav Mohan had made efforts to invite Prominent Member
of Parliament Miss Bonnie Crombie from Mississauga Area who could not attend as she
was out of Canada at that time but sent her wishes for the picnic.
Community members started to gather at 10 am and park was full at around
12 pm. Present members gave their introduction followed by President Sh. Subhash
Chhibbar’s Speech.After lunch, games were organized for the kids as well as for young people and were managed well by Vandana Mohan, Kapil and ArchanaVaid. People of all ages participated with great zeal. First of all the children weregiven Painting Competition to paint seven Mohyal Castes arranged by ArchanaVaid. There after a game of Bingo was organized by Sh. Yash Dutta. Few othergames e.g. Kids Race, Ladies Race, Senior’s Race and tug of war were organized.
Mohyal Sabha Canada had sponsored free FACE PAINTING for kids as well as adults.
Members of all ages were seen getting their face painted.
Special Medals were given to the Youngest and Oldest Mohyal in the picnic which were
given to Gauri Mohan (D/O Sh. Gaurav Mohan and Richa Mohan) who is just 3 and half
months old and her Great Grandmother Mrs. Champa Vati Mohan who is more than 8o
years old.
Sh. Yash Dutta had specially invited Mr. Varinder Sharma who is a well known lawyer
in Toronto Area.A draw was taken out by Mr. Sharma and he offered to make free WILL
for the winner which is worth 500 Canadian Dollars.
Sh. Jagdish Dutta, Archana Vaid and Vandana Mohan, Yash Dutta, Kapil Vaid,Gaurav Mohan were presented with medals for their services to Mohyal Community.Sh. Yash Dutta and Sh. Jagdish Dutta contributed 101 $ each to Mohyal Sabha Canada.
There after Picnic ended around 6 PM and all members were very happy to be a part of
this great event.
Subhash Chhibbar (President)
Gaurav Mohan (Lambra)
General Secretary
President Subhash Chhibbar’s Speech
First of all I would like to thank everybody for participating in our own 3rd Annual Mohyal Picnic
today. We are able to arrange picnic for the third time with your support only. Our last 2 picnics
and Vaisakhi Lunch was a great success.
We started Mohyal Sabha Canada about 3 years ago and it is a registered organization in the
province of Ontario. Our intention is to bring community together and help each other in the best
possible ways. We not only wish to help our community but also any one who comes to us for
help and keeping the Mohyal traditions alive.
I am really happy with the fact that in every event of Mohyal Community we see new
memebers joining us and this shows we are growing day by day. Today I would like
to welcome the new community members as they are our source of motivation.
I really appreciate efforts made by all the members of our Mohyal Sabha Canada Committe who
made this event possible and worked really hard.
I hope you all enjoy today's picnic and look forward every year for Mohyal Sabha Canada events.
On behalf of Mohyal Sabha Canada, I would like to thank you all for your participation have a
great day ahead.

मोहयाल स्कूल देहरादून में स्वाधीनता - दिवस

मोहयाल स्कूल देहरादून में स्वाधीनता - दिवस मनाया गया.
अवसर पर ध्वजारोह किया गया नन्हें विद्यार्थियों ने सांकृतिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किए
--रिपोर्ट एवं फोटो श्री लाल मेहता

Friday, August 20, 2010

Canada's MP Bonnie Crombie praised Mohyal Community

कनाडा के सांसद ने यह पत्र ' मोहयाल सभा कनाडा ' की तीसरी पिकनिक के आयोजन के अवसर पर लिखा है।
* पत्र ' मोहयाल सभा कनाडा ' के सेक्रेटरी श्री गौरव मोहन के सौजन्य से

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mohyals:PK Dutta and Anil Dutta's appeal

Bali-Benevolent, Bhimwal-Bright,Chhibbers-Courageous, Dutt-Dignified, Mohan- Morality, Lav- Leaders , Vaid- Valliant
Vote and support credible leadership of Mohyal Ratna Rzd BD Bali ji and his team
--From PK Dutta


*Shri PK Dutta with Rzd BD Bali
Dear Elders/Brothers and sisters
The revival of Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar, after a gap of about 25 years, was the foresight of Rzd, Sh. B. D. Bali ji. It is my privilege to serve the Mohyal Sabha Amritsar, first as secretary youth affairs and now as senior vice president.
it is a matter of gratification that with the blessings of the Almighty Sh. B. D. Bali ji and his dedicated teams over the times, have achieved many milestones for our community. Many precious institutions have been built which will keep out community alive for generations.
It is under the able leadership of Rzd. B. D. Bali ji, GMS is on a pedestal of credibility and is also financially stable. All this have made GMS to take up projects for the welfare of the weaker/needy sections of the biradari.
So, keeping in view, the present elections, it is very necessary that Rzd. B.D.Bali ji, comes back with a strong and dedicated new team for GMS managing committee. those who are competent enough to carry on, with more enthusiasm and zeal, and also consolidate the existing.
Keeping in view the leadership qualities and abilities of Sh. B.D. Bali ji, all the voters should actively participate to select the team of Sh. B.D.Bali ji, who have proven track record of community service with devotion and sincerity.
I, therefore, request all the voters to cast their precious votes in favour of Sh. B. D. Bali ji's team, so that they could play a pivotal role in the progress and development of the community.
Anil Dutta
(senior vice president)
Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar
+91-9878391830, 8146558833, 9780588582

