
Thursday, April 30, 2009

श्री गन्धर्व दत्ता का निधन

It is a sad moment to inform you all of the sudden and tragic demise of sh Gandharv (s/o Late Chowdhary Sulakhan Singh Dutta and younger brother of Sh. Mohan Dutta (President -Mohyal Sabha, Amritsar) at Amritsar on 20th April 20099 Apr 09. He has left behind his wife Smt Madhu Dutta, Son Bhanau Dutta, Daughter Anish Vaid, Daughter Guriaya.
Rasam Uthala of Sh. Gandharv Dutta would be performed at Santi Palace from 3pm to 4 pm on 30th April 2009.
We seek your prayers for the departed soul.
Anil Dutta
(Secretary Youth Affairs)
Mohyal Sabha Amritsar)
* 'जय मोहयाल ' परिवार की ओर से दिवंगत आत्मा की सद्गति के लिए ईश्वर से विनम्र प्रार्थनापरिवारजन के प्रति हार्दिक संवेदना !

मोहयाल सभा के संस्थापकों का ऐतिहासिक फोटोग्राफ ११ अगस्त १९३५ karachi

बैठे हुए (बच्चे ) - परशोतम लाल(सुपुत्र बक्षी जगदीश लाल चौधरी ) , राज किशोर दत्त एवं मदन किशोर ( सुपुत्र डॉ वी आर दत्त )
कुर्सियों पर बैठे हुए - चौधरी उमेद राम दत्त, अमीर चंद छिब्बर, मेहता डोगर मल छिब्बर ( सेक्रटरी ) ,डॉ बी आर दत्त ( प्रेजिडेंट) ,मेहता देवी दास दत्त ( वाइस प्रेजिडेंट ) ,मेहता हरी लाल दत्ता , मेहता गुर देवी मोहन ( सहायक सेक्रेट्री )
खड़े हुए -- बावा राम चौधरी , बलराज सिंह दत्त , मेहता भोज राज दत्त , बख्शी जगदीश लाल छिब्बर , रायजादा पृथ्वी राज बाली , बख्शी कुलवीर लौ चौधरी

कराची ११ अगस्त १९३५

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

बच्चों के दिल का ऑपरेशन मुफ्त कराएँ

बच्चों के दिल की बीमारियों और दिल का ऑपरेशन मुफ्त कराने के लिए निम्न पते पर संपर्क करें --
श्री सत्य साईं इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ हायर मेडिकल साइंस , पी आई पी एरिया ,वाइटफील्ड , बंगलोर -५६००६६
फोन +९१-०८०-२८४११५००
इस कार्ड पर क्लिक करें और बड़े आकार में पूरी जानकारी पढ़ें .

सवाइन फ्लू की पहचान और कैसे बचें

Washington, Apr 28 (ANI): While there have been a number of outbreaks of the new strain of swine flu, there also have emerged a whole gamut of misinformation. Now, scientists have elaborated exactly what one needs to know about this new epidemic.

Infectious disease expert Charles Ericsson, M.D., professor of internal medicine and director of Travel Medicine at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, has answered some questions regarding swine flu, which are as follows:

1. How do symptoms of swine flu differ from other types of flu?

None, really, although this flu might include gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea and vomiting), as well as the usual respiratory symptoms. The basic symptoms for swine flu are similar to the seasonal flu we are vaccinated for each year, which may include, fever, sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, chills, headache and body aches, fatigue.

2. Is there medication for this?

Yes, Tamiflu or Relenza have shown to be effective against these recently reported strains of swine flu. Altogether, there are four anti-viral drugs that we commonly use to treat various strains of flu.

3. Is there a vaccine?

Not yet, but the CDC has this current strain of virus and will consider whether to add it to next year's flu vaccine as time goes on.

4. Can I catch it from pigs?

No. This strain is one that is communicable through human-to-human contact. It is a mutated form of a swine virus.

5. Can I catch it from eating pork?

Absolutely not! Swine flu is not transmitted by food. It is not a so-called foodborne illness. Bacon, ham and other pork products are safe to eat, assuming they are prepared properly. An internal temperature of 160 degrees for cooked meat will kill any bacteria or virus.

Swine flu is transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person's sneeze or cough; or from germs on hands, or germ-laden surfaces. Eating pork will not give you swine flu any more than eating chicken will give you bird flu.

6. How does it cross from a pig to a human?

The swine virus mutates so that it can infect humans and be spread by humans.

7. Can it kill me?

Deaths have been reported from the Mexico City outbreak. So far the cases in the US have been mild and there have been no deaths as yet. But, like seasonal flu, there is the potential for serious outcomes.

8. How is it different from avian (bird) flu?

Avian flu so far has had difficulty infecting humans unless they are exposed intensely to birds, because the virus has not mutated in a way that makes it transmissible by humans to other humans. This virus has origins genetically from both pigs and birds, and the big difference from the avian flu is that this swine virus can be transmitted readily from human to human.

9. What if I'm on a plane? Should I wear a mask?

Not necessary. The air on a plane is filtered. Transmission might occur if someone sitting close to you coughs or sneezes on you. The newer designs of aircraft airflow keep the air in a top-down flow, not forced air from front to back. However, if you do have a respiratory illness, it might be best not to travel.

10. Other than hand washing and covering my mouth if I sneeze or cough, what can I do to take care of myself and others?

If you are ill, stay home. Control your sneezes and coughs. If you cough into your hand, remember the virus could be live on your hand at least for a few minutes, so wash your hands before touching anyone else. If you get symptoms suggesting the flu, call your doctor, who can call in a prescription for medication to treat the flu. Resist going to the doctor's office or a hospital ER for influenza symptoms unless you are seriously ill. You do not want to spread the disease to others.

"There is a huge difference between preparedness and paranoia. Although we're dealing with a new strain of flu, a set of universally applicable preventive measures exist that can be employed right away by everyone to help stop the spread of this disease," said Dr. Robert Emery, occupational health expert at the UT School of Public Health at Houston. (ANI)

Monday, April 27, 2009

मोहयाल सभा होशयारपुर मोहयाल भवन का शिलान्यास

मोहयाल सभा होशयारपुर ने मोहयाल भवन बनाने के लिए तैयारियां शुरू कर दी हैं उन्नीस अप्रैल को भव्य समारोह में ' जनरल मोहयाल सभा ' के प्रेजिडेंट रायजादा बी डी बाली ने इसके निर्माण के लिए भूमि-पूजन और शिलान्यास किया। चौधरी राजेश्वर दत्त ( जालंधर ) और श्री विनोद दत्त ( खन्ना ) विशिष्ट - अतिथि थे जनरल मोहयाल सभा के पदाधिकारी श्री जी एल दत्त जोश , श्री अशवनी बाली, श्री जे पी मेहता , श्री योगेश मेहता , श्री एस के छिब्बर और श्रीमती के एल छिब्बर ने समारोह में भाग लिया अन्य मोहयाल सभाओं के पदाधिकारिओं और सदस्यों ने बड़ी संख्या में पहुँच कर समारोह की शोभा बढाई.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

श्रीमती सुशीला देवी लौ का निधन

Dear Fellow Mohyals,

It is a sad moment to inform you all of the demise of our mother Smt
Sushila Devi Lau w/o Late Sh Shyam Lal Lau (Of Dera Ghazi Khan) at
Vrindavan on 19 Apr 09 after a brief illness at Rama Krishna Mission
Hospital. She had made Vrindavan her second home having dedicated her
life to the devotion of Lord Sri Krishna. She contributed generously for
the welfare of widows, poor, cows and promotion of religion. The
bereaved family mourns her loss and contributes Rs 5100/- to the Mohyal
Widows Fund; Rs 11,100/- for the treatment of poor to the Rama Krishna
Mission Hospital besides several amounts to the charities close to her
heart. We seek your prayers for the departed soul.

Col & Mrs Hitesh Lav

Friday, April 24, 2009

बैंकॉक एअरपोर्ट पर सावधान रहें : माफिया सक्रिय


An Indian was detained in Bangkok for stealing a box of cigarettes in a duty-free shop in Bangkok International Airport.

He had paid for chocolates and a carton of cigarettes. The cashier put a packet of cigarettes into his bag and he thought it was a free pack. He was arrested for shop-lifting and the Thai Police extortion price was 30,000 Bhat for his release.

He spent two nights in jail and paid 500 Baht for an air-cond cell, 200-300 baht for each visitor, and 11,000 baht for his final release. The Police shared the money in front of his eyes. On top of that, he was charged in court and fined 2,000 baht by the magistrate and handcuffed and escorted to his plane. His passport was stamped "Thief". While there, his relatives requested help from the Indian Embassy and was told that they are helpless, many Asians are victimised similarly daily and letters and phone-calls to the Thai Authorities are ignored.

He shared a cell with a Singaporean the 1st night who paid 60,000 baht for his release. The 2nd night was an Malaysian national who paid 70,000 baht

Mind you this was not in a shanty shop in downtown Bangkok but in a duty free shop in Bangkok Int'l Airport.



PS: Above is 100% correct information- because Mr.Rajan Khera's customer from India faced exactly

the same scenerio mentioned above when he was intransit at Bangkok Int'l Airport coming to Taipei.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

मोहयाल भवन अम्बाला उदघाटन १२ अप्रैल २००९ : फोटोग्राफ्स

मोहयाल रत्न रायजादा बी डी बाली का स्वागत , साथ में बी एल छिब्बर ,जे पी मेहता ,अशवनी बख्शी ,जी एल दत्ता
अशोक लव का स्वागत करते हुए जे पी मेहता और अशवनी बख्शी

डी वी मोहन का स्वागत
ओ पी मोहन का स्वागत
जी एल दत्ता का स्वागत
पी के दत्ता का स्वागत
बी एल छिब्बर का स्वागत
मनमोहन और संतोष बख्शी का स्वागत
एस एन दत्ता का स्वागत
विंग कमांडर बाली का स्वागत
स्त्री विंग की सदस्यों के साथ रायजादा बी डी बाली

कविता पाठ करते हुए आर के मोहन
फरीदाबाद के पदाधिकारी
पवन बाली का स्वागत
गौतम मोहन का स्वागत
रवि बख्शी का स्वागत
रमन लव का स्वागत
अशोक लव का स्वागत

रमेश दत्ता का स्वागत
पुष्प बाली का स्वागत

पी के दत्ता स्वागत
एन डी दत्ता का स्वागत
योगेश मेहता का स्वागत
ओ पी मोहन का स्वागत
अशोक लव का संबोधन

मोहयाल भवन का उदघाटन करते हुए रायजादा बी बाली , साथ में जे पी मेहता ,अशवनी बख्शी,ओ पी मोहन, सी के भाई
मोहयाल ध्वजारोहण
स्वागत की तैयारी
सुदर्शन मोहन द्वारा स्वागत
नवदीप दत्ता द्वारा स्वागत
पंकज बाली द्वारा स्वागत
अशोक लव , विजंत बाली द्वारा स्वागत