हरिओम मेहता छिब्बर : मेरे अनुभव

चित्र में --श्री हरिओम मेहता सम्बोधित करते हुए साथ में श्री अशोक लव
'जनरल मोहयाल सभा' के साथ मेरा परिचय सन् 1982-83 में हुआ था। आज जब उन दिनों को याद करता हूँ तो जी एम एस की स्थिति देखकर आश्चर्य होता है। रायजादा बी डी बाली जी की सूझ बूझ के कारण ,उनकी लगन और सेवा भाव के कारण आज जी एम एस का कायाकल्प हो गया है। मोहयाल फौन्डेशन,मोहयाल भवन,मोहयाल आश्रम हरिद्वार और वृन्दावन,अनेक शहरों में बने मोहयाल भवन आदि उनकी दूरदर्शिता के साकार रूप हैं।
यह सब उनके साथ समर्पित भाव से कार्य करने वाले मोहयालों की कारण हुआ है। उनके मार्गदर्शन में सब काम हुए हैं।
श्री ओ पी मोहन (मेरिट और मोहयाल मित्र), श्री अशोक लव ( 'प्रतिभाशाली मोहयाल विद्यार्थी सम्मान' , मोहयाल मित्र , सांस्कृतिक और समस्त आयोजन ) , श्री डी वी मोहन ( सचिवालय और प्रशासन ), श्रीमती अम्बा बाली और श्रीमती के एल छिब्बर ( वैवाहिक रिश्ते-नाते), श्री जी एल दत्ता 'जोश' (इंटर एक्शन ), श्री बी एल छिब्बर और श्री सुशील के छिब्बर (वित्त ), श्री अश्वनी बाली ( जन संपर्क), श्री योगेश मेहता और श्री अश्वनी बक्शी ( युवा गतिविधियाँ) -- इन सबको देखकर अकबर के दरबार के रत्नों का स्मरण हो आता है।
आज विश्व स्तर पर मोहयालों की पहचान बनी है। ऐसा युग-पुरुष बी डी बाली जी और उनकी टीम के कार्यों के कारण हुआ है। विकास और प्रगति की इस रफ़्तार को बनाए रखने के लिए हम मोहयालों का फर्ज़ हो जाता है कि हम इन चुनावों में मोहयाल रत्न रायजादा बी डी बाली जी और उनकी टीम को फिर से चुनें , अपना वोट और समर्थन दें

' Independence Day ' celebrated at Lehigh Valley,Pennsylvania (USA)

स्वागतम !
सारे जहां से अच्छा
हिन्दोस्तां हमारा

Monica Chibber ,Mrs Kamlesh Chhibber and other Indians organised 'India Day' on 15th August
at Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania (USA) . Indian residing there participated in this function.
In photographs Monica Chibber is welcoming Guests.

Monica Chibber puting ' tilak' to Congressman Charles Dent

Monica Chibber with Mayor Ed Pawloski and Congressman Charles Dent


Punjabee..dhol and dance.....!

Jhandaa oonchaa rahe hamaaraa....Tiranga..

Ganesh Rath Yatra

Great party !
celebrations....and ....celebrations !


August 15, 2010 marked India’s Independence Day celebration. This historic day was not forgotten in the USA. The people of the Lehigh Valley in PA came together despite the rainy weather charged with the spirit of love for India to celebrate our freedom. The festivities began with the flag hoisting held at city hall where the Congressman Charles Dent and Mayor Ed Pawlowski and other dignitaries from the area came to show their support for us and say a few words in honor of our great country, India.Ms Monica Chibber put tilak to the congressman
Charles Dent and Mayor Ed Pawlowski and others.
The flag hoisting was followed by a parade through downtown Allentown. The Lehigh Valley Dhol club lead the parade with beats that kept many dancing all along the way.Monica Chibber also joined dholis . A Ganesh float helped to keep all obstacles at bay as we marched down the slightly moistened street. Indians from the valley came to represent their respective regions of India from Bengal, Gujurat , Punjab, Orissa and various other areas. Each brought their own unique flavor to the colorful parade. Some floats depicted all the great leaders of Indian politics and some floats described the glory of the different religions in India such as the very learned Guru Nanankji.
Mrs Kamlesh Chibber actively participted in organising the great show.
As the parade concluded in the Arts Park a cultural show took place displaying the beautiful dresses and various musical styles from all parts of India. Additionally, several Indian food, clothing and jewelry stalls lined the perimeter of the park. It was a joyous celebration that could not have been stopped not even by the sudden downpour. Many were seen dancing in the rain with smiles shining from ear to ear. India’s Independence Day celebration held in Allentown, PA was definitely a site to see. We were honored to be a part of the committee in Allentown that helped make it successful